Numb3rs ficathon entry: "Amita: the Anthology"

Sep 01, 2008 12:47

(link to the Numb3rs_het comm where the fanfiction is still taking place)

Title: Amita: The Anthology.

Author: Keenir.
Characters: Amita Ramanujan, Charles Eppes, Don Eppes, David Sinclair, Colby Granger.
Pairings: Charlie/Amita - mild in some, faint in others.

Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 965

Spoilers: Harvest.

Challenge: We are born charming, fresh and spontaneous and must be civilized before we are fit to participate in society. - Judith Martin (Miss Manners)

Author’s Note: the trickiest word there, it turns out, is “civilized.”

Overarching Summary: We are all civilized in different ways, and through different means, and civilization touches us all - whether we welcome it or not.

Disclaimer: I own none of the canon characters, nor their canon backgrounds. I own only the original characters and the AU and AH versions of them.

Note: While AU and AH are sometimes used interchangeably, there’s something of a difference to them, though little to none in-so-far as the contents of this post are affected. Alternate Universe generally changes something in the design of the universe itself - ie, if California was an island. Alternate History tends to look at the smaller scale - ie, what if India had broken from England and joined the Axis in World War Two?

1. * Amita didn’t learn Tamil
Summary: Her thoughts during the episode ‘Harvest.’
2. * India joins Japan in the Axis
Summary: Charlie faces one outcome of history, and it’s the girl of his dreams.
3. * India discovers Europe & establishes a Raj
Summary: Charlie and Don know what keeps them balanced in a world where their country is at the disadvantage.

amita, amita ramanujan, numb3rs fanfiction, civilization, numb3rs, civilizing, civilize

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