I don't know why I feel so bad giving this type of review. It's not supposed to knock Superman. It's great movie up there with all the other Superhero Movies.
For its Entertainment Value, I think it's worth the $180 million. I just happen to like "Click" because it's Entertaining and Educational. The movie "Superman Returns" makes people hanker for a Savior or wish there was someone like that around.
There is.
However, even if that person was around, all you get are just new problems. Just when people think Superman or a Jesus Christ surfacing on the Planet will solve their problems, new ones will just crop up.
There will be Side Effects to the presence of a Superman or Jesus Christ Figure on the Planet that the People of Earth didn't anticipate. They would've been better off just solving their problems on their own.
Amusingly enough, I fell for the same mistake. I waited on Davis for two years to be my "Savior" to pull me out of debt with the financial mess he created, but he just ended up blowing more money and putting me further in debt.
I thought I could hold out for him to get his act together and finally close on something to make up for all the money he lost and borrowed from my family. Instead, his solution was dumping more money in to bail out the money he'd already lost.
Rather than finally turning a profit, he just ended up losing that money as well putting my family in even more debt than if I had just cut ties with him early on and cut my losses.
That's why you even see reflections of what Davis did in my family:
- My Aunt Rosemarie co-signed for a house and car for "Ken"
- K = 11th Letter
- Aquarius = 11th Sign
- Davis is born Aquarius
- Ken left my Aunt with the car payments and house payments messing up her APR and Credit Score
- That was a variation of Davis and what he did
I said I already met a variation of Davis when "Dave" in 1993 screwed my mom over
- "Dave" was the partner of the daughter of Grandpa Pio, who is my grandmother's brother.
- My mom dumped all of my college tuition money she'd been saving for me since I was a baby and Dave and that relative lost it all in bad stocks
- They were stocks they were so sure would pull out of trouble, but they just get on plummeting in price
- My mom begged and cried for Dave to get that money back
- He sent a "Fruit Basket" of some sort, but the money was lost
That's why I know Davis. He still doesn't believe in my Psychic Abilities and he doesn't understand Math so his own Ignorance keeps him in his own happy little world.
If Davis understood Math and realized the seriousness of his issues, he would be trembling in fear. Not because of me though.
I said 6/21/2006 that the Interpretation shows that my mom qualifies as "Go/D" with me as the "S/On." You know you've really screwed up when you borrow money from God and use the Son as a Personal Servant.
That's how you get sick humor with the African-American Humor that has been going off on the Caucasian Community over the Slavery Issue for the last 400 years when they don't realize that it was to balance out Davis as a Black Male enslaving a Jesus Christ Figure and taking money from God.
That is so heinous:
- I said 6/5/2006 that Davis spent 6/6/6 (666/Anti-Christ) in "Hell" (Las Vegas/Sin City)
- I said 6/4/2006 how Sean Penn won an Oscar for "Mystic River" = MR = 13/18 = Mark of the Beast = Anti-Christ
- Penn = Pennsylvania. I said Davis is from Pennsylvania
- I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
- Notice if I'm the S/On (Sun), that Davis who is Black would be the "Black" of Space
- Notice how the Sun as a Star keeps producing Light and the Black of Space just keeps on swallowing it up
- I kept on putting out financially for Davis and he just kept swallowing it up
- That's why there's no "A/IR" in the Black of Space :o)
Get it? It's punny :o).
Do you know why I know how it happened?
- Charlie of Bay City Blues was using the name Charlie from "Charlie's Angels"
- Charlie = Voice of God
- Charlie of BCB screwed me over by having all the women side with him
- You're just seeing a mirror image of Davis getting "framed" the same way I did
- However, I said it was Isabella Valentine running parallel to Davis born Valentine's Day who set off the chain
- Davis put himself in the hole financially and created his own debt before I even met him
That's why that Car Accident October 2002 with the Truck Driver named Blaney (his name) totaled his car BEFORE I met him. It's so that no one can blame me for "hexing" him.
He has to take his issues directly with the Planet. The Planet already knew what he was going to do and how he was going to mess me up financially. That's why he got punished early.
It works out better this way so that people can't claim I was being vindictive or "abusing" my powers.
