Title: Mai's Want
Fandom: so far, this will either be a plain Dresden Files story, or a crossover with Primeval…not sure as yet.
Author: Keenir
Rating: PG - so far. (except for the mental image at the start)
Disclaimer: None of them are mine.
Author's notes: While not a sequel per se, this story can be considered related to
Business as Unusual in the sense of this story having Mai call in the favor Dresden made in ‘Business as Unusual.’
I was standing there, in my shower, at my place, in my corner of Chicago when it all started. My name is Harry Dresden, and I thought I heard something at my sink. Between my neighborhood being what it is, and my occupation being what it is, I opted to open my eyes, shut off the water, and jerk back the showercurtains for a look - I may not have my wand, but I can still zap pretty good.
No zap today - I’m looking into the wide-set deep eyes of a dragon. Eyes, nostrils, bit of muzzle, and nothing else visible, even that much takes up all my bathroom minus the shower. The breath isn’t hot or cold, not unpleasant or nice, just distinct.
A drop of water drips from my hair into one of my eyes and I blink - and it’s gone. The dragon isn’t there. But there’s a knock at my door.
While not a new land speed record in drying off and tossing on clothes, I do all that pretty fast.
I open the door - the one that specifically states that, yes, I’m a wizard (the only one in the phone book) - and who’s there? Not the lovely Detective Murphy or even Kirmani or Morgan. Nope, I get graced with
“Was that you?” I ask Ancient Mai.
“What?” she asks, and I can’t tell if she genuinely doesn’t know, or if she’s yanking my chain.
“Nothing. Nevermind. Come on in.”
Mai looks at me as she takes a measured, deliberate step through my open door, coming to stand alongside me. “Aren’t you going to ask me if I’m really me?” she asks, and it occurs to me that this might be a test. I dismiss the idea easily - Ancient Mai’s tests tend more towards the ‘get rid of this problem that looks suspiciously like your M.O. or I hurt you, Dresden’ end of the spectrum.
“Nah,” I say casually - or as casual as I can be around Chicago’s most powerful being, which is pretty casual. I’m not at ease, but that’s another story. “Nobody’s suicidal enough to impersonate you.”
“Most days, that would be true,” she mutters.
O-kay. And I say as much. "What do you want, Mai?”
“A baby.”