There's a
quote from "
Superman" used in "Superman Returns" used by
Marlon Brando as Vito Corleone the
JOR-EL: You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you... even in the face of our deaths... the richness of our lives shall be yours. All that I have, all that I've learned, everything I feel... all this, and more... I bequeath you, my son. You will carry me inside you all the days of your life. You will make my strength your own, and see my life through your own eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son. This is all I can send you, Kal-El.
- Son = S/on = Superman(S) Activated(On)
- Father = Fat Her = Sun in our Solar System is a "Fat Her"
There are some other clues about what happened:
- Marlon Brando's IMDB is 8 = H = Pisces = Fe-ET = IRon Alien = Man of Steel = Superman
- Trevor Howard was the 1st Elder
- I said 10/12/2005 that Howard is for Charlie of BCB who was didn't believe my claims about Psychic Phenomenon:
- He convinced all the Women that I was a crackpot
- That runs parallel to the Elders of Krypton that refused to believe the Readings Jor-El was taking that said that the Planet was dying
- That was Charlie of BCB convincing the women that I was wrong about my Psychic Readings
- Trevor Howard's IMDB Number is 2145:
- 2145 = 2-14/5
- 2-14/5 = Valentine(2/14) Sun(5/Leo)
- I said Isabella VALENTINE uses pictures of SUNny LEOne
- Father = F-At/Her = Virgo(F/6) Gemini(At/Shift 2) Female(Her)
- I said 4/30/2006 that Sunny Leone has a "Karen" tag
- My cousin Karen was complaining on how she weighed herself one day and gained 3 lbs. in one night
- She was becoming "Fat Her"
- My mom also gained weight in the 1990s and become "Fat Her"
- The Sun in our Solar System is Female, Big, and ROUND. So the Sun would qualify as a "Fat Her"
- I said that when it comes to Lesbian Couples, the Female who weighs the most would be the "Fat Her" and the other must be the opposite of the "Fat Her" and therefore the Mother
- If God as the Sun impregnanted a Male Virgin, then the Sun is obviously the "Fat Her" and the Male Virgin would be the Virgin Non-Fat-Her or "Virgin "Mother" :o)
You've then got Davis born VALENTINE's Day who pulled the same crap where he made a mess like Isabella Valentine and walked away from that mess like Isabella Valentine and where BOTH of them left me to take the fall and get in trouble.
Separately, they'd both have a case against me. However, because they both did the exact same thing and have the same TAGS that Light Up indicating how they run parallel, it shows people that something "odd" is going on and where it's not just "mere coincidence."
It was staged.
That's how you know that both of them pulled CRAP and didn't get caught or punished for it. I got punished instead. That's why when people actually review my Research and see that my Psychic Abiilities are legitimate and that my Psychic Research is valid, it makes both of them look bad because incriminates both of them showing the selfish crap they pulled and let an innocent person take the fall for their mistakes.
You even see an insult embedded that line "The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son"
- I'm the S/On = Superman(S) Activated
- I said 4/16/2006 that I'm the real Superman who gets his powers from the SUN(ny Leone)
- I said that Isabella VALENTINE (Red) is the RED Sun that exploded or was destroyed
- Sunny Leone is the YELLOW Sun where I get my Super Powers
- I said my mom looks like Sunny Leone in 1961, which is how you get an Oedipal Complex
- 1961 = Superman(19/S) V/IR-Go(6/6th Sign) God(1)
1961 = 11 with 96 inside = Gemini(11/II) with Mom(96=12x8/12-8) inside. My mom is born 12/8 like Teri Hatcher
Here's where the Insult is thrown in:
- If you look at Isabella Valentine's REAL pictures, you'll find that she doesn't look like Sunny Leone
- Isabella Valentine is actually overweight or plump
- J-OR-El = Valentine(J/10/X/24/BD/Davis born Valentine's Day) Valentine(Or/Oregon/2-14) Definite(El/The-Spanish)
- Isabella is Spanish
- That's how you get Isabella Valentine as the Jor-EL the "Fat Her"
- Isabella Valentine is a "Fat Female(Her)"
You see the same tag light up with the Godfather:
- Jor-El = Marlon Brando
- Marlon Brando = Vito Corleone
- (Cor)Leone = (Sunny) Leone
- C/Or = Gemini(3/3rd Sign) Valentine(Or/Oregon/2-14)
My Biological Father was Scorpio like Isabella Valentine born 11/11 like Washington State where I was born:
- My Biological Father was born 11/19
- 19 = 8 + 11
- 8 = H = Pisces = Fe-ET = IRon Alien = Man of Steel = Superman
- I said my Biological Father is symbolic of the Planet Krypton that died
- If I'm Superman (8), then the Sperm would be the Spaceship carrying me that crashlands on Earth (My Mom's Ovum)
- 11/19 - 8 = 11/11 = Washington State/Isabella Valentine
It means that as soon as Spaceship carrying me as Kal-El (Sperm) exited my dad's body to impregnate my mom, that was the ship leaving one Solar System and a dying Planet to our Solar System.
- I said 6/21/2006 that my Mom is technically "Go/D" as the IR(Go-Spanish) Mother(D/4/Cancer/Eternal Mother
- The Sun in our Solar System is God
- I'd be Kal-El in the tiny Sperm Casing that exited my dad's Penis into my mom's Vagina
- Earth was my mom's Ovum
- Superman's mother was Lara = L/AR-A = Bad(L) IR(AR) God(A)
- L(AR)A = Heaven(LA/Los Angeles) with IR in it
That whole thing about the "Father becomes the Son and the Son becomes the Father" on another Level is talking about my Father's DNA.
