PROPHECY: "Princess Diaries," Dairy Queen, Supergirl

Jul 01, 2006 19:50

There are humorous clues left behind in the movie "Princess Diaries."
  1. Mia doing the Robot:
    1. At the end of the movie, she's at the ball dancing
    2. She's doing "The Robot" where she's doing robotic movements
    3. It's a subtle hint to the "Software Program" that's running
  2. Genovia:
    1. Princess Mia rules over Genovia
    2. Genovia = G.E.-No/VI-A = General Electric(G.E.) No Virgo(VI/6/6th Sign) God(A)
    3. The Planetary Local Area Network (LAN) is an ELECTROmagnetic Field
    4. That would be Genovia
    5. GE = 75 = 1975 (My Birth Year)
  3. Michael Moscovitz:
    1. He's played by Robert Schwartzman
    2. Initials MM = Mary Magdalene
    3. MM = Gemini(B/2) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
  4. Julie Andrews:
    1. Julie Andrews plays the Grandmother and Queen
    2. Her Middle Name is Elizabeth
    3. Elizabeth = Isabel in Spanish
    4. My Name is Isabelo
    5. I said Queen Elizabeth II = Queen Isabelo the Gemini
  5. Josh:
    1. The guy Josh who is just using her is played by Erik Von Detton
    2. I said 9/25/2005 that Sunny Leone is the real Princess Ariel
    3. I said 11/27/2005 that Sunny Leone is currently with Eric born 11/11 like Washington State
    4. Eri(C) = Eri(K) when you Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) = Aquarius(K/11)
    5. Notice that when you thrown in that Aquarius, "Erik" is manipulative and a jerk
    6. I said Davis is an Aquarius
  6. 11/11:
    1. Notice how Isabella Valentine, who uses pictures of Sunny Leone, is born 11/11 like Eric born 11/11 who is DATING Sunny Leone.
    2. That wasn't a coincidence
    3. Isabella Valentine using pictures of Sunny Leone for her business runs parallel to Davis born Valentine's Day who was using me as Corporate Vehicle to make money
    4. Isabella Valentine doesn't use her own real pictures to sell Phone Sex. She uses the fantasy of Sunny Leone
    5. It's the same way that Davis "sells the dream" while I am "symbolic" of Sunny Leone
    6. The Planet created Parallels
    7. That's why Valentine's Day falls on 2/14 = B/AD
    8. That's why Davis was born on Valentine's Day when he was INTENTIONALLY paired up with me
    9. It's the same way Eric was INTENTIONALLY paired up with Sunny Leone
    10. Isabella Valentine and Eric were INTENTIONALLY born on the day Washington State was inducted
  7. Helen Thermopolis as the Mother:
    1. Helen Thermopolis played by Caroline Goodall is Mia's mother
    2. Notice her name is GOODall. IR = Go in Spanish
    3. Helen = Helen of Troy. I said Sunny Leone is the real Helen of Troy
    4. The movie is set in San Francisco = Bay Area
    5. I said Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone (Helen of Troy) worked at Bay City Blues named after the Bay Area (San Fran)
  8. Sunny Hawks:
    1. The Female Climbing Instructor is Sunny Hawks
    2. Sunny Hawks = Sunny Leone
    3. Sunny Hawks plays Kyra in "Raising Helen"
      1. K-y/Ra = Aquarian(K/11) Male(Y) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) God(A)
      2. KY/Ra = Kent u CK-y 88(Ra-Periodic Table)
      3. She's born 10/26, which is when the Time Delorean goes back to 10/26 of 1955 at 88 mph (88/Ra-Periodic Table)
      4. She's in "Dear God" as a Greek Goddess. I said Sunny Leone used to have the Title of Aphrodite two years ago
      5. Hawks = Hocks. I said that Davis was "hocking" or "selling" my stuff. I said he PAWNED (Hocked) my Car
      6. Sunny Leone = Isabella VALENTINE using pictures of Sunny = Davis born VALENTINE's Day
  9. Twin Reporters:
    1. Lori Sigrist was a Twin Reporter
    2. Terri Sigrist was the other Twin Reporter
    3. I said I'm brin in the Sun Sign of Gemini = Twins
