LOST ep review

Apr 30, 2009 00:12

um...so...this was the 100th episode?


* "Your son is Benjamin Linus?" :D

* raise your hand if you thought the conversation was going to go something like this:

Jack: "What are you doing that's got you busy at 6:00 in the morning?"
Sawyer: "I'll explain it when you're older, doc. Right now, I'll just say I'm surprised you haven't already figured it out."

*raises hand*

* wonder if Faraday misses playing piano.
(good lord, he's Rodney McKay!)

* "I'm a time traveler." well, way to lay low, Faraday. *facepalms*

* I loved all the little things James and Juliet said to one another over the course of the discussion in the group.

* calling Kate "Freckles" was not your finest hour, Sawyer - particularly not when your wife was in the room.

* "will it make you proud of me?"

I thought for sure that Faraday's mum would've said "I'm always proud of you."

* using a hydrogen bomb to destroy an energy that destroys the world? isn't that like using a candle to extinguish a house fire?

* Sawyer and Juliet are so sweet together and cute and...ran out of words.

* Hurley's got a point about not see-sawing.

* just how many times have they (or equivilent travelers) been going through these loops?

now I'm wondering if The Island is like John Amsterdam...trying to find The (Right) One, so there can be an end to its eternity.

* she raises her son - (to / so he'll) die. damn.

and that look in younger!Ellie's eyes and on her face...what was that? recognition? understanding?

* "we've been infiltrated." well, based on all evidence he had at hand, that makes sense. but why did the other two rush into the house with him? (before hearing the knocking in the closet!)
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