SG: Universe fic: "Not entirely reincarnation"

Nov 17, 2009 09:48

Title: Not entirely reincarnation.
Author: Rodlox.
Fandom: Stargate:Universe
series: "The Unfolding" (all stories to date in "The Unfolding" can be found in the table here).
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairing: Nicholas Rush/Vanessa James, Greer, TJ; mention(?) of the late Mrs. Rush.
Summary: Their interactions in the episode Time, with how time travel makes a hash of life and death and life.

note: I've corrected it: changed Ireland to Scotland; not that Rush will let her off any easier for that. ;)

"You okay?" Greer asked Rush when they were both out of that room, taking a break from the kino images, everyone letting the information settle into sense before diving back in.

"I'm fine," Rush assured him.

"Don't look it."

"I rarely do, I'm told."

"You wanna tell her?" Greer asked.

"And if I don't, you will?"

"She deserves to know."

"Well that's a non-answer."

He shrugged.

"So you know, then?" Rush asked.

"Had my suspicions til just now."

I walked right into confirming them, Rush thought, seeing it now. Hard to get anything by you, it seems. Maybe that's why so many people have such strong dislike for you, Rush thought, knowing how it felt to be the recipient of that. "I'll talk with her."

"You do that," Greer said. "I'll hold down the fort."

I imagine you said that on the planet as well. "Thank you," Rush said, and walked down the corridor.

"Don't screw up," Greer said after him, as much in regards to the science of the present situation, as to Rush and James.


"Oh lovely," Rush muttered when the rain started to come down in a drizzle.

Sitting next to him, Vanessa grinned. "Got a problem with a little rain?"

"As it happens, yes."

"They don't have rain in Scotland?"

"No, Lieutenant James, we don't - not like this," Rush replied good-naturedly.

"So long as -" One hand flew back to grip her own neck, covering her spine, and her lips drew back in a rictus. Rush's the only one around, and who's he got to tell to?

"You're sure you're fine?" Rush asked.

Chuckling wryly, "Oh yeah," Vanessa said, appreciating his thought. "Got too close to a Tok'ra once - didn't take, but my neck tenses up every now and again." 'Tenses' is an understatement, though.

"My condolences."

"Better me than him." Her eyes flicked skywards as - her eyes flicked cloudwards as the drizzle thickened into a downpour. "Best you get under cover."

"Young'll ream you if I catch my death of cold?" he kidded; contrary to popular opinion, he could, he just rarely saw a reason to.

"If I'm lucky," she joked back, eyes pinching shut for a sore moment.

Rush stood up, telling himself that between her neck and the very real possibility that a raindrop had struck vulnerable optic tissue, she wasn't coming down with whatever had struck Volker.


You're not dying, Rush thought as he stood at Vanessa James' side. This is a 24-hour bug, a flash in the pan, its something that I didn't just see on the kino. Can't be. He didn't want the news of her death a second time - firsthand now if all went horridly wrong, secondhand through the other Eli not long before.

"I open my eyes," Vanessa James said, lying on the flat, easily a dozen others around her who were just as sick, "and here you are."

"I had to be somewhere," Rush said.

"I'll rephrase. I open my eyes like the lid of a box, and you're here, alive and well." Off his expression, her voice amused, "You thought Colonel Carter was the only one who had a cat with that name?"

"You named your cat Shrodinger?"

"Dog. And not that cruel," Vanessa said. "Erwin, after my uncle."

"But I thought -"

She would've smiled if it didn't hurt so much. "You've got an awful lot of misconceptions in that head of yours."

"You get better, so you can fully correct me," Rush told her. Bribed, really.

This time she did smile, the corners of her lips turning. "You got it."

Rush stood there, at her side, for a minute more - and then her face scrunched up, and that dank feeling returned to Nicholas' gut. "TJ?" he said, calling her over.

He couldn't stand to see what look was on TJ's face once she'd checked on Vanessa James; he turned and fled, his stride and face the usual mask he normally wore to keep the world out.

Not again.

the end

stargate universe, series, vanessa james, stargate universe fanfiction, star, stargate

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