    4. I said I'm the real Clark Kent working for the Daily PLANET as a Reporter
    5. They were both in "Dear God" as Adult Twin Nurses
    6. LORI is the first Twin and Terri, meaning Female(T/20/XX) Mistaken(Err) God(I), is the 2nd Twin. I said 6/28/2006 that LORI Hinds was born 5/29/1975 like me 17 hours earlier
    7. Her last name Hinds = Hind/S = Hind Leg Superman(S), meaning IN THE BACK
    8. Just like Supergirl = Helen S/Later = Helen with "Superman arriving Later"
I think the biggest clues are in the Soundtrack included with the DVD:
  1. "Miracles Happen" by Myra:
    1. Miracles is for God
    2. M/IR-AC/Le = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IR 5/29(AC/13/Rhode Island) Definite(Le/The-Fr.)
    3. M-y/Ra = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Gemini Superman(Ra/88-Periodic)
  2. "Supergirl" by Krystal Harris:
    1. I said 11/5/2005 that Supergirl was played by Helen Slater
    2. I said 12/17/2005 that Sunny Leone is the real Helen of Troy
    3. The song is Supergirl. Supergirl = Helen Slater = Helen of Troy
    4. Her name is KRYSTAL Harris. Krystal = Crystal = Diamond = Superman Diamond Insignia
    5. Krystal Harris = Initials KY = My cousin Karen Hernandez (KH). I said 4/30/2006 that Sunny Leone is Karen
  3. Kelsey Grammer and Karen:
      I said 6/27/2006 about Kelsey Grammer's sister Karen getting raped and murdered
    1. In the Kelsey Grammer Bio, it says that the daughter Spencer Karen is named after his sister
    2. In "As Good As It Gets," Carol (Caroline Goodall as Mia's Mother Helen) has a child named Spencer
    3. I said Sunny Leone looks like my mom in 1961
    4. Kelsey Grammer = Grammer = Grammer. My mom is a retired Remedial ENGLISH Teacher
    5. I said that Isabella Valentine was using pictures of Sunny Leone and I didn't find out or realize those pictures weren't hers until March 2005
  4. Supergirl:
    1. Super/G-IRL = Super Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) In Real Life(IRL)
    2. That's how you can get Superman and Supergirl to be the same individual
    3. Super/M-An = Super 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Indefinite(An)
    4. Super/Ma-N = Super Mother(Ma) Sun(N/V in Greek)
  5. "Music" by Madonna: When it comes to Supergirl, you see in the music video "Music" by Madonna where there's cartoon sequence where she's a Female Superhero
When I found out that Isabella Valentine was not really the woman in the pictures she was using (Sunny Leone), that was the "Death" of a Dream:
  1. I said that Human Beings are Physical Manifestations of Ideas
  2. Humans are Walking, Talking Physical Ideas of the Planet
  3. When a person dies, that's like an idea or dream dying with that person (depending on if they passed their values or morals on to others)
  4. When I found out that Isabella Valentine was not her, that was the Death of Alison Zaichers (nickname given to Sunny Leone/Isabella Valentine)
  5. That's why Alison is the name of the character in "The Notebook"
  6. I said 8/22/2005 that the movie 'Racing Stripes" where the mother and horse she was riding die refers to how Alison Zaichers/Sunny Leone technically "died
  7. If you look 1 hour and 19 minutes into the movie of "Racing Stripes," the mother's name was Carolyn Walsh like Caroline Goodall
  8. WA/L-SH = Washington(WA) Bad(L/Non-7) Gemini Superman(SH)
  9. SH = Quiet = Q u I-ET = God(Q-Star Trek) in Union with(U) God(I) Non-Alien)
  10. Carol(YN) = Carol(INE) when California(YN/Non-NY/Non-New York) = Final(I+N=W) Sun(E/5/Leo)
The father represents me. Just as Nolan Walsh was a expert HorseTrainer, I was an expert "God" Trainer. I trained the original four on the team with me as Leader two years ago.

