Supernatural drabble

Jan 10, 2010 02:03 a detective movie.

It was a dark and stormy night here in Heaven. Cold too, has been ever since The Big Guy up and left a while back.

My name's Castiel. I'm an angel, and through my job I've kicked major ass where the scum of the earth are concerned. I'm good at my job, that's what brings people to my door.

Like this leggy dame making her way through my door. "Anna," I say. All sweetness and light, she is, but there's a rebellious flicker that I've never been able to extinguish.

That she's my boss don't stop me from appreciating the view. "I need your help, Castiel," Anna says.

"Always," I tell her, standing up and sliding into my jacket and running one finger along the my hat's brim. "Now, why don't you begin at the beginning?"

Anna never shrugs out of anything. It's all grace and gentleness, as her raincoat slides to the back of one chair, revealing luscious light restrained only by humility and fabric.



Castiel opened his eyes.

"Wakey-wakey," Dean said.

For the first time in Castiel's incredably long life, he groaned a sound that, to humans, sounded like a slurred "go 'way."

Dean grinned. "Good dream?"

supernatural fanfiction, drabble

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