Numb3rs drabbles: May Rewinds: Conversion, Chemistry, Connection, Confession; PG-Mature

Mar 03, 2009 04:41

Title: Shammes

Character: Liz, Don.
Word Count: 171
Rewind: May - Conversation, Chemistry, Connection, Confession
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Agent Liz and Shammes Don have a little talk.

Reference: the book “Just Say Nu”…if I misunderstood the explanation of the shammes as given in the book, I apologize.

Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100;
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs and anything related to it.

“Thanks for your help, Mr. Eppes,” Liz said as this phase of the investigation wound up. And on to what’s next…

“Don,” he said. “And I’m glad to help.”

She handed him her card, with the usual comment about if he thinks of anything else, to give her a call. Then, “If you don’t mind my asking, what exactly does a shammes like yourself do?”

Don grinned. “I don’t mind at all. It’s not anything exact, actually. If we need to set up chairs for a function, I’m the guy who sets them up; if we need crackers in a hurry, I go get them. But mostly I’m the guy who makes sure people don’t come in here and make trouble.”

“So, one part police officer, one part den mother,” and too late wondered if you could go to hell for that sort of making light.

“Yeah, you could say that - you’re the first who has, though,” and she could see it would be okay because Don was smiling at her.
The end.
Divergence: There’s more than one road to law enforcement - what if Don had turned to Temple after {in canon} leaving baseball?

Title: Just between us…
Character: Alice Chen, Charlie Eppes.
Word Count: 114
Rewind: May - Conversation, Chemistry, Connection, Confession

Rating: PG-13
Summary: Charlie knows they’ll save Amita. So does Alice. There’s only one question.
Takes place late in AU s5

Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100;
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs or anything related to it.

Charlie’d gotten a phone call from a now-missing Immigration agent-to-be. That was the excuse used to coordinate between the FBI and Immigration.

Alice Chen stood with her men and Don and his men as everyone scattered post-huddle to go do their things… all but one of them. “She hasn’t even formally graduated yet,” Alice muttered under her breath. “How she managed to convince me to send her in…”

“Oh,” Charlie said, “Amita can be very persuasive.”

“Personal experience?”

Charlie nodded. “I’ve seen her talk students into doing homework.”

“Hers?” having seen that sort of thing before.

“Theirs. We’ll get Amita back.”

“Oh I know we will. The question is, how long will it take?”
The end.
Divergence: In the wake of {the ep whose name I forget}, Amita decides to do more than just talk to her grandmother - she puts in an application to work in Immigration.

Title: Making the change

Character: Charlie, Susan Berry.
Word Count: 105
Rewind: May - Conversation, Chemistry, Connection, Confession
Rating: PG-17 for the mention of wild sex…though the theology probably makes it Mature.

Summary: Charlie’s in his fiancée’s church.
Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100;
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs and anything related to it.

Charlie stood where he’d been instructed beforehand to stand and gave all the right answers to what the Priest was asking. This was a formality, he knew.

He personally was prouder of what he’d done last night - before the wild sex - he’d written up an equation that made mathematical sense of the 3=1 1=3 thing. As for right here and now…

Its not like I’m particularly observant one way or another, he thought to himself. And while her family isn’t making it a deal-maker/breaker, I don’t mind. Susan’s worth it.

Charlie continued reciting the Creed… “and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord, who…”
The end.
Divergence: Charlie went to England with his girlfriend, Susan Berry, instead of letting her go off on her own.

Title: Calmness

Character(s)/Pairing(s): Alan, Charlie, Don/Amita, mention of Colby/Amita
Word Count: 101
Rewind: May - Conversation, Chemistry, Connection, Confession

Rating: PG-13
Warnings: I re-read and he finds himself in a twilit realm, and thought “where might the other Charlie have ended up?”

Summary: In the house of another timeline’s Eppes family, Charlie is reminded that you can’t go home again.
Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100;
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs and anything related to it.

Seeing Amita at the dinner table, Charlie asked, “Where’s Colby?” before he could stop himself.

“Colby?” Amita asked.

“You okay, bro?” Don asked.

“I’m fine,” Charlie said; in my reality, Amita and Colby are engaged. I guess that’s not so here. “You still going to Temple?”

“Yup,” Don said, at peace with himself, with the world, and even - it seemed - at peace with what had happened to his brother…and to this Charlie here.

“Nice to know some things don’t change between worlds,” Alan said. “Now everybody sit down so we can eat.”

Don bowed his head and started praying in Tamil.

The end.
Divergence: Don/Amita…maybe instead of going to Synagogue when he hits his crisis [of reality/of faith/of ?], he goes to Amita’s grandmother. (or something like that)

Title: In the Beginning…

Characters: Charlie Eppes, Prof. Padrington, mention of Amita.
Pairing: one-sided Charlie/Amita
Word Count: 141
Rewind: May - Conversation, Chemistry & Connection, Confession
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Teacher/Student relations are a Bad Idea, Charlie.

Summary: What was it like when Charlie first noticed Amita?

Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100;
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs and anything related to it.

“So, Eppes, who’s this young lady that’s got you tongue-tied?” Professor Padrington asked as they walked down the halls at the start of this new semester.

Charlie looked in the direction of the vision of loveliness who had captured his attention a few days ago - he still had yet to say Hi to her.

“Her?” Padrington asked. “Trust me on this, Eppes, its never worthwhile to get involved with your students.”

He has a point there. And Ramanujan’s a smart enough girl - woman! woman! - that she might reasonably wonder if I’d be holding her grade hostage to her doing what I want her to do. “I’ll wait,” Charlie said resolutely.

“Wait?” Padrington asked. “While it’s a good idea and a noble intention, when have you ever waited for anything in your life? You’ve been on the fast track your whole life.”
The end.
Divergence: none; this is the past.

numb3rs fanfiction, numb3rs, drabbles

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