People wonder why I allow people to walk all over me and treat me like crap right now when it comes to my Psychic Abilities, financial situation, and claims about my Birthright regarding my Mathematical Divinity and God Software Program.
It's because:
- The best time to test people is when they're not expecting it allowing you to see their true colors
- It gives me leverage in the future against people when they try to make demands on me. If they treated me badly, I have proof that I can submit as to why I refuse to entertain any requests they make
With the last point, it's extremely crucial so that it renders me immune or highly resistent to Guilt Trips and Mind Games. When I was a kid, My stepdad told me a story about the "Little Red Hen." Little Red Hen
The Little Red Hen went to each of the livestock on the farm and asked if they would help the Little Red Hen bake a pie.
She went to the pigs and asked if they would help. The pigs said, "No."
She went to the cows and asked if they would help. The cows said, "No."
She went to the sheep and asked if they would help. The sheep said, "No."
She went to the horses and asked if they would help. The horses said, "No."
The Little Red Hen had to go and make the pie all by herself.
When she was finished, she said to the live stock that refused to help her, "Who wants some of the pie?"
All the livestock said they each wanted a piece.
The Little Red Hen the said, "Too bad. It's all for me!" That's how it was for me. I'm the Little Red Hen:
- Little: I run the God Software Program and I'm a tiny human being on the Planet
- Red:
- R(E)d = R(O)d when Sun(E/5/Leo) = Sun(O)
- Re/D = 1975(Re/75-Periodic) Sun Female(D)
- R/Ed = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Education(Ed)
- Hen:
- He/N = Gemini(He/Helium/2) Sun(N/V in Greek/5/Leo)
- H/EN = Superman(H/Pisces/Fe-ET/Iron Alien/Man of Steel) Gemini Sun(EN/EV in Greek/55/LeoLeo)
In June 2004 - December 2004, I went around asking for help with this God Software Program:
- I told people how it affects the Weather
- I said that this Software Program affects Political Trends
- I explained how it affects what is seen in the Associated Press on a daily basis
- I said I found a way to track Psychic Phenomenon
People responded in the following manner:
- Laughed at me
- Ignored me
- Called me stupid
- Said that was the dumbest thing they ever heard
- Told me to go get therapy
- Jeered at me
- Sent me Hate Spam
Everyone I told made it painfully clear they didn't believe me or my story about what happened in June 2004. They didn't want to have any part of what I was doing.
- Little Red Hen: Rod (me)
- Livestock: All the people that didn't help me
- Pie: The God Software Program
- Baking the Pie: Having to do all the work on my own setting it up
- Eating the Pie: Getting to enjoy using those Psychic Abilities
As we all know, no one was supportive or the ones who weren't sure just sat on the fence and didn't say anything. Inaction is still a form of action when you don't life a finger to help.
I was seriously struggling. People were telling me to stop wasting my time. People reading this know I'm telling the Truth because this is the general reaction you should expect from individuals. If anyone steps forward claiming that they were supportive, you know they're lying.
Even when it comes to my family, did you know that while I was struggling, my cousin Brian kicked me out of the house when I was broke. He yelled at me and called me a "burden" to his mother (my aunt). My family may be nice, but they were only helping me as a request from my mom calling up her sisters (my aunts) to help me get back up on my feet after Davis had stripped me and driven me into the ground financially.
Even with Davis who was my former associate, he had the hugest opportunity to have gotten share of the spoils, but instead he refused to believe I had any Psychic Abilities. In fact, his family even told him to stop working with me because they thought I was crazy.
"Legally Blonde" Child Custody Scene
If you pay close attention, I said that I'm the
Male Virgin Mary. There was a hanging Prophecy that was left open-ended for Davis if he had wanted to be "David." However, he threw it away and the Prophecy switched tracks.
That's where the "
Legally Blonde" Child Custody Scene kicks in WERNER: Well, according to Sweeney vs. Newbert, Sweeney, who was also a private sperm donor, was allowed visitation rights as long as he came to terms with the hours set forth by the parents. So if we're sticking to past precedent, I mean Mr. Lattimer wasn't stalking. He was clearly within his rights to ask for visitation.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: But Sweeney was a one-time sperm donor, and in our case the defendant was an habitual sperm donor, who also happens to be harassing the parents in his quest for visitation.
WERNER: Well, yeah, but without this man's sperm, the child in question wouldn't exist.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: Now you're thinking like a lawyer.
