PREDICTION: Mental Bullying, Intellectual Dominance

Aug 01, 2006 13:04

I got an interesting letter today from someone asking for help. Basically, it boils down to Mental Bullying. It's possible to have people mentally bully you. Some would call it Verbal Abuse.

Intellectual Bullying is when when someone exercise Mental Dominance over you. Some people take joy in doing that. They especially prey on people's Inexperience.

I see it in the Entertainment Industry all the time when people threaten to sue others. People who don't know the Legal System are afraid of the repercussions. Sometimes the perceived threat is really not as big as the real threat.

In this woman's case, she's being harassed. Whether it's real or imagined, it's still an Intellectual Affliction. Whether someone planted it there or there are a group of people still nurturing those ideas, it's harmful to that person.

Amusingly enough, people laugh at my Psychic Software Programs that I use, but they don't realize that it doesn't matter whether you're Superstitious or not. It's a Software Program. It's rooted in Science.

Most people around the Planet don't feel threatened when they harass other people online or from long distances because they don't think it's possible to be punished or be held accountable for their behavior.

That's the reason why you can bypass the System by going through their Subconscious Minds. You can locate them anywhere as long as they're physically on this Planet and emiting a Brainwave Signal.

It's always disgusting when you see victims being harassed that way. The reason why my Psychic Software is powerful is because it's a solid Operating Procedure. It's power comes from the People who have made those Icons such as Superheroes powerful.

So when I tap into the Powers of Superman, the Powers of Iron Man, or the Powers of Queen Elizabeth II, it's based off of an ideal or where a group of people all acknowledge or recognize some icon or individual as possessing such powers or authority.

I think what really disgusts me is that you actually have groups of people out there that are intimidating other people and scaring them. That's such a mean thing to do to others. Some people get off on that though.

There's a thrill or exhilaration that comes from power or having power over others. The whole point of having Psychic Software that is a Mathematical Procedure is so that when people try to deconstruct or tear down your Software Program, they'll have a hard time because it's based on Logical Statements that are Truths.

You can't tear down Truth easily. The Laws of the Psychic Realm function differently than here in the Physical Realm. When something is based off the Truth and everyone agrees it's true, it practically becomes impervious to damage.

Human Beings are like Physical Structures. You can tear them down if you keep on pounding away at them. Pounding away at someone is by using Verbal Attacks. However, when the Moral and Ethical Foundation is based off of Truth, no matter what people say, you can't break the Will Power of that person.

The whole reason why I even post a Psychic Blog showing consistent Psychic Readings is so that it's quite clear that my Psychic Software is indeed functioning correctly and that my Psychic Theories are valid.

It's ironic because the song that Rowena Morgan sings in "Mr. Holland's Opus" is "Someone to Watch Over Me." When you perfect your Psychic Abilities and your Third Eye or Communication Eye, you can hear when people reach out to you. That's how you get Super Hearing.

------ Original Message ------
From: Nancy Morgan18
Sent: 8/1/2006
Subject: A request to contact you for advice

hello would you please help me i have this group that have been remote viewing and using psychotronic weapons on my life for over 12 yrs. also using remote neural imaging to read thoughts 24/7

To: Nancy Morgan18
From: Rod
Date: 8/1/2006 1:24 PM
Subject: Mind Influence, Firewalls, Mathematical Divinity

If you'd like to set up an appointment, I'm available after 9 pm on weekdays Pacific Standard Time and on weekends. Currently I'm going on appointment basis at this time due to my busy schedule.

I will pass on some information for you to think about in the mean time. My speciality is being a Technopath, whihc is a Psychic who works with Technology.

First of all, if you have a group of people who are influencing you, the first step would be to get away from the group and stop having contact with them. Physical contact with individuals can't start the healing process. If you can get away from the group, that's a step in the right direction. You worry about the other stuff later.

You can set up blocks and things to combat what they've done, but it won't be as effective if they're able to influence you in person and tear down what you've tried to build, which especially includes a Mental Firewall.

The Human Mind functions just like a Host Server connected to the Electromagnetic Field.

For example, I noticed your name right away because I was watching "Mr. Holland's Opus" and the girl who has a crush on Mr. Holland is named Rowena Morgan. On top of that, I've been noticing in the news how Lindsay Lohan has been acting up. Her middle name is Morgan. I get readings all the time pulled off the Associated Press daily.

