ADVICE: Gaia Theory, Sedimentary Circuitry

Aug 13, 2006 01:03


Science = Fact, Religion = Faith?
There is no fact at all in religion.
Is it simply a safety net for weak mind


I'm agnostic Catholic leaning toward Existentialism and Atheism. However, I'd have to say that's being a bit critical.

I believe in Science, Math, Computer Programming, and Logical Arguments. However, even Science qualifies as a Religion.

You can really mess with people's heads from both the Religious and Scientific Factions if you can proove that Science and Religion can co-exist.

If you take the Immaculate Conception and treat is a riddle, you can solve the riddle by having the Virgin Mary be a male. Using Logical Statements, you can argue that you "impregnate people with thought" so that they "give birth to ideas." When they "conceive" an idea, that's the equivalent of pregnancy. Since males can conceive thought, they can become pregnant.

Any female claiming to be the Virgin Mary would be called a liar. No one would believe the child she has is Jesus Christ. However, if you can prove on a Technicality, using a Legal Definition (Logic), that Jesus Christ is an Idea, you could therefore prove the existence of a Male Virgin Mary.

Everyone knows that it's anatomically impossible for one male to impregnate another human male. So if a male claims the Title of Virgin Mary, it still fits the story line and qualifies as an Immaculate Conception.

When you couple that with the 14th Amendment where you make Jesus Christ a "Fictitious Business Name" and a "Legal Body" that is an extension of the Male Virgin Mary as the "CEO," all that's left is proving that there is an actual Corporation that extends from it.

Pulling from Carl Jung's Theory of the Collective Unconscious, you can argue that the Electromagnetic Field surrounding the Planet functions on the same Principles as the Electrical Field in the Human Mind. Humans would be the equivalent of Planet-Sized Brain Cells that make the Consciousness of the Planet or "Consciousness of God."

If God is the Forest, then Human Beings would be the 7 BIllion Trees. If God is a Digital Image, Human Beings would be the 7 Billion Pixels that make up that. You could argue that the reason why people can't see God is because they're all zoomed in at 1600 magnification to where it just looks like a bunch of random dots.

I don't really care for Religion, but I do believe in Computers and Software Programs. If the Electromagnetic Field uses Electricity and Human Minds are the equivalent of Organic Laptops with a Wi-Fi Connection lending credence to Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious, that's how you can get a God Consciousness or whatever deity you subscribe to.

Just because people haven't been able to define the existence of God or a Supernatural Deity doesn't necessarily mean God doesn't exist. On the other hand, you can play Devil's Advocate and argue that just because something of a Supernatural Force can move or shift events, it doesn't necessarily mean that person is a God.

Ants would look at Human Beings and think that they're Gods. However, we know we have our limitations. There is only so much we can do within our sphere of influence. It's all a matter of perspective.

You are technically correct though. The purpose of Religion was to act as a substitute for humans until we were able to learn about Science, Math, Physics, Computers, the Internet, Astronomy, and Geology. Back then, it was just easier to subscribe to a Religion to explain things we didn't understand.

Now we have the Knowledge to explain how most things work. However, that doesn't necessarily mean the Religions around the Planet were merely fables. In fact, if you use a Mathematical Decryption Code on many of the Biblical Names, you'll find they're actually Acronyms. No one ever said they couldn't be.

With the 26 Letter Alphabet, it means there's only a finite number of linguistic combinations. If you had an intelligent mind or Conscoiusness that knew what it's doing (hinting toward God or the Consciousness of the Planet), it would know how to arrange all that information.

In fact, if you want to pull from a Scientific Perspective, it's called the Gaia Theory, which has been becoming popular over the last 20 years. It's the theory that the Planet is like a large single-celled Organism orbiting around the Sun and we're part of it.

Rather than a Plasma Shell Membrane, it's an Electromagnetic Shell Membrane. Rather than shifting or moving around particles like you would see in a single cell organism, it's in the form of Electricity or Data.

The movie "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" depicting the Planet as a Super Computer was really closer to reality than people realize. Electricity travels through all matter on the Periodic Table. The Electromagnetic Field emanating from the Iron Core would course through the Limestone like a Sedimentary Circuitboard of that of a Computer.

That's how you can get a "God Consciousness" and it's all rooted in Science.


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