Birthday fic for Fififolle: "Biblositting"

Nov 28, 2009 19:45

Title: Biblositting.
Written for: Fififolle. Happy Birthday.

Author: Keenir.
Fandom: The Dresden Files.
(Harry's POV)
Rating: PG13
Warning: 'Alice in Wonderland' refence, sorta. and this isn't a crossover - I just know how much you like the characters.
Characters/Pairing: Harry Dresden, Anna Murphy, The Archive, Connie Murphy, Marco Pacella, Toshiko Sato-Pacella.

Summary: Harry's been roped into being the "parental escort" for one of the most powerful people he knows.
Note: If those two are here, you know T is too.
sorry this is late.

There I was, sitting on my couch at home, trying to talk a nearly-ten-year-old girl out of going to a birthday party. "Look," I say, also trying not to cross one of the few flesh-and-blood people for whom wiping out the High Council could be done before finishing breakfast, "I'm not sure it's a good idea." And not just because Murphy would kill me if anything happened to her daughter.

Ivy looks at me harshly from where she's sitting on my recliner (a chair that hasn't reclined in at least ten years, I'm told), but doesn't make eye contact, a fact I can only be grateful for.

"I want to attend, Mr. Dresden," she said in what I can only describe as The Voice From On High.

"Right," say I, bolting to my feet. "Lemmee lock the doors before we leave."

* * * *

"Her parents couldn't come?" Murphy asks me as we stand at the edge of the organized chaos that is Anna Murphy's birthday party: so many kids oo-oooh-ing and insisting that the birthday girl open their present first.

I shake my head with not feigned sadness. "They really wanted to, Murph, but something came up last-minute. Fortunately, they'd heard I knew you."

"Huh. Who knew," in what I was pretty sure was rhetorical.

I wasn't really sure how much stock to place in Ivy's offer to give me a day uninterupted by cases or problems or dangers, if on that same day I take her to Anna Murphy's birthday party. But hey, if the pony doesn't beat up the clown, I'll take the win.

"You don't meet many Ivys these days," Murphy says and waves two of her friends over.

I shrug. Archive. Archivy. Arch-ivy. So sue me, it was all I could think of at the time. I blink right now, pretty sure I missed something - I'm Harry Dresden, it's almost a certainty there was something before "Harry, I'd like you to meet Marco and Toshiko."

"Nice to meet you," I say.

"You'd like them, Dresden, they work with weird stuff too," and wades into the childmass.

"Uh,..." I say.

"It's okay," Mrs. Pacella says in an English accent a few notes stronger than The Archive's. "Since both of us work with classified material, Marco and I told Connie that we work with weird things."

Mr. Pacella nods. "And it's the truth. How 'bout you?"

"Really weird stuff," I say. I like you two.

A cry of "CAKE!" rises from the mouths of every child present, and they race past us, their feet like the thunder of really pissed-off god-wanna-bes. I'm careful in how I grab Ivy's elbow as she moves with the crowd toward the Murphy house's back door (which leads to the cake, I hear).

"Got a question," I tell her once the Pacellas went inside following their daughter and the other guests.

"Yes, Mr. Dresden?" she asks.

"How'd you know Anna was having a party?"

Ivy looks at me like a lot of people've done: like I should know something but my question reveals otherwise. "I am the Archive," she says. Yeah, I know that; I'm the one who gave her the nickname 'Ivy.' "The sum total and repository of human knowledge."

"Yeah, you know what's in every book on Earth," I say.

"Everything that has been written," she corrects me. Holy....that's a lot of grocery lists. And then a look of pure child shines through, and she smiles at me and says, "And I'm Anna's pen pal."

So help me, but all I could think was I wonder if Ancient Mai knows.

The End

dresden files, crossover, murphy, the dresden files fanfiction, birthday fic, dresden files fanfiction, tosh, birthday, toshiko sato, harry dresden, toshiko, the dresden files

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