SIGNS: Amateur Says He's Found "Mona Lisa"

Jan 20, 2007 03:37

Here's an interesting News Article that just surfaced in the last 24 hours regarding the Mona Lisa.

I've said that the Planet functions just like a Super Computer as depicted in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
  1. The Electromagnetic Field surrounding the Planet interconnects people like Planet-Sized Brain Cells creating Planetary Consciousness of Thought in the same way the Electrical Field in the mind interconnects individual brain cells creating Human Consciousness of Thought
  2. The Earth Science Theory (Gaia Theory) claims that the Planet is like a living organism
  3. Earth is like a Planet-Sized Single Cell Organism with an Electromagnetic Field Shell Membrane instead of a Plasma Shell Membrane
  4. Electricity is the one thing that can course through all Elements on the Periodic Table
  5. The Iron Core generates an Electromagnetic Field that emanates outward
  6. Electricity follows the Path of Least Resistence just like Water
  7. The Layers of Rock act like a Dampening Field creating Planetary Neural Pathways using a "Sedimentary Circuitry Board"
  8. Humans are like Organic Temp Files carrying out a Software Program
If the Earth functions just like a Super Computer, then its computations and data would be cybernetic relying heavily on Math and Assigned Variables.
  1. They claim that the Mona Lisa was modeled after Lisa Gherardini
  2. Gherardini died 7/15/1542
  3. 7/15/1542 = 7-15-15-4/2 = G-O-O-D/2
  4. Good = God
  5. 2 = Pair
  6. Pair = Pa/IR = Father IR
  7. IR = I/R = 9/18 = 918
  8. 918 = 816 Upside Down
  9. 816 = 8/16 = Madonna's Birthday
  10. Blade = ^ (Male)
  11. Chalice = V (Female)
  12. V = ^ Upside Down
  13. If 8/16 = Madonna/Virgin Mary, then 9/18 = Opposite/Mate = God
There's even Mathematical Significance:
  1. Madonna = 8/16
  2. 8/16 / 8 = 1/2
  3. IR = 9/18
  4. 9/18 / 2 = 1/2
They have a Common Denominator of "1/2" or 102 if you remove the "/" and make it a 3-Digit Number.

You can translate it another way:
  1. Lisa Gherardini died 7/15/1542
  2. 7/15 = G/O
  3. G/O= GO
  4. Go = IR in Spanish
I said you'll find IR in important words:
  • bIRth
  • mIRacle
  • holy spIRit
  • vIRgin
  • fIRst
  • thIRd (Earth is the thIRd Planet)
Theoretically, if there is such a Deity as "God" or some Higher Power and "God" didn't want Humankind to forget about you or think they can live without that Deity, the smart thing to do when "creating Man" is make Man dependent on something that symbolizes the Creator:
  1. Humans can't breathe without Air
  2. Air = A/IR
  3. A = 1 = God
  4. IR = 9/18
  5. 9/18 is in the Sun Sign of Virgo
  6. Virgo = Virgin
  7. Virgo = V/IR-Go
Jesus Christ will supposedly inherit "His Kingdom":
  1. He's HeIR to the Throne
  2. He/IR = 2(He/Helium) IR
  3. 2 = Pair = Pa/IR
  4. He/IR = Pa-IR/IR = Pa IR IR = Father Gemini IR
I said we're in a War with IRaq.
  1. Iraq = IR/Aq.
  2. IR = 77 on the Periodic Table
  3. Christ = C + H + R + I + S + T = 77
  4. IR = Christ
  5. Aq. = Aquarius
  6. We're moving into the Age of Aquarius
Elvis Presley died on Madonna's Birthday in '77 = IR on the Periodic Table

Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa:
  1. Leonardo = Leo
  2. Sun = Ruling Planet of Leo
  3. Sun is the Center of the Solar System
It was Leo Dicaprio in "Titanic"
  1. "Titanic" was directed by James Cameron (JC = Jesus Christ)
  2. James Cameron is born 8/16 = Madonna's Birthday
  3. Kate Winslet was Rose Dawson = Rose = Order of the Rose = Mary Magdalene
  4. Titanic sank on 4/15 = Tax Day = IRS = IR-S
The other thing to take note of is that Lisa Gherardini's Initials are LG, which translates to 12/7.
  1. Delaware was inducted 12/7
  2. Delaware was the First State (Beginning
  3. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was bombed 12/7
  4. Hawaii is the Last State (End)
  5. USS Arizona is entombed there
  6. Arizona was inducted 2/14 (Love)
  7. Phoenix is in Arizona (Bird of Fire/Rebirth)
It points to a Full Cycle with Beginning, End and Rebirth of Love.

