LESSONS: How to Do Cryptanalysis Like in "Da Vinci Code"

Jan 20, 2007 18:30

Cryptanalysis and Code-Breaking
There's a huge interest in the "Da Vinci Code." The "Da Vinci Code" is very much real. You just need to know where to look.

All the clues are right in front of people and the advent of the Internet at people's fingertips gives them easy access to Information.

Most Bulletin Board and Discussion Groups talk about what they think about something, but most of it falls under speculation.

In order to do Cryptanalysis and Code-Breaking properly, you have to go back to the Math Class Philosophy of "Show Your Work."

For anyone who ever took Geometry or any Math Class, some Math Teachers wouldn't give you credit for your assignments or tests if you just wrote down the answer, but you didn't show the Mathematical Process on how you got your answer.

Hyperlinks are Your Friends
If you're going to stake a claim or form any Hypothesis that you post online, put as many Hyperlinks as possible to any and all links that pertain to your work.

People are going to pick apart your information. When you cite a date, piece of information, or an occurrence, hyperlink the text to your source.

Avoid typing things like, "I read somewhere that..."


People want to see it. Even if it's common knowledge, link it anyway to show that you're thorough and not just pulling information out of your ass.

The more public the information where you can find multiple links that reinforce what you said and where it's common knowledge, the stronger your Hypothesis.

Internet Movie Database
One of my favorite Sites is the Internet Movie Database that gives a listing of:
  • Celebrities
  • When they were born
  • When they died
  • Whom they married
  • When they divorced
  • The names of their children
  • The birthdates of their children
  • The TV/Movie Projects they were in
  • Bio listing Trivia or unusual facts
If you're looking for "God" or the Consciousness of the Planet, the best place to look would be in the Peaks and Valleys of a Society.

Those Peaks and Valleys will manifest themselves in the form of Major Events that occurred in History that influenced large groups of people.

If there's anything that has ever influenced people, it's Movies and Television Shows. They define cultures and push people's buttons.

If you want to get a snapshot of Society, pay attention to the movies, music, and literature of that time period that influenced patterns of thought.

The beauty of the IMDB is that it automatically aligns the Birthdates, when they died, and when their children were born.

For example:
  • Did you know that John Lennon's son was born on 10/9 just like him?
  • Did you know that Leo Dicaprio is born 11/11 like Washington State?
  • Did you know John Forsythe who played the Voice of God in "Charlie's Angels" born 1/29 is when Kansas was inducted into the Union?
  • Did you know that Elvis Presley "The King" died 8/16, which was Madonna's Birthday (Virgin Mother)?
  • Did you know that Madonna's daughter Lourdes (Female Lord) wanted to audition for the part of Luna Lovegood in "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," but her mom said no? The part instead went to Evanna Lynch born 8/16 like Madonna
  • Did you know that Rod Serling of the "Twilight Zone" was born 12/25 like Jesus Christ?
Dates are Time Stamps.

Human Markers
Pay really close attention to people's birthdates and when they died.

Everyone keeps saying that Birth is a Miracle. If it's a Miracle, then it might not be a far stretch of the imagination where "God" or the Consciousness of the Planet can time when pregnant mothers give birth and their water breaks.

It would be like launching a Human Torpedo in the form of a baby so that it will hit at a certain time.

If God or some Supernatural Deity existed over Human Society, then birthdates would probably be significant.

If you have the Electromagnetic Field interconnecting everyone like a Homogeneous Group creating Consciousness of Thought on a Planet, that would be like the Consciousness of Thought generated from the Electrical Field for your brain cells allowing you to come up with ideas.

HTML Ordered Lists
If you're going to do serious Code-Breaking and show your results in an online format, take advantage of using HTML Ordered Lists. It helps clean up your Findings putting it in a Mathematical Proof Format.

