drabble: Supernatural

Jan 10, 2010 02:03

just the angels...

"I'm here," Anna said, arriving at the location where there were several archangels and - "Trickster?"

"Gabriel, actually," he said. "Inside Trickster."

Raphael muttered something about unneccessarily complex things.

Gabriel introduced everyone, then said, "I figured out where HE is."

Overly dramatic, Anna felt.

"Right under our collective noses....running another test on Creation and the rest of us - inside Dean Winchester."

Raphael wasn't the only one objecting to that idea.

"Wouldn't that be more your speed, Gabriel?" Anna asked. "Or Trickster's."

"Careful, kiddo, we know what we're talking about - this wouldn't be the first time HE moved about incognito."

Michael whimpered and asked a question.

"How would I know how this effects you being supposed to take Dean as a vessel," Gabriel snapped at Michael.

"Fight Lucifer for the use of the other Winchester," Raphael suggested to Michael.

"Oh there'd be a fight to see," Gabriel grinned.

"So why'd you invite me to this gathering?" Anna asked.

"You know Dean Winchester - and he trusts you, more than me, most certainly. And you always wanted to see The Face Of GOD."

"Assuming you're right."

"Have I ever been wrong?" Gabriel asked. He quickly added, "In recent millenia!"

supernatural fanfiction, 2010 fanfiction, 2009-2010, drabble

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