There are 50 States:
  1. If you added another State, it would be 51
  2. 51 = 3 x 17
  3. 3 x 17 = 3/17
  4. 3/17 = St. Patrick's Day
  5. St. Patrick's Day = Luck of the Irish
  6. Irish = IR is H
  7. IR is H = IR (Christ) is Final(H/Pisces Symbol)
Titanic was sailing from IReland to New York but sank on 4/15 of 1912 for Tax Day and the IRS

Ever wonder why we're called Americans and not "AmeriGOans"?
  1. America is named after Explorer Amerigo
  2. Ameri(GO) = Ameri(CA)
  3. Go = IR in Spanish = 77 = Christ
  4. CA = 31 = 3/1
  5. The Americans were discovered by CHRISTopher COLUMBUS
  6. Christ = Jesus Christ
  7. Columbus = Columbus, Ohio
  8. Ohio was inducted 3/1
When you infuse Math and Algebra into History and Dates, you'll see a pattern emerge.

This comes back to why you need to have a working knowledge of Math and Computers in order to decode information.

When you see Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon staring at Numbers and going through figures in his head, what you see above is what he's doing.
Amateur Says He's Found "Mona Lisa"
Says Subject of Iconic Portrait Lies Buried in Convent
ROME (Jan. 19) - The world's most famously enigmatic woman may have shed some of her mystery.

A death certificate shows that Lisa Gherardini - the Renaissance woman some believe was the model for the "Mona Lisa" - died on July 15, 1542, in Florence and is buried in a convent in central Florence, Giuseppe Pallanti said.

"Maybe Leonardo chose a woman like many others," Pallanti, a high school economics teacher in Florence, told The Associated Press. "She was not a noblewoman, or a princess. She was a family woman."

It's not certain Gherardini, who was born in 1479 and married a rich silk merchant called Francesco del Giocondo, is the woman in the painting whose smile has inspired speculation for centuries.

Is she was smiling to "tempt a lover" or "to hide a broken heart?" Nat King Cole wondered in a song written in the 1950s.

Tradition links Gherardini to "La Gioconda," as the painting is known in Italian, because Giorgio Vasari, a 16th-century artist and biographer of Leonardo and other artists, wrote that da Vinci painted a portrait of del Giocondo's wife.

Pallanti, who has written a book about the Mona Lisa, also points out that del Giocondo was a neighbor and acquaintance of the artist's father, Piero da Vinci.

"I'm not taking a stance, I'm not an art historian," Pallanti said. "But it's hard to believe that Vasari lied."

Alessandro Vezzosi, a Leonardo expert and the director of a museum dedicated to the artist in his hometown of Vinci, said Pallanti is a respected researcher whose work gives interesting information on Gherardini.

But he said she is not the woman depicted in the work that hangs in Paris' Louvre Museum.

"There is a basic mistake, to say that this is the real Gioconda," Vezzosi said.

A letter that Leonardo wrote indicates that the Mona Lisa was probably a lover of the artist's sponsor, the Florentine nobleman Giuliano de Medici, Vezzosi said.

"This doesn't mean that he didn't also paint del Giocondo's wife," he said. But that portrait has yet to be located.

Vasari also noted the beautifully painted eyelashes and eyebrows in the portrait of Gherardini - features absent from Leonardo's most famous work, Vezzosi said.

Pallanti, who unearthed Gherardini's death certificate shortly before Christmas, said Gherardini was a mother of five, plus a sixth who was adopted. Her home was near Florence's Basilica of San Lorenzo, which in turn is near the Convent of St. Ursula where she is said to have been buried.

That same convent became the home of one of Gherardini's daughters, who became a nun.

"Her husband's will said that after his death, she would go and live with her daughter," Pallanti said, explaining what led him to search through documents there and eventually discover her death certificate.

Pallanti said the convent is not in good shape, and he has not tried to find the actual tomb.

Associated Press writer Ariel David contributed to this story.

2007-01-19 16:32:50
Updated:2007-01-19 22:19:43

[Click Here for Original Link]

math, ir, signs

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