Chinese New Year fic: "No green eyes" (Numb3rs)

Feb 09, 2010 02:17

Title: No Green Eyes.

Author: Keenir
Beta: Mustangcandi. Thank you = shi shi = xi xi.

Also thank you to Bantha_fodder - this is the fic I was asking you those questions for. Thank you immensely.

Fandom: Numb3rs.
Pairing: Don Eppes/Val Eng. Larry/Megan and Charlie/Amita hinted at.
Mention made of: Charlie, Larry, Megan, Amita.
Summary: Don and Val prepare for the New Years get-together, and Don gives a gift.
Warnings: I may have mangled the gift-giving. All errors are entirely my own.

note: the character of Val was portrayed by Christina Chang. the character of Don Eppes was portrayed by Rob Morrow.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 477
Spoilers: Soft Target.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of CBS, Heuton & Falacci. All original characters are mine.
Note: This is most likely taking place in an AU diverging in the second season of Numb3rs, wherein Don Eppes married Val Eng, his high school sweetheart.

chinese new year, val eng, numb3rs fanfiction, cny, val eppes, au, numb3rs

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