- When it talks about seeing things through "my eyes," it refers to how I inherited my dad's eyes as the genetic offspring or son.
- The whole story of Kal-El is really just a fancy explanation of how my dad knocked up my mom and how she gave birth to me...LOL
- I get my powers from the Sun, which is God
- My Morals, Ethics, and Principles are what my mom installed in me
- I said that the Solar System is like a Chicken Egg that's hatching
- That's how you get Te/RI "Hatcher" (One who Hatches an Egg) as LOIS LANE
- I said 1/17/2006 that's how you get "Cluck Kent"
You have the song the "Henry the 8th" by Peter Noone:
- Hen/R-y = Female Chicken(Hen) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Male(Y)
- 8 = VIII = Sun(V) Gemini(III)
- S/Am = Superman(S) Father(Am/Non-MA/PA)
- "Wouldn't have a Willie or a Sam. No Sam"
- Peter Noone = Fuck(Peter) No One(Noone) = Virgin Male
- Herman's Hermits = HH = Gemini(2) Superman(H)
- I've been a "Hermit" and in hiding or "Reclusive"
- Herman = Her Man = Female Man
It's talking about love or the Great Lengths you'd go for a women whom you THINK you're in love with
- It begs the question of "Just what exactly is the Definition of Love?"
- That's how you get Sunny Leone as the real Helen of Troy
Helen of Troy was the face that launched 1,000 Ships
- 1000 = M = 13 = Rhode Island = 5/29
- S/Hip = Superman(S) Sagittarius(Hip-Ruling Body Part)
- My Mom is born Sagittarius
Scott is a huge key:
- Scott is Pisces
- Pisces = Fe-ET = IRon Alien = Man of Steel
- I said 6/29/2006 that Scott is born 3/10
- 3/10 = 3/X in Roman Numerals = XXX = Adult Industry = SUNny LEOne
I said that if the Sun in our Solar System could be converted into a Female, it would look like Sunny Leone:
- Huge Nipples
- Medium Breasts representing Knowledge
- Nice Ass (God Gemini Superman)
- She's not very tall symbolizing the Size of the Sun in respect to other Stars in the Universe
- She's "tame" compared to other Adult Stars when it comes to Sex meaning she doesn't run as "hot" as other Stars
If you were to compare Sunny Leone's general "Star Power" in the Adult Industry where all the other Adult Female Stars symbolize "Adult Stars" in the Universe, she doesn't shine as brightly.
The Planet is giving you a Physical Representation of the Sun in our Solar System with respect to the other "Adult Stars" in the Universe. You can use it as a form of comparison.
Scott as a Pisces would be the Final Sign:
- Scott is all that you'd hope someone to be representing the Age of Pisces 2,000 years after the Age of Aquarius finishes
- Scott is extremely smart
- He's level-headed
- He's just
- He's very intuitive
- He's perceptive
- He's slow to anger
That's why as my era comes to a close, Scott is just beginning:
- That's why you have Scott Evil as the Son of Dr. Evil
- EV/Il = Gemini Sun(EV/55) Definite(Il/The-Italian)
- If I was to entrust the Planet in someone's hands, it would be Scott
- That's why you see me as "Pa/IR" = Father IR
- Scott is the Son
DR. EVIL: Come over here and give your dad a hug.
Scott is actually born two months before me as the Older Brother. However, Time is Relative and I've "aged" so there I'd qualify as Father where he'd be my Son.
His Initials SB = Superman(S) Gemini(B/2)
- I said 3/10/2006 that he looks like the real Harry Potter
- In the movie "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," you see Ron Weasley and Harry Potter going out with East Indian TWINS
- Scott has always been the Level-Headed and brave one
- I'd be Ronald Weasley
- Our classmate Heidi Greenwood (HG) who went to Project Life (Gifted Program with me and Scott) would be the real Hermione Granger (HG)
I had said years before I knew I was Psychic that Hermione Granger reminded me so much of Heidi because Hermione is so booksmart. That was Heidi.
It even rotates around in High School where Heidi as Hermione Granger was going out with Rob Colby (Ron Weasley) with me as Harry Potter.
- Harry Potter = HA/RR-y P.O./TT-ER
- HA/RR-y = Gemini(HA/81/9x9/IxI/II) Rod Rodillon(RR) Male(Y)
- P.O./TT-ER = Port Orchard(P.O.) Male(TT/Non-T) Sun Gemini(ER/EII/VII)
- I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a House
- My Mind would be the real Hogwarts Castle
- Scott's "young" Subconscious would be a hybrid of me and Scott going to Hogwarts and Learning WitchCraft and Wizardry
Henry the 8th
By Peter Noone
I’m Henry the eighth I am
Henry the eighth I am, I am
I got married to the widow next door
She’s been married seven times before
And every one was an Henry (Henry)
She wouldn’t have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)
I’m her eighth old man, I’m Henry
Henry the eighth I am
Second verse same as the first
I’m Henry the eighth I am
Henry the eighth I am, I am
I got married to the widow next door
She’s been married seven times before
And every one was an Henry (Henry)
She wouldn’t have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)
I’m her eighth old man, I’m Henry
Henry the eighth I am
I’m Henry the eighth I am
Henry the eighth I am, I am
I got married to the widow next door
She’s been married seven times before
And every one was an Henry (Henry)
She wouldn’t have a Willy or a Sam (no Sam)
I’m her eighth old man, I’m Henry
Henry the eighth I am
Henry (Henry)
Henry (Henry)
Henry the eighth I am, I am
Henry the eighth I am