Humorous not-really-entirely-Meta: survivors of Judgement Day

Apr 05, 2008 20:41

On the way home from watching Nim's Island (a movie which, btw, I cannot recommend enough! it is priceless!), I found myself a no-holds-bars mega-crossover, what characters would you hope do not survive the Judgement Day of the Terminator universe?

I came up with a few...and would love to hear your suggestions and opinions as well.

1. Adrian Monk.
Series: Monk.
Reason: You mean *besides* the utter devastation of the post-Judgement Day world? ;)
It'd be exaggerating Monk's character, but I worry about if Skynet says "work for me, and I'll make the world neat and clean and orderly."

2. Boomer.
Series: Battlestar Galactica.
Reason: She'd be back in prison, this time alongside every other Cylon model. Probably with Skynet taking notes on downloading, data transfer, and replication.
I wonder if Skynet only took over after the Fleet showed up - and the military/astronomical programming of Skynet registered the Fleet as hostiles who were landing in force on Earth.

3. Dexter Morgan.
Series: Dexter.
Reason: Basic ecology... Dexter has chosen to specialize in killing only criminals, and that keeps him sane and balanced. What happens when we take away the criminals?

4. Cousin First Brother Reen.
Series: Brother Termite.
Reason: I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to be the one to tell the Gray leader of a pan-galactic empire that his dying species' last hope for survival just died in a nuclear inferno because a computer got paranoid.

nim's island, humour, plot bunnies, humor, plot bunny, fun, meta

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