Numb3rs drabbles: April Rewind: Spy, Witness, Camera, Discovery; pg-pg13

Mar 03, 2009 04:11

Title: Castle Moves?

Character: Don, David
Word Count: 120
Rewind: April - Spy, Witness, Camera, Discovery
Rating: PG-13
Summary: David is a witness Don needs to talk.
Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100;
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs and anything related to it.
One of the top five Chess grandmasters of the Americas was sitting in the FBI offices Don Eppes was in charge of. “You’re the only person who can identify this guy.”

“Woman,” David said.


“It wasn’t a guy. It was a woman.”

“Think you could describe her to a sketch artist?”

“I’ll give it a try,” deliberately not saying ‘a shot’ - he’d avoided saying that all his professional life up to now, and wasn’t about to abandon it now. “This is exactly why I left New York, man.”

Having unintentionally overheard, Don asked, “What, they sent women assassins after you there too?”

“I wish. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah. Yeah I do. And don’t worry, you’ll be okay.”
The end
Divergence: David Sinclair gets better at chess, rather than pursuing other avenues of advancement or occupation.

Title: “Don’t call me Kate Todd!”

Character: Don, Liz, mention of Colby & David.
pairing: Liz/David
Word Count: 103
Rewind: April - Spy, Witness, Camera, Discovery
spoilers: Cover Me.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Don gives Liz a warning.
Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100; if you know NCIS, the title will make sense - its not a crossover.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs and anything related to it.

“You okay?” Don asked once the medics had declared her fit and turned their attention fully on Granger’s wound.

“Fine,” Liz said. “He had the shot. Why didn’t he take it?” The ‘he’ wasn’t Colby - it was the guy they were after.

“He wasn’t the only one.” He’d seen her hesitation.

“Excuse me?” Liz asked, though she knew exactly what he meant.

“Next time you have a shot at this guy, you take it,” Don said. “Don’t hesitate, don’t smile to yourself, just shoot.”

Liz nodded, and hoped she was wrong about why she couldn’t shoot David Sinclair. Was it his kind eyes?
The end
Divergence: (yeah, I went along with the fanmeme of “David uses his chess skills for evil”…Mustangcandi’s vid made it the only option)

Title: On the boat

Character: Colby Granger, Alice Chen, that guy with the needle.
Word Count: 118
Rewind: April - Spy, Witness, Camera, Discovery
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mention of that needle.

Summary: Colby owes Dwayne his life - that’s true in canon and in AU…but when another is imperiled by the machinations…

Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100;
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs and anything related to it.
“I regret that you stumbled upon us, agent Chen,” said the Val Kilmer look-alike who was filling a syringe with something that Alice didn’t like the looks of.

“No doubt,” Alice Chen quipped. “Me? I’m still reeling from the irony of it all.”

“What irony?” Dwayne asked.

She shook her head.

The guy with the needle said, “Mr. Granger, please inspect the knots binding the good agent here to her chair.”

“Gotcha,” Colby muttered. As he crossed to the side of the room where Agent Chen was tied up, “There’s just one thing, Dwayne,” Colby said.

“Yeah?” his old buddy asked.

Granger spun around and turned his gun on Dwayne and their boss. “My life ain’t worth hers.”
The end.
Divergence: Colby didn’t work for the FBI…he wound up working for the guy from ‘Trust Metric.’

Title: Burning bright.

Character: David, mention of Don.
Spoilers: Cover Me
Word Count: 136
Rewind: April - Spy, Witness, Camera, Discovery
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: coda to tonight’s episode.

Summary: David and the bridge he could cross.

Author’s Note: Written for numb3rs100;
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs and anything related to it.

Don had done a good job of allaying worries and concerns. And, David figured, if it had been anyone else, in any other situation, he probably would’ve taken Don’s advice.

Can’t, Agent David Sinclair told himself, and agreed with his own assessment. I’ve proven I’m not ready for this, and set the document against the burning log, holding it steady as paper caught fire. The chemicals in the ink and in the paper itself, they gave colour to the little flames.

When there was no chance of a stray breeze or wind blowing it away, still David didn’t let go of the paper. Not until it was about to burn his fingers did he release it. Maybe later, maybe someday, he told himself, I’ll be ready then.

He held the events, this memory, in his mind.

The end.

Divergence: the end of tonight’s episode.

dodo, numb3rs fanfiction, rome, numb3rs, rome fanfiction, rome drabble, drabbles

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