Meme: What fics do you think I won't write?

May 29, 2008 22:42

Last seen on Grimorie's journal:

Name three fics you think I will never, ever, ever write. In return, I will attempt to write a snippet of one of them.

Fandoms: Primeval, Doctor Who, Rome, Burn Notice, Brimstone, Terminator/Sarah Connor Chronicles, Not Going Out.

terminator, sarah connor chronicles, brimstone, fic, primeval, burn notice, fanfic, meme, rome, fanfiction, doctor who, not going out

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girl_wonder May 30 2008, 03:02:46 UTC
1: Martha has the Doctor's baby.
2: John Connor is not the one who saves everyone after D-Day, but Cameron is.
3: Zeke meets Derek.


Yes, I am evil ;) rodlox May 30 2008, 04:38:08 UTC
#1, version 1
"So now I'm a grandmother, am I?" mum asked.

Martha couldn't in all honesty say Yes, and she couldn't in all honesty say she handed the grinning wrapped-up little alien to her mother and smiled.

"Well, you're cute anyway, yes you are!"

"Doesn't look much like you," Tish said, but had the good grace to wait to say it after mum and dad were inside making faces and tickling the baby.

There's a good reason for that, Martha knew. But the real mother didn't mind that Martha had the baby; 'now that the Rani's revived,' the Doctor had said, 'she wants to wander a bit first.' "Tish," Martha said, "his da's an alien."

"Good point."

#1, version 2He'd started the day by saying they needed to visit the Looms, that it was a surprise present for her, something he figured she wanted, given her earlier actions and words ( ... )


Re: Yes, I am evil ;) girl_wonder May 30 2008, 04:47:20 UTC
hahahaha. Oh, both of these are so brilliant. I love Martha taking the baby home to her parents, and I love the Doctor being confused and yet still such a parent.


Re: Yes, I am evil ;) rodlox May 30 2008, 07:11:53 UTC
*is delighted*
yeah, I had fun with the "Martha has the Doctor's baby" since English is fun like that - then I went with what you probably meant. :)

btw, I'd forgotten a fandom, so if you want to re-request, go right ahead.


#2, #3 rodlox May 30 2008, 04:38:21 UTC

Do it and Cameron lifts the concrete, bringing a fresh supply of air to the people who were trapped in this collapsed building. Do it, and she broke in two (and then snapped the arms) of the Models who were already on the march. "John Connor sends his hello," Cameron told them, said the same words every time she saved.

He had died. Fallen in the flames of The Day that history and programming - difference? declared he had survived.

Do it and Cameron destroys a facility that would have proven far too great a boon to Cyberdyne to be left alone. Do it and she makes sure Kyle survives the Camps; tells him all about the Great John Connor, to the extent that Kyle believes he knows John as well as - or better than - the Machine relaying these facts to him.

His death was a ripple that should have unleashed uncalculatable changes upon the Earth. She was working to minimize the differences. Originally, so much was done in his name; this will be applying the same principle.

Do it...for me. And she does.

#3.and, because I couldn't ( ... )


Re: #2, #3 girl_wonder May 30 2008, 04:48:20 UTC
Hee. I love Cameron just doing everything, being this non-person and yet having such loyalty to John. And I love the idea of Zeke and Derek against the world. Good work!


Re: #2, #3 entangled_now May 30 2008, 07:59:14 UTC
That first one with Cameron 'minimizing the differences' was just perfect and brittle, I love it!


rodlox May 30 2008, 04:39:42 UTC
(must've lost the line where Derek says "they're invulnerable!" to Zeke. that'd echo in the final line)


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