That's even under the assumption that you BELIEVE that I have Psychic Powers. If you don't believe I have them, you can't blame me for stuff you don't believe in.
The Planet sets up this cute little scenario where you have to first BELIEVE that Rod actually is in possession of such powers to be able to mess with your life.
However, if you concede that, then you clear me of all the charges thrown on me about being Mentally Ill or Crazy. It then means that I was telling the Truth the entire time and I got persecuted, abused, and punished even though I was innocent.
Even if you acknowledge that my Psychic Theories are indeed correct, then it means that I'm a Genius and I'd be at the Level of winning a Nobel Peace Prize for my amazing discoveries.
On top of that, if it turns out that my Psychic Theories are true, then it means you also have to acknowledge that my Titles as Superman, Male Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, and God must also have a high probability of being true.
If that's true, then how is anyone going to arrest Jesus Christ or the Virgin Mary?
See how messed up that is? :o)
I've flat out said how I've been pulling off the stuff I've been doing. It's never been a secret. People just refuse to believe it and think I'm a crackpot. You can't blame a nutcase for stuff.
It's even a smart code that the Planet developed:
- It's protected by the 1st Amendment as Freedom of Religion
- As long as you show a System of Codes, that qualifies as Laws written for that Religion
- Because my name "Isabelo Rod" = "Ruler Consecrated by God," it qualifies under the 14th Amendment as a Fictitious Business Name
- Even when it comes to the Software Code, it's using Acronyms out of Biblical Terms and technically doesn't tread on any other religions
- For any religion to get upset at how I refer to Acronyms of God, Jesus Christ, and the Virgin Mary, then they'd have to also get mad at other rival Religions like Presbytarian, Mormon, and other Religions that also use those Biblical Names
Also if people are claiming that I'm being dishonest or lying, it's embedded in Mathematical Formalus so that they're technically true statements when you follow the Letter of the Law
- You can have a case against someone claimiing they're "God"
- You can't incarcerate someone as being crazy when they say they're Go/D.
- You can lock someone up in the funny farm for claiming to be the "Virgin Mary"
- You can't lock someone up for being the Virgin M/AR-y = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IR(AR) Male(Y). I'm born 5/29, have a Birth Certificate saying I'm "IR" and I'm physically male
You can brand someone as being crazy if they claim they're "Christ"
- You can't go after someone who said a true statement where C+H+R+I+S+T = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table and his initials are IR. That's software code
- I can change the WA/T-ER into WI/NE:
- WA/T-ER = Washington(WA) Iron Male(Fe-Male/IRon Male) Sun Gemini(ER/EII/VII)
- WI/NE = 5/29(WI/Wisconsin) Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/55/LeoLeo)
- I'm the Washington Iron Male Sun Gemini(WA/T-ER)
- I'm WI/NE (5/29 Gemini Sun)
- That's how C+H+R+I+S+T changed the WA/T-ER into WI/NE...LMAO
- That's why it's called a M-IR/AC-Le = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IR 5/29(AC/13/Rhode Island) Definite(Le/The-Fr)
- When people are misbehaving, I pull out the Miracle Whip!!! :D
- I can walk on WA/T-ER (Washington Fe-Male Sun Gemini)
See how sneaky the Planet is?
Has anyone figured out the part where Human Dates in History just so happen to "coincidentally" match with my Abbreviations?
It's a SOFTWARE PROGRAM...LOL I know it works because I've been running it for the last two years and get Feedback every day. That Electromagnetic Field courses through the entire Planet and everything is affected.
I said I was the Super SPERM and the Earth is a Planetary OVUM. My "Psychic Flagella Tail" was whipping so hard two years ago that I pierced through the Electromagnetic Field Shell Membrane of the Planetary Ovum and my DNA started replicating.
I said 1/17/2006 about the Planetary Myosis Process :o).
I may be a Virgin Male, but I got the Planet Earth "knocked up." Now you've got all these silly little "Rodlings" running around.
- Why do you think in "Aliens," you see a Spider explode out of the Stomach?
