Primeval drabbles: "Caught: Ryan" and "Caught: Cutter", 1/1, PG, AH

May 28, 2007 13:26

Title: Caught: Cutter.
Rating: PG.
Genre: Drabble; AH (not AU)

Drabble series’ premise: What if the Gorgonopsid had charged into the Anomaly before the passageway had closed - and while Ryan and Cutter were still on the other side?

Short Summary: Cutter‘s perspective.
Pairings: Cutter/Helen.
Characters: Ryan, Cutter.

Spoilers: Episode One of Season One.
Word Count: 100.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, settings, or institutions of this. I am writing this for fun & for no other reason than that. Primeval & all associated with it are property of ITV.

There it is, he said to himself, blocking our way.

He remembered saying earlier of the Anomaly that, “It explains everything,” and remembered Stephen’s reply of, “Except why she didn’t come back.”

And this was the reason. It had to be. Something’d kept her from leaving.

“Suggestions, Professor?” Ryan was asking, rifle raised and aimed at the Gorgonopsid.

“We can’t run,” knowing it’d be able to outrun them with ease. The officer on the edge of the Forest of Dean had said the beast crossed a field in record speed.

We can’t go around it. There’s only the one door…
The End

Title: Caught: Ryan.
Rating: PG.
Genre: Drabble; AH (not AU)

Drabble series’ premise: What if the Gorgonopsid had charged into the Anomaly before the passageway had closed - and while Ryan and Cutter were still on the other side?

Short Summary: Ryan‘s perspective.
Pairings: Ryan/OFC.
Characters: Ryan, Cutter.
Spoilers: Episode One of Season One.

Word Count: 100.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, settings, or institutions of this. I am writing this for fun & for no other reason than that. Primeval & all associated with it are property of ITV. The movie reference is property of the Lord Of The Rings movies.

There!: a purely predatory hunter staring down at them. Hungry.

Its never a good idea to stand between me and the other end of any bridge, Ryan knew. We shall indeed pass. Raising and aiming his rifle at the beast standing four-footed on their side of the Anomaly, “Suggestions, Professor?”

“We can’t run.”

Wasn’t planning on it, Ryan thought to himself. This thing’s not going to keep me from getting home safe, Maddy, and let his attention shrink, focusing on a single spot on the prehistoric beast’s body. Just raise that head a little more, you son of a -
The End

ah, speculation, primeval, primeval fanfiction, permian, helen cutter, drabbles

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