LESSONS: David Hasselhoff, Kevin Spacey, Black of Space

Jun 23, 2006 06:40

Here's a great explanation on the Different Layers of "God" when you try to explain the Planet. What's being don is where you're being given an example so that people can understand the Planet that they live on as a Living and Conscious Entity.

The reason why I'm here is because I'm the "Egg"
  1. Egg = EG/G
  2. EG = Example
  3. G = 7th Letter = 7 = VII in Roman Numerals
  4. VII = Sun(V/5/Leo) Gemini(II)
I serve as the example so that after I die, people who are reviewing my notes as an Instruction Manual will have something to go on when they continue my Research and where I left off.

I have to paraphrase because this was 30 minutes ago and I'm going off the top of my head.
  1. I was listening to Charlie Tuna in the Morning on KBIG 104.3 in Los Angeles
  2. Irma Blanco was reading off the Celebrity News
  3. She reads about David Hasselhoff who was seen crying on television
  4. An interviewer wanted to know why he was crying
  5. David Hasselhoff said that Taylor Hicks' parents were in front him and that his friend who was diagnosed with Brain Cancer says, "Isn't it great to be alive?"
  6. David Hasselhoff says he comes home and asks his daughter if he was on and she says no
  7. Then there's clip of him crying
  8. David says, "Oh my God! This is going to be all over the news, 'Man caught crying! News at 11! STAR!"
  9. Irma Blanco giving her input says, "That was a really great story, but I don't see why he has to be so defensive"
  10. Irma comments that he's being so defensive with the women
First of all, let's talk about how this ties into me:
  1. I said 6/22/2006 that I'm plugged into the Electromagnetic Field because of that Planetary Myosis Process with me as a Planetary Sperm
  2. I've been leaking my thoughts that have been bonding to the Planet and where I have a direct mind link with the Electromagnetic Field serving as the Nervous System
  3. People always talk about "God" or the Coming of Jesus Christ
  4. They never thought about how an Individual could control or have access to these Systems
  5. I said the Planet serves as a Planetary Local Area Network
  6. I'm the Planetary System Administrator
  7. I said I'm a "Communication Superman" or "Gemini Superman"
  8. That's why as Gemini, I'm 2 = Pair = Pa/IR = Father(Pa) IR
People think I joke about how I know about what's going on, but I'm dead serious. I'm CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) where currently everything streams through me.

The hub or where any transmissions that report what's going on gets sent through me. If you could translate me into part of your body, I'd be that teeny little individual cell that manages the Information Traffic between your Nervous System and the rest of your Brain Cells.

My Subconscious is on the Top Level Tier that determines which cases I should handle directly and which don't. Just like Circuit Level Judges, I'm the Planetary Judge or CEO.

Just as you go through the Appeals System moving up through the Courts, I'd be the Top Level Judge. They say that God is the Final Judge, this is just a Planetary Version of it translated over like that of the Human Body.

As I said, Life mimics itself on all Levels. The Body of Laws that govern the United States manages Traffic and Information in the same way the Human Body moves electrical impulses through the Nervous System that reach the brain.
  1. If you've got a mild tickle on your thumb, you'll feel it
  2. If you arm has been damaged and bleeding, your brain is going to hear about it and be sending off warnings in terms of pain receptors
  3. If it's one individual skin cell, you probably won't hear about it
  4. If you get a tiny papercut, you may not find out about it until a little later when there's some mild pain and you notice it on that patch of skin
Governments function in the same way as the Central Intelligence for individual countries.

