Do you think that cats or animals can read minds?
I know that animals can sense your emotions, but do you ever think animals can read your thoughts (not words but visual pictures) and know what you are thinking? Just curious to see what people think. There are stories where the cat found their owners and walked over 600 miles when they were lost and knew exactly where their owner lived.
I work in the Psychic Field and the answer is yes. I subscribe to the Gaia Theory and Carl Jung's Theory of the Collective Unconscious.
When you couple the Collective Unconscious Theory with the Electromagnetic Field serving as a Planet-Sized Local Area Network with Human Minds (and animals) as Organic Laptops with a Psychic Wi-Fi Internet Connection, that's how you get telepathy.
Telepathy is really just Psychic E-mail or Psychic Instant Messaging bypassing the normal 5 senses and going directly to your brain center. Most people don't know how to check their Psychic E-mail though, not that it really matters that they know what's going on.
I serve as a Pet Psychic and I teach people to develop a communication with their pets. You can form any communication with animals once you define terms. You can create any language you want. Whether people choose to use it is another story.
For example, if I wanted to create a Language based off the Letter A and all I use is that First Letter, I can. Maybe no one else will want to use it, but it's still a form of communication.
I had a dog that died in March 1999. I was going through the Business Administration Program and juggling work. I didn't have time to play with my dog and give it the attention it needed. It was odd the day before he died that he caught my attention and where I stopped to play with him for a half hour.
He already knew he was going to die the next day and he was just saying good bye to me. It was a really sad story. This was before I got my Psychic Abilities or knew what was going on.
People wonder how it's possible for animals to know what's going on, but the Subconscious Minds of People and Animals are planning months, years, or even decades ahead of time. People think that's impossible, but the Planet moves in a certain way.
If you were an individual muscle cell tissue with the other 7 Billion people as 7 Billion Muscle Tissue in the human arm, you'd find it hard to believe that 7 Billion Muscle Tissue can be moved. However, the Subconscious Minds guide us.
People wonder why the Subconscious Mind is separate from the Conscious Mind. It's because it ties into that Collective Unconscious Theory by Carl Jung.
If you watch "Bruce Almighty" with Jim Carrey, there's a scene where he is hearing voices. It's all the Incoming Prayers that are being shunted to him. If you didn't have that Subconscious Barrier, you'd be picking up the data streams of 7 Billion People on the Planet. It would drive you nuts. That's why it's separate.
The other reason why it's separate is so that you don't pick up information you're not supposed to get. For example, Subconscious Minds know the exact day when people are going to be born and die. However, from a Managerial Perspective, they can't tell Conscious Minds. It's "against the Rules." You'd hav anarchy.
For example, if you knew early on that you were slated to die at age 16 in a car accident, why bother going to school or preparing for college? Would your parents love you as much as they do or would they write you off as a lost cause and remain detached because they don't want to get hurt and "know you're going to die young anyway so why bother?"
This pertains to your question about Animals and how they can read minds. They know exactly what you're thining. Amusingly enough, all people's Subconscious Minds know what everyone else is thinking or doing.
That especially includes when the Conscious Minds of people lie, cheat, and steal. When a teenager thinks they've pulled something over on their parents, the Conscious Minds of the Parents may not know, but the Subconscious Minds of the Parents know. That's why when parents who don't really know what's going on will sometimes say things in such a way where it "sounds" like they know.
It's the Subconscious saying things in a certain way, but abiding by the Rules of the Game where they'll pretend to act like they don't know. It's just lke in a Baseball Game where an Umpire makes a ruling that one team doesn't agree with. They'll abide by the ruling, but you can tell by the body movements and the way the players are acting that they personally disagree.
When it comes to animals, they know exactly what you're up to and what you're doing. You just need to know how to read their body language when they're talking to you.