I was a damn good trainer. However, just like in the movie "Racing Stripes," I stopped training people after Alison "died." You never get over stuff like that. I had groomed her for the role of "Queen Isabella," which is how you get Queen Isabella who commissioned CHRISTopher Columbus to sail around the world to find the East Indies (Sunny Leone the East Indian).

Dairy Queen
There's even a joke about Dairy Queen:
  1. Dairy Queen:
    1. Wisconsin = Dairy State
    2. Wisconsin was inducted 5/29 (My Birthday)
    3. I said I'm QUEEN Isabelo the Gemini = Queen Elizabeth II
    4. The Subconscious Minds plugged into the Planetary Local Area Network read that Data and accept it in the Software Program
  2. Cows provide Dairy:
    1. C/O-W = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Sun(O) Final(O)
    2. Cows go "Moo." Moo = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Gemini Sun(OO/SunSun)
    3. I'm Male (Car) and have a Female Subconscious (Driver)
    4. Notice how the Female Cow giving Milk (Knowledge) is in the CROTCH Area like a Male
  3. Wisconsin is the Da/IR-y State:
    1. Da/IR-y = Giving(Da-Spanish) IR Male(Y)
    2. DA = 41
    3. My mom is born in '41
    4. Mom = Mother. I said I'm the Virgin Mother
  4. Flowing Breast Milk from Goddesses nurtures Babies:
    1. As a "Cow" I'd giving Milk as Knowledge
    2. You "MILK' me for Information
    3. Mil(K) = Mil(F) when Aquarius(K/11) = Virgo(F/6).
    4. Notice you add 5(Sun) to 6 (Virgo) to get 11(Aquarius)
  5. Bovine Divinity:
    1. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
    2. That's why as a Heifer, you'd say, "Holy Cow!!!"
    3. That's why Sunny Leone is East Indian and East Indians worship COWS
Scott used to eat meat until he did a Book Report on Cows in College. He was so grossed out by the Animal Cruelty that he will no longer eat Meat. He changed into a Pescatarian where he only eats Fish and Vegetables.