Most people just state their opinions in a fluid paragraph or explanation. Not everyone has strong Math Skills or Logic. It takes some time to process or mull over each step. Some people need more time than others to figure out how you got from one step to another.

San Diego to Seattle Analogy
For example, if you said you had to go from San Diego, California to Seattle, Washington, not everyone knows about Interstate 5. However, if you didn't have Interstate 5, people would want to know how you get there.

These are the Cities en route (Apologies to any missed major cities people think should've been included):
  1. San Diego,CA - Los Angeles, CA
  2. Los Angeles, CA - San Francisco, CA
  3. San Francisco, CA - Sacramento, CA
  4. Sacramento, CA - Bend, OR
  5. Bend, OR - Portland, OR
  6. Portland, OR - Olympia, WA
  7. Olympia, WA - Seattle, WA
Each of those steps symbolizes each stop in a Train of Thought on a Geographical Plane.

Even though this information may seem obvious to most people born on the West Coast of the United States, some people on the East Coast don't know where San Francisco is in correlation to San Diego and Sacramento - especially people who live outside of the United States.

I was originally from Washington State, and I never really looked at a map. I used to think San Diego was north Los Angeles. If you asked me whether Dallas, TX or Houston, TX is further north, I couldn't tell you.

Just like in Essays, English Teachers would instruct students never to assume that your reader knows what you're talking about or knows the things that you know. You may accidentally skip a step or jump concepts leaving people who are trying to follow your train of thought lost.

You have to be really explicit to avoid as much confusion as possible.

Math vs. History
However, this comes back to why Math is a unique Subject compared to History.

Math is pretty cut and dried using a Pyramid Style form of Learning. It's where concepts build upon one another. A student will have difficulty understanding one Math Concept that relies on the student having understood a Math Concept taught in a previous lesson or chapter. If you don't understand the previous Math Lesson, you'll run into problems.

History is "loosely" Mathematical relying on a Conceptual Proofs. History Teachers will try to show why certain events happened in History. It usually revolves around the Political and Social Climate of the Era and whatever influences of that time period led to such events.

Current Events are easier for people to understand. For example, the incident with Isaiah Washington of "Grey's Anatomy" making that statement at the Golden Globe Awards about T. R. Knight's Lifestyle.

For us who lived through this, we know what it means:
  • We know what the Golden Globes are
  • We know who T. R. Knight is
  • We know who Patrick Dempsey is
  • We know who Isaiah Washington is
  • We know they star together on "Grey's Anatomy"
  • We know that the "F" Word referring to Homosexuality is considered rude like the "N" Word for African-Americans
If you were to fastforward by 1,000 years and students in a History Class were being taught about this incident, they probably wouldn't care or have little interest or knowledge:
  • They may not know what the Golden Globes are
  • They most likely won't know those 3 actors from 1,000 years ago
  • They may not know that they starred a Television Show together or what it's name was
  • They may not know what the "F" Word is
  • They may not know what the "N" Word is
This comes back to why it's necessary to explain things point by point and in Ordered Lists as much as possible when posting your Research online.

Internet Helping with Code-Breaking
30 or even 20 years ago, you couldn't do Cryptanalysis and Code-Breaking as effectively. You could do the research, but it would all be on paper and you'd have to lug around a thick binder with all your notes peddling your ideas to anyone who will listen.

Few people have the time or the interest to sit down and pore through your research on paper.

The Internet allows you to post Bulletins that reach a wider audience. However, more importantly, you can cite references to 3rd Party Sources validating where you got your information.

Just like in Journalism, always cite your source. Even if it sounds like the dumbest Theory or Hypothesis anyone has ever had, at least cite your sources so people can understand where you got your information.

Even the most horrible theories can be useful in understanding the mind of the individual who provided the Theory. Sometimes some theories are pretty good but there are one or two aspects that can be cleaned up or polished. Sometimes it's just a matter of a misplaced "+" or "-" Sign in that Mathematical Proof.

da vinci code, lessons, signs

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