- Spider = Spider of Fate or Spider-Man
- Stomach = Ruling Planet of Virgo
- Virgo = Virgin
- V/IR-Go = Sun(V) IR IR(Go-Spanish) = Sun IR IR = Sun Gemini(2) IR
Even Scary Movies are meant to be funny.
Even the Holidays joke about it:
- Merry Christmas = M/Err-y Christ/Ma-S
- M/Err-y = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Mistaken(Err) Male(Y):
- I said I'm Fe-Male (Iron Male)
- I'm the 5/29(M) mistaken for(Err) Male(Y)
- That's how you'd get the "Virgin MERRY" when God(A) is mistaken(ERR)
- Even if I'm incorrect, I'm still the "Virgin Merry" or the Virgin "5/29 Mistaken Male" the Virgin born 5/29 who is Male and incorrect :o)
- M.E./RR-y = Mother Earth(M.E.) Rod Rodillon(RR) Male(Y)
- Christ/Ma-S = IR(CHRIST/77-Periodic) Mother(Ma) Superman(S)
- Santa says, "Ho Ho Ho":
- Ho Ho Ho = 3 Ho = Gemini(3) Ho = Gemini Slut = Communication Slut = Mary Magdalene...LOL
- Ho = 67 on the Periodic Table
- I said 6/4/2006 that Prince is born 6/7 = 67
- Ho Ho Ho = Gemini Prince
- Prince of Lies:
- Li(ES) = Li(CE) when the Northwest (ES/Non-SE/NW) = Gemini Sun(CE/35/Gemini 5)
- Lice = L/Ice = Bad(L) Diamond(Ice)
- When I'm being naughty, I'm the Prince of LICE = Prince of LIES
- Lice is in your HAIR
- Lice lays Eggs and you have to shave all your H/A-IR off
- That's how you get the music Group Sting and the P.O./Lice
- P.O./Lice = Port Orchard(P.O.) Lice. I'm from Port Orchard...LMAO
- This comes back to how you get a Blue Devil because Information is Power and the Person who controls all the Information as Power :o)
- Kris Kringle = Initials KRI-KRI = Washington State(K-K/11-11) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island)
- If you've been bad, I'm Santa C/L.A. u S (Gemini Los Angeles in Union with Superman) who will put a L u MP (Bad in Union with Military Police) of Co/AL (Company God Bad) in your Stock in G (Company Stock in Sun Gemini)...LMAO
"He knows when you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake."
Okay, well maybe it is, but you get the point. It's like practically no contest. There's so much data that it practically drowns out anyone's argument.
That's why Water is Knowledge. I'll just DROWN you with Information that validates everything I said.
I went and saw "Superman Returns" and the movie "Click." This may sound strange, but I found "Click" more enjoyable.
I love "Superman Returns." It met all my expectations. As an Iconic Flick, it is as it's described where it won't disappoint Superman Fans.
The reason why I like "Click" though is because it's like an Adam Sandler version of "It's a Wonderful Life."
For its educational value, "Click" has a direct lesson that pertains to people that don't appreciate things such as the loved ones in their lives until it's too late.
"Superman Returns" is about someone else and who people strive to be and reminds us of what's missing. However, the underlying impression is that it takes a special individual with special powers to be able to pull it off.
With "Click," it's close to Reality and showing that individuals can make a difference and you don't need a Special Universal Remote or Alien Super Powers to do it.
Maybe I set myself up and should have seen both movies separately on different days so that I wouldn't be comparing them. I'd still rate them as good movies.
I realize that by grouping both of them together, people are going to get a different impression of a $180 million dollar "Superman Returns" movie being topped by Comedy with Adam Sandler made for considerably less.
However, that's really my earnest opinion. I love Superman and what he stands for. I just happen to like that people are independent have the capacity to change.
Superman has Super Human Strength. Most people don't have that or could even compare themselves on that level. However, they can relate to someone who is overworked, underpaid, and neglecting their family in "Click."
I'm still surprised myself and hope that this doesn't mar anyone's expectations of "Superman Returns." Not that anyone ever reads my Blog anyway. So it's not like my one little commentary is going to harm sales.
Though if on the off-chance I ever do get famous, maybe Adam Sandler will give me a cut of the Royalties for my Gee Whiz Wonderful Movie Review that puts him above Superman :).