Wolf Lake poetry:

Jan 08, 2009 20:50

reposted after a long time away....I wrote this while the series was not even halfway through s1 I think.

title: Foxes & Wolves
author: Rodlox

summary: what sort of poetry might the race of _Wolf Lake_ create? here's one idea


A skulk of foxes low and quiet
keeping to the shadows
of life they avoid the sight
of trouble and wolves.

In August the foxes dance
the dance of days
as summer falls and winter is
proclaimed the king of wolves
arrives and all roll down

In red and purple do
the humans come
to rule knowing not
that foxes lurk in places

Blood is red scented
like copper and iron
flowing from wolves fallen
from dirks and swords
and faith unlike
the hiding fox
quiet and low.

Few in number are
the wolves former lords
over omniterra now foxes
bloom into abundance scampering
in hills once held by
wolves brave and strong.

Patience is held
by wolves today in wait
for their time again foxes
know this and begrudge
nothing for they
are naught but quiet and low.

Ignorance aids humans for
they know not of wolves or foxes
but as dogs in the field and
pets in their homes as well
it is safe that they not know
lest their days be
numbered lower than those
wolves who perished from
swords and faith.

Time is cyclic and straight
flowing constant and truer
than anyone could try
so foxes and wolves
low and mighty do not
attempt to be like time
only to remember the fact
that this will come again
to the unwary.

wolf lake fanfiction, poem, poetry, poems, wolf lake

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