The reason why this pertains to David Hasselhoff is because of what's happening my life:
  1. I said 6/16/2006 how I had been bombarding Davis with complaints becaues I got fed up with all of his borrowing
  2. I said 2/6/2006 that Davi(D) = Davi(S)
  3. You're seeing a Davis string resonating within a DAVID Hasselhoff name projected in the News acknowledging that
  4. The way David Hasselhoff was being on the defensive is reflective of Davis
  5. Irma Blanco is IR/Ma = IR Mother
  6. Irma Blanco is a Rod Strand resonating in response to the Davis String
  7. Irma mentioning about how David Hasselhoff is on the defensive against women is Davis who has been on the defensive regarding his actions to Rod as the "Fe-Male" (Iron Male)
We also get to see how the Planet moves in time with what I do.
  1. The issues I had with Davis happened 5 days ago
  2. I have been "tuned out" or not listening to the News or the Radio
  3. The information that was being pushed forward now is catching up because I am finally listening to the radio this morning
  4. You're witnessing how the Data Stream gets put on hold
  5. The Planet plans things out in weeks, months, years, decades, and centuries ahead of time
  6. The Planet already knew that I wouldn't be listening to the radio until today because I had to wake up extremely early
  7. The Planet put information in the "Printing Queue" waiting to be dispensed at that time
This is an important point to understand because you have to understand the Planet's Response Time as a Larger Living Organism. A week may seem like a long time to you, but that's not very long to a Planet that has been around for 4.55 billion years. That's like nothing. That's like a millisecond.

The reason why people find this hard to believe or fathom is because:
  1. Human beings are like Fruit Flies that only live for four hours compared to the Planet Earth or the Sun if they were translated into that of Human Beings.
  2. Our lives are so short that we're never alive long enough to really figure it out
  3. I just happen to be one of the first "Smart Fruit Flies" that was able to piece together the information laid out by generations of previous Fruit Flies
  4. I was the Smart Fruit Fly that was able to examine all the information and piece all the clues together
As the Smart Fruit Fly, I'm now passing on that information and getting the word out to the OTHER Fruit Flies about what I uncovered. Then all of you as other Fruit Flies are going to go tell your friends and family once you're convinced that I'm not a "Crazy Fruit Fly."

That's how you get a "Jesus Christ Fruit Fly."
  1. The Planet Earth started talking to me as the Fruit Fly explaining how it works in terms that I could understand
  2. That's how you get that "Fruit Fly Immaculate Conception"
  3. That's where "God" comes down and "impregnates" me as the "Male Virgin Mary Fruit Fly"
  4. That information gets transmitted and then I go around and start teaching it to other fruit flies
If you want talk about Viruses and Vaccines, that's what's being transmitted. To some, I'd be a "Spiritual Vaccine." To others that don't want to change their Religiouss Beliefs, I'm a "Spiritual Virus."

It's all a matter of perspective and whether you like what I'm telling you or not.

On a side note, the reason why you see mention of David Hasselhoff in that level is because I said that I've been shoving Davis out of my mind. He's been contaminating me with his thoughts and so they get colored with him in it.

Do you know Ex-Wives or girlfriends trying to get over their ex-husbands or ex-boyfriends try to move on with their lives? This is an example. He intertwined himself to me for the last three years.

The other point I'd like to make is how Davis is not as much of an integral part of my life as people would think:
  1. I said 6/22/2006 about how my mom corrected me about the day my biological father died
  2. I had thought it was 3/22
  3. I said 4/12/2005 how Lucy born 322 posted with a Random Number Generator using 322
  4. That's because it's the information that I was calling forth
The reason why this is such an important point to make is so that it shows Davis as well as others that he can be edited or deleted out the same way I edited and deleted out the other team from two years ago.

Personally, I don't believe Davis would make an issue about this. It's really more directed at Davis' family, friends, the African-American Community or people who just don't like me.

It's not that Davis would try to contest it, but what rumors could ignite by opponents to my position or those who don't like the decisions I make.

