It's that time of year: Eid and Yom Kippur

Sep 01, 2008 20:14

In a little while, we'll be up and within Ramadan, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur. That's why two comms are asking for Eid fic and Rosh Hashanah and-or Yom Kippur fic.

We all know Muslim and Jewish characters, right? Djaq of Robin Hood, and Eva Marquez of New Amsterdam for example.
(and then there are the characters who might be, we don't know - ie, Dani Reese of Life)

The comms I've linked to in this post, they have lists of suggested characters (Law&Order's Munch, is one) and offered themes fic for during the holidays.

feel free to spread the news about these comms - they're looking for writers.

holy, yom kippur, comm, ficathons, holidays, holiday, fiction, fic, request, requests, eid, ficathon, ramadan, rosh hashanah, comms

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