plot bunny: Leverage/Primeval

Feb 01, 2009 03:16

Sophie is Lester's wife.

* Lester is trying to avoid Cutter's mistake of alienating his wife, who would then run off never to be seen again.
* Sophie's trying to decide whether to stay with Lester or to try again with Nate.
* Hardison and Connor see who can out-geek the other.
* the story might be called "the Old Job"...though that seems a little *too* obvious.
* seeing Rex, Parker says "you have a problem with your lizard."
* either Nate and Nick compare notes about being drunk at bars, or Nate and Stephen compare notes about being The Other Man in a woman's life.
* Ryan and Eliot see who's the better marksman.
* Lester has always known about his wife's "outings" that usually have ended up grifting/lifting/tricking.
* Ryan/Parker?

primeval, crossover, parker, plot bunnies, plot bunny, leverage

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