Even if Davis doesn't say anything, you can get bad blood:
  1. All it takes is for some people to start complaining
  2. You could get some people who are discontent and start spreading rumors
  3. Some might say, "I think Rod shoved Davis out and he didn't get a fair trial. He didn't like Davis and cut him out. Davis got totally ripped off."
  4. Other people will hear those people badtalking me and think, "Yeah... You know I think you're right..."
  5. Then they go tell their other friends poisoning their minds
  6. Next thing you know, you have an Intellectual Epidemic that flares up
This is why my mom is the "Back-Up Virgin Mother" reinforcing my position:
  1. I said 6/20/2006 that that my Godfather was born on my Initials on 9/18 of 1933
  2. When I got baptized, I was less than a year old and had NO CLUE about this
  3. Davis was born in 1972 and wasn't around yet
  4. My mom wasn't born until 1941 and wasn't around yet
  5. My Auntie Vess who is my mom's older sister was born on Christmas Eve in 1939 (two years before my mom was conceived)
  6. My Stepdad, Patrick, whose is RAMOS like my Royal Family Name was born in 19370
  7. His mother before that was DeJesus. I don't know when she was born, but it was LONG TIME AGO
  8. It's showing how this was in the works way before Davis and I were even around
Anyone trying to come at me claiming that I stole stuff has to blame my entire Family and the last TWO OR THREE GENERATIONS of my FAMILY TREE to make something like that stick.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you review all the boneheaded things that Davis has done and traps he's fallen into, you see how he's not that bright. That's why I wasn't kidding when I said 1/18/2006 that Davis is patterned after Gilligan.

Alternative Virgin Mother
Davis was SUPPOSED to make all those mistakes and screw up.
  1. This is also where the Back-Up Copy of my mom as an ALTERNATIVE Virgin Mother kicks in
  2. The Planet is outsmarting people
  3. Everyone is going to attack me and put all kinds of holes in my theories
  4. They're going to try claiming that I'm "Racist"
  5. They're going to try claiming that I cornered Davis.
  6. This is untrue because Davis got into his Car Accident with his BMW hit by a truck by another person named BLANEY in October 2002 ONE MONTH BEFORE he met me
  7. I didn't know about my Psychic Abilities till April 2004
  8. I didn't know about my Identity until July 2004
The reason why I was kept in the Dark for the first 28 years was for my own Protection because you can't blame someone who didn't know about it.

For example, all the Subconscious Minds around the Planet knew for the first 28 years when I'd "pray" or try talking to my deceased father that I didn't know that 7 billion Subconscious Minds around the Planet could hear me.

So everything I said back them was true and from the heart. It wasn't staged.
  1. For everyone as of 6/23/2006 who doesn't know that the 7 billion Subconscious Minds can hear you, all your THOUGHTS and PRAYERS are GENUINE.
  2. Once you find out and know that you can be heard, it's not as genuine because you know that you're being tracked.
  3. It's just like when an Work Inspector walks among the Employees examines their work performance without them knowing it. People are behaving as they naturally would when they don't know they're being monitored and GRADED
  4. When people find out that they're under surveillance and being WATCHED, they will change and be on Good Behavior
That's why we get to see how people REALLY treat me when they think I'm nothing but a Worthless BUM. We get to see all kinds of people behaving badly and looking down upon me taking a condescending air.

We all know that if people really knew my Identity, they'd be so fake and kissing my ass because they know my actual Rank and Title. You get to see this with Davis who is condescending and talks down to me.

I said 3/5/2006 about how Davis borrowed all that money off my mom, laughs at me, and then says that I don't do anything.
  1. This is where we come back to what I said about how my mom technically qualifies as God.
  2. You get to see another embarrassing Omen dropped in Davis' lap
  3. Technically, Davis borrowed all that money using "Jesus Christ" as his Corporate Vehicle that he drove broke and didn't take any blame for it
  4. You see ANOTHER version of Bad Karma where Davis borrowed money from my Mom as "Go/D" and hasn't paid "Go/D" back
  5. I said 6/5/2006 how Davis got "stranded in Hell" (Las Vegas/Sin City) on 6/6/6 (666/Satan/Anti-Christ)
That is a BAD SIGN.

That's why the Planet makes fun of Davis being born 2/14 = B/AD so that when I say he's a B/AD Person, that will always be technically true.

The Karmic Debt or Spiritual Debt that Davis incurred is so AWFUL. It was staged though because it was set up to knock the African-American Community down peg because they've been punishing the White Community about the Slavery Issue.

You get to see