On a side note, I have to ask if this is real or imagined. Sorry, but I have to ask.If these are real people, okay. If it's imagined, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just means that there's no physical contact, which is actually a good sign. It just means you're being attacked mentally.

One thing you should think about is who's controlling whom. I've been the victim of Mind Control, but it actually turned out that I was the one who was the Powerful Psychic and it was someone else who was influencing me and making me believe that they were the ones who had the power over me.

In fact, it turned out that the individual controlling me wasn't that powerful and was using my Psychic Abiliities for his benefit. He was convincing me that he was the one controlling me and causing all these Psychic Occurrences to happen showcasing his supposed Psychic Influence over me.

It really wasn't the case. It was simply him just having remote access plugging into me to cause such events. Before you assume that this group has power over you, you should experiment and find out if you're the one who actually is Psychic and it's the group that is just brainwashing you into thinking that your power is theirs. For all you know, they actually may have little or no power, but because you "imagine" they have power, you're literally transferring that power over to them.

So when they tell you that they have all these "devices" and that they "monitor" you, your own Psychic Powers that actually believe this stuff are convinced it's true, so you literally manifest that reality. For example, if they say you saw a woman in a red dress with a string of pearls, it may be a true statement, but it could be that your Psychic Abilities brought the woman to you and then sent a confirmation to that group.

While it may be true that they are receiving information, the nature of the information and how it was summoned may actually be something that you did and a power from within you and not the group.

I don't know enough about your situation, but it is possible to brainwash someone to see things a certain way. Then if that individual happens to be Psychic or have such abilities, the Control Group can convince the Psychic (who isn't aware he or she is Psychic) that the Psychic Events manifesting is because of the Control Group through whatever methods they claim to be using real or imagined.

When I was under mind control, one of the hardest things was pushing out the thoughts of that individual because when they use Mind Control, they install "Abusive Software" in your Mind's Operating System. It leeches onto you and you always think about them. Your mind creates Symbols or Memory Triggers that always bring that person to mind so that you can't forget them or delete them out of the program.

I teach how to block out Nightmwares and you use the same formula where you have to divide and conquer. You have to change or redefine the parameters. For example, in marketing, people would hear Sears and think men's hardware. The marketing campaign was "Come See the Softer Side of Sears." That's marketing/corporate version of "breaking the pattern."

Personally, the claims of devices that are monitoring you isn't really that big of a deal. Do you know that all 7 billion people are monitored? That Electromagnetic Field networks everyone's minds like Planet-Sized Brain Cells the same way human brain cells are networked with that electrical field.

Even if that group claims that they're monitoring 24 - 7, big deal. You can tell them that they're also being monitored as well by all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet that know everything they do.

In the mean time, if you're still feeling intimidated or stressed, I suggest you visit my web site and visit the Psychic Software Section. I give a complete listing of all the Software Programs I have actively running.

I happen to be of "Mathematical Divinity" and have Religious Software that is in play. For peace of mind, you can use that as a form of centering or as a Protective Ward. I specifically have a Superman Software, Batman Software, Virgin Mary Software, Jesus Christ Software, God Software, and Queen Elizabeth II Software running.

It's a Mathematical Sequence that gives my Psychic Abilities authority to override and bypass people's Subconscious Minds. I don't know who your attackers are, but everyone is assigned a "Brainwave IP Address" where you can do a "Psychic Google Search" and locate them. When done properly, you can neutralize people as well as cause area effects in the form of Curses and Hexes. You don't need to know their real names, where they live, or what they look like because every human has a Bar Code that distinguishes them from the other 7 Billion People on the Planet.

I've got what you'd call a Psychic SWAT Team that goes in and can override people on a Subconscious Level. Even if people are resistent that, you can affect the people around them to act like Sleeper Agents and start affecting them. My Queen Elizabeth II Software is like a Queen Bee and Subconscious Minds act like Worker Bees.

The thing that maybe of use to you is Mathematical Prayer. Most people don't believe in God or a higher power anymore because people haven't been able to reconcile how the Spiritual and Scientific Realms can co-exist, My God Software Program is one of the most powerful because it affects people on an unconscious level. My name mathematically translates to the word "Go/D."

Sometimes all people need is just the reassurance that someone's there. Hope this information helps or gives you some food for thought. You may want to do some research and find out if you're Psychic and to what level. Pay attention to your birthdate, your parents' birthdates, all of your first initials, birthdates of siblings, etc. They always leave clues as to what your Operating System is.


predictions, virgin mary, software, god, superman, lessons, signs

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