Primeval drabble (mature)

Oct 09, 2009 20:53

Title : Wet, wet oranges. really
Author : Rodlox
Fandom : Primeval
Rating : Mature (at least)
Characters : Finn, Tanya Lacey, Mary Tremayne, Helen Cutter, Sarah Page, adult!Taylor Crane.
Disclaimer : Not mine no money made, don’t sue.
Spoilers : n/a
Summary : Written for Primeval100 Challenge 127, Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit
A/N : the female Special Forces soldiers, Tanya Lacey and Mary Tremayne are the property of reggietate and rodlox , respectively...but I am happy to let others write Mary. I also do not own Finn.

(I forgot all about Sara Cooper! sorry)

fake cut. no, really, it is

"In your dreams."
"Oh in my dreams you're never jealous, you gladly join in -"
-Richard Castle & Kate Beckett; tv's Castle

Finn smiled. He didn't know how he'd been so lucky as to get to judge a wet-tshirt contest, but he wasn't objecting.

Regarding how well the soaked-through cloth lay, Sarah Page and Helen Cutter were certainly not slouchs in that department.

And Finn was pleased and surprised to finally see the shapely figures of Tanya Lacey and Mary Tremayne.

Taylor didn't need to cough to get his attention, really. "You're the winner, luv," Finn told her.

As a reward, Taylor leaped on him and planted a long wet kiss on him.

"Hey!" Finn was told, and her jerked awake, grumbling that it wasn't real. Beckett and the other guys were armed and ready to head out. Another mission Finn figured.

Wait a minute, Finn thought, grasping at straws, if it was a fantasy, how come Mary still looked like she was two seconds away from killing me?

"Good dream, kid?" Beckett asked.

"Shut up," Finn muttered.
the end

note: yes, the info was borrowed with respect from Fredbassett.

primeval, primeval fanfiction, tanya lacey, mary tremayne, tremayne, lacey, drabble

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