I still eat meat, but the cruelty to Cows serves as a reminder of how people have been cruel toward me when it comes to Slaughter. Ever notice how Slaughter = S/Laughter = Superman(S) Laughter
  1. Scott is a Male Pisces
  2. Virgo = Opposite of a Pisces
  3. Female Virgo = Opposite of a Male Pisces
  4. I said I'm Female and V/IR-Go
  5. I said 6/15/2006 that with Gemini Twins I'm CA-S/T-Or and Scott would be P.O./LL u X
You even see where there's reflection of the two of us in the State of Arizona:
  1. Arizona = AZ
  2. AZ = Alison Zaichers
  3. You have Scottsdale, AZ
  4. Phoenix is the Capital:
    1. You have Phoenix and Cyclops
    2. Cyclops = Scott Summers = Scott
    3. Phoenix was the Psychic. I'm Psychic and Fe-Male
  5. I said 3/10/2006 that Arizona was inducted 2/14 for Valentine's Day symbolizing Sunny Leone as the original Aphrodite
Do you know that my mom was born when Pearl Harbor was bombed?
  1. The U.S.S. Arizona sank with all those sailors
  2. I said that I'm the Virgin Mother
  3. I said that the Body is a Vessel
  4. The Physical Body of the U.S.S. Arizona sinking is symbolic of when I die and the "birth of the mother"
A lot of the things you see throughout history are symbolic.
    Alexander Hamilton(AH/God Pisces) could have gone on to be President, but he was shot in a Duel with Aaron B u RR, Gemini(B) in Union with(RR)
  1. Scott and I had a duel or disagreement over this Psychic Phenomenon
  2. I technically "shot" him in a D u El using Pistols
  3. Aside from Ben Franklin, meaning Gemini(B/2) Virgo(6) on the $100.00, Alexander Hamilton is the only other individual in circulated currency that didn't serve as a President
  4. He's on the $10.00 Bill. 10 = X = Cross-Eyed = BD = Gemini Sun Female
You always follow the Initials because that's the "trunk" of the Tree:
  1. The letters following after are the branches and leaves
  2. Notice how the TRUNK of a car is in the back
  3. The only car where the trunk is the other way around and in the front is the VW Bug
  4. The VW Bug was created by Hitler of the AXIS Powers symbolizing the Electromagnetic Field generated by the Earth spinning on its AXIS
  5. Axis = A(XI)S = Clark Kent(AS/33-Periodic/3x11/CxK/CK) with Aquarius (K/11) in it
I said that Davis born Aquarius on Valentine's day and was making me do a lot of things, feeding me "B/AD" (2/14) Ideas
  1. That's why you see me as R uSS/IA and Stalin (Stallin'/Stalling) siding with Davis
  2. However, I said that Davis pulled a "Hitler" on me and "Backstabbed" me when he left me out to dry financially
  3. As soon as the money ran dry, Davis abandoned my Cell Phone Plan and started his own stuff once all my finances dried up and he could no longer borrow anymore money off my mom
    1. He couldn't pay any of the back debts that he claims that he "intends to pay" when he gets money, but that's vague and hanging in the air
    2. People can speculate on whether Davis is genuine about that or not.
    3. He probably is
    4. However, you still see a form of discrimination or disrespect because if I had been an ACTUAL Financial Lending Institution, that bank or lender would've already sued Davis or sent the Credit Collection Agencies after him
    5. Davis unconscoiusly does it but he thinks, "Wlel, Rod has a lot of money or can borrow off his family so paying him back isn't a priority. It's not like he's hurting for money"
  4. How does Davis know?
  5. That's a form of "Financial Discrimination"
  6. It's where you don't treat people equally based off of their financial status
  7. Poor people do the same to Rich People without realizing it and then wonder why the Rich are so protective over their money
  8. It's because Poor People assume that since the Rich Person has a lot of money, "That it's no big deal"
  9. If it was YOUR money, you'd be singing a different tune
  10. If you concede on that point, we come back to the "GOLDEN RULE" in Business of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you"
  11. If you look down upon Rich People and don't think they need to be paid back because "they have a lot money and don't need it" but you can turn around and be protective of your money when it's YOUR finances on the line, that's Financial Discrimination
Most people who aren't rich don't see it that way because they don't know what it's like to be rich.

However, the concept of "rich" in terms of money is subjective:
  1. A single person earning $60,000/year could be considered well off
  2. Another person earning $60,000/year but with 5 kids, a stay at home mom, and taking care of the invalid grandmother could be deemed poor
You can't even assume just by the number of kids that you should pity the that person:
  1. What if the guy is a total Dog who goes around banging women and those are 5 different children from 5 different mothers?
  2. What if he's going around messing up the lives of those women making them unwed mothers with no child support?
  3. Should you really be pitying the guy with all the kids?
Look at the Single Male in this example who earns $60000/year:
  1. What if the single guy may have a really nice place, but he took the time to work hard to earn his money
  2. What if he specifically abstained from sex or led a lifestyle that doesn't impregnate women?
  3. What if he (or she) worked hard to establish himself and that person is now reaping the fruits of his or her labors being able to afford a nice place?
  4. Does that take away from the person because they're "rich" and "they can afford to be screwed over" or lose money?
That's the attitude that Davis takes:
  1. I said 5/26/2006 how my cousin Brian was telling his fiancee in the car with me laughing about how I'm "spoiled" and a Kleptomaniac
  2. He assumes that I must be spoiled because every time him and his cousins would visit my mom, she'd play Hostess and SPOIL the Guests showering them with HOSPITALITY
  3. That's my mom. That's what she does for people
  4. However, when there were no guests, my mom was strict
  5. Brian was basing it on what he saw on the surface
Plus, Brian growing up was like "Eddie Haskell" from "Leave It to Beaver." I said that he would go and "dare" me to do bad things and because I was an only child and so eager to see my cousins and wanted to play with them, I'd go and do it.

EXCUSE ME for being "dumb" because I was happy to see my cousins and have playmates. And because you have playmates that you want as friends when you're 5 years old, you do anything for them so that you'll be accepted.

Even my mom got mad at Brian because he tried to pull the same thing on her:
  1. Brian came over to visit and said, "Are you going to make me sleep in the Mobile Home and not in the new house like you did Maricar?" [his sister]
  2. My mom caught the underlying tone and she set him straight
  3. She told Brian that she had offered for Maricar to stay in the New House on our property, but it was Maricar who requested to be in the Mobile Home on our property to be under the same roof as Grandma (my mom's mother)
You have to be careful with people because they'll color or distort things.

This is why I keep talking about the MATHEMATICAL DECRYPTION CODE:
  1. The Planet knows all the CRAP people are going to pull
  2. It's already seen all the Predictable Behavior that people will engage in when they're raised and nurtured with a certain personality type
  3. The Subconscious Minds of the people monitor what you say and do
  4. The Planet knows what Predictable Behavior people engage in
  5. That's why you have all these Hidden Bar Code Tags placed on everyone whom I'm set to meet
  6. When it comes time to giving my side of the story, I can point to Historical References and Events in History with SPECIFIC TAGS that align with people, what they say, what they do, their birthdates, their parents' names, the date the parents got married, etc.
  7. To authenticate it, you just couple it with my Psychic Readings where what I say in my Blogs or Journal Entries manifest in the News
The more I continue to pinpoint things in my Journal every 24 hours (regardless of whether it's Conscious or Subconscious) on my part, the higher the Probability that MY VERSION of the Story is more accurate.

That's how you get me as the Mother who can check when the K/Ids are MISBEHAVING thinking they can pull crap without getting caught.

That's why we come back to Scientific Theory and explaining to the Scientific Community HOW it is possible to have Psychic Surveillance Cameras monitoring and recording everything you do.

That's why we go through this long, drawn out explanation about an Electromagnetic Field Shell Membrane encompassing the Planet that serves as a "Plasma Data Distributor." Just like Single-Celled Organisms that have a Plasma Shell Membrane that distributes food, protein, and energy through out its spherical body, the Planet distributes Energy in the form of Electricity giving instructions and directing its different parts of the body.

That's how you get a Planet-Sized Living Organism. I said the same thing goes for the Sun with those Electromagnetic Storms it has been belching out every 11 years. It's a living entity. Those Solar Flares aren't random.

I theorized that the way they leap from the surface and the arc they move in is a form of Mathematical Communication to other stars. If you were alive and a star positioned in one place and you can see other stars from afar just like you, wouldn't it make sense that you develop a form of Sophisticated "Lighthouse" Communication using Lights and Angles?

If I was a Fat-Ass Star killing time sitting around for a couple billion years, that's what I'd do. I'd get bored and hop on the "Intergalactic Internet" chatting with other "Celestial Body" Users on ""

electromagnetic field, twins, castor, royalty, scott summers, karen, axis powers, lori hinds, arizona, princess diaries, 529, wisconsin, superman, princess, shell membrane, az, alison zaichers, scott, vw bug, aquarius, axis, daily planet, phoenix, communication, plasma, solar flares, hitler, dairy queen, sun, pollux, kh, supergirl, herbie, discrimination

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