PROPHECY: Klaudia Warren/Kelly Warren as Psychic Twins

Jun 15, 2006 16:20

OMG, I'm so excited!!!

We get to see the Software Program in action.
  1. Izabella Scorupco as in the "Exorcist"
  2. Izabella Scorupco is from Poland where Klaudia is from
  3. Scor(U)p[C]o = Scor()p(I)o when Old God(U) = Nothing() and Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) = God(I)
  4. I said Isabella Valentine is born Scorpio
We even see hints about it in "There's Something About Mary" where Cameron Diaz as Mary has a retarded brother named WARREN:
  1. I said Scott is my best friend
  2. Klaudia is born 3/10 like Scott and her name is Warren
  3. Warren = WA/RR-EN = Washington(WA) Rod Rodillon(RR) Gemini Sun(EN/EV in Greek/55/LeoLeo)
  4. The reason why it was the retarded brother is because it was showing Level of Intelligence and experience
  5. I said I'm Fe-Male and the Male Virgin Mary
  6. That's why it's Mary
You get to see the hints in the Operating Procedure inserted into popular movies.

Do you know that my neighbor that lived on 7000 Beach Drive was Lynn CHRISTopher and she was the daughter of WARREN Christopher who was the Secretary of Defense under the Clinton Administration?

L-y/NN = Bad(L) Male(Y) Valentine(NN/2x14)

Klaudia changed her last name running parallel to Scott as 3/10. Pisces is also a Dual Sign just like Gemini with the Twins.
  1. You see the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene theme as well
  2. Kelly Deva had a child and is currently a single mother like the Virgin Mary
  3. If she's De/VA meaning "Of(De) the Virgin/IA(VA)," she's be the Virgo the Virgin
  4. Klaudia is Pisces
  5. Virgo = Opposite of Pisces on the 12-Slice Zodiac Pie Chart
  6. So Kelly Deva would be symbolic variation of a Mathematical Virgin Mary

You even see Kelly Deva's Subconscous Mind in action:
  1. She posted at 3:16 pm
  2. I said 3/16/2006 that Elizabeth Valentine is born 3/16
  3. I said 5/18/2006 about a Mathematical Virgin Mary and a Mathematical Mary Magdalene
  4. I said I'm a Pure Male Virgin and Kelly Deva (K. Warren) means Of the Virgin I o' WA(De/VA) [Virgn Mary with Child]
  5. Scott is born 3/10 like Klaudia (K. Warren) and is not a Virgin [Mary Magdalene]
  6. Scott is from Port Orchard (P.O.) running parallele to P.O./Land
  7. Kelly Deva is in California = CA = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) God(A/1).
You see Parallelism when it comes to Mathematical Divinity.

To: ¸¤.Klaudia.¤¸
From: Rod
Date: Jun 15, 2006 4:23 PM
Subject: Kelly as "K. Warren" as Your Psychic Twin

I was so excited I had to mail Kelly Deva about how you're Psychic Twins!

This is so exciting!

To: Kelly Deva
From: Rod
Date: Jun 15, 2006 4:21 PM
Subject: Klaudia as "K. Warren" as Your Psychic Twin

Wow, this is so cool.
  1. You're a Gemini TWIN
  2. Klaudia would also be "K. Warren"
  3. Klaudia is also Psychic
  4. Klaudia surfaces as your "Psychic Twin"
Both of you have Psychic Abilities.
  1. Klaudia is the Dark Twin because she's been afflicted with Demons
  2. I said 6/15/2006 about Isabella Damon = Isabella Demon
  3. Klaudia is Izabella afflicted by Demons = Isabella Damon
  4. She's born 3/10 like my friend Scott born 3/10
  5. I said my friend Scott = Scott Evil from Austin Powers
You even see this in Astrology:
  1. It's Castor and Pollux as the Gemini Twins
  2. Klaudia is from (POL)and and immigrated here
  3. (POL)and = (POL)lux
  4. You're in California = CA
  5. (CA)lifornia = (CA)stor
That's why you're the Female Psychic Twins running Parallel to me and Scott.
  1. Klaudia's middle name is "Izabella" for my name Isabelo
  2. Deva = De/VA = Of(De) Virgin/IA(VA)
  3. You were mentioning about the Deity it refers to as an Earthly Angel
I said I'm a Child of Light:
  1. All the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
  2. My GODfather is born 9/18 = I/R = IR = My Initials
  3. My Grandmother is born 12/20 = L/T = Light. I'm a Child of Light
  4. My cousin Mimi is born Christmas Day. MI/MI = Gemini Sun(M/13+I/9=V/22=5 in Roman Numerals=Leo/Sun)
You're getting to see a Mathematical Operation.
  1. Poland is in Europe
  2. I said Europe is the Conscious Mind
  3. California is in the U.S. or the Americas
  4. I said that the Americas are in the Subconcious
  5. Kelly Deva would be the Subconscious Twin
  6. Klaudia would be the Conscious Twin
That's how you see Light and Dark:
  1. Kelly Deva is the Virgin/IA or Pure Virgin
  2. Klaudia as the Dark Twin and Pisces
  3. Pisces is the Sign of Endings, Termination, or Finality
This is so cool!!! :)

It's just like the "Parent Trap" wher eyou find out you were separate at Birth and find out you have a Twin :).

And you're both Hot Twins, too!


warren, twins, divinity, math, castor, pollux, kelly deva, lynn christopher, lessons, signs, advice, deva, virgin mary, lynn

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