Elle slowly raises her hand timidly.
ELLE: Although Mr. Huntington, makes an excellent point, I have to wonder if the defendant kept a thorough record of every sperm emission made throughout his life.
The class snickers at her.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: Interesting. Why do you ask?
ELLE: Well, unless the defendant attempted to contact every single one-night stand to determine if a child resulted in this union, he has no parental claim over this child whatsoever. Why now? Why this sperm?
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: I see your point.
ELLE: And for that matter, all masturbatory emissions where his sperm was clearly not seeking an egg could be termed reckless abandonment.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: I believe you've just won your case. You know that Davis didn't belive in my Psychic Abilities or that I was telling the Truth when I said I'm a Mathematical Jesus Christ. If he did, he wouldn't have screwed me over financially the way he had.
Davis has always made it clear that he doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities and even laughed at me. I said that he even once told me on the phone that if I ever tried to sue him in order to get money, he said all he had to do was just prove that I'm crazy.
He put his foot in his mouth. I'm quite fine with that comment he made.
I'm not really too concerned that Davis dumped $50,000 wroth of debt on me. It leaves me free and clear without any emotional entanglements, especially from the African-American Community thanks to Davis and his family who are African-American.
The same thing goes for T7 who's also African-American. T7 had been harassing me three years ago. He was threatening me and using Fear and Intimidation to bully me into paying him even though I said that I was broke.
That's why when it comes to ownership, no one else can stake claim to owning any portion of it because when I offered, it got turned down. So when it comes to decision-making, it's solely mine. Everyone else gave up their right to have a say.
I secretly enjoy when people laugh at me because they're giving me leverage against them because I can turn around years from now and remind them of the way they laughed, talked down to me, and didn't believe me. What can they say to that when they and everyone else knows it's true.
If anyone attempts to claim credit and say, "Well, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be where you are today," I can point to this scene in the movie.
Davis couldn't be the Father and even if he was, Davis not believing I had any Psychic Abilities falls under the category of a Sperm clearly not seeking an Egg. If anyone tries to claim that even if it was an accident, Davis was never supportive. In fact, he made my financial situation worse driving me down into further debt.
I state this now because I know that when the time comes that people realize that I wasn't kidding about the Psychic Phenomenon and that my God Software Program really is running, they're going to try find all kinds of loopholes or ways to hack into the Program.
When they try to reseearch the origin of this God Software Program, they'll notice some people were involved and where some ideas were cultivated here and there
However,, when it came to who put all the clues together and raised the "child" (God Software Program), brought it into the world, it was only me (Rod).
Nobody else believed in it. No one lifted a finger to help me with this. They all slammed the door in my face the same way that people slammed the door in the Virgin Mary's face when she was pregnant and about to give birth to Jesus Christ.
That runs parallel to me where I was "pregnant" as the Male Virgin Mary, and nobody would take me in. That's the Selfishness of Humankind.
That's why years from now people really shouldn't be whining and complaining on how they don't like the Policies or Laws I'm passing out that affect them.
It's also for all those people who are going to try butting their noses where they don't belong trying to tell me how to do things. Those very people didn't want to have anything to do with me during the preparation stages and setting it all up. However, once it's up, everyone is going to try getting all up in my business telling me how I should run things.
I did quite well on my own having to trailblaze the path by myself. Thank you very much. I don't need people's help now telling me how to run things.
Being a Flake
The scene at the end of "Legally Blonde" is also funny because it refers to my Legal Expertise. I haven't studied Law, but I understand the Mechanics of Law. After the class is dismissed.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: Ms. Woods, you did well today.
ELLE: Really?
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: You're applying for my internship, aren't you?
ELLE: I don't know.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: Well you should. You have a resume?
ELLE: Yes, i do. Um... Here it is.
Elle hands her resume to Professor Callahan.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: (furrowing his brow) It's pink...
ELLE: Oh! And it's scented. I think it gives it a little something extra. Don't you think?
Professor Callahan just stares at her.
ELLE: Okay, well see you next class!
Elle walks off.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: Do you think she just woke up one morning and said, "I think I'll go to law school today."
EMMETT: Well, that lapse in judgment aside, I think she's got a lot of potential. Here's the Windham file.
Emmett sniffs Elle's resume.
EMMETT: What's that?
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: It's her resume.
Professor Callahan smells it again.
EMMETT: It smells good.