Dresden Files: "What would you give, Dresden?"

Jun 02, 2008 23:12

this was for the Dresden Files ficathon...specifically, in my role as a back-up writer.

Title: “What would you give, Dresden?”

Pairing: barest mention of Bob/Winnifred, possible implication or suggestion of Mai/Harry.
TV or book: TV
Rating: PG-17
Spoilers: What about Bob?,

Recipient: Hugglewolf

Requested: After Bob gives up his second chance at life to save Harry (What about Bob?), I want to see Harry doing something for him - maybe he finds a spell that will let Bob have one night of corporeal life...what would Bob do with it? Slash, het or gen, I just want to see Bob happy and Harry showing how much he means to him.
{sorry I couldn’t get closer to it}

Word count: 1,009.
Summary: In the wake of ‘What about Bob?’, Harry tries to think of something to pay Bob back, or at least to show how much the gesture means to him. But its not easy to do without invoking Black Magic.

Author's notes: This took some thinking…but I got Dresden to do some thinking and reflection on the matter…and the story nearly died there…but then Mai showed up and offered a solution.

This is what Harry'd do

dresden files, ancient mai, mai, ficathons, hrothbert of bainbridge, dresden files fanfiction, ficathon, harry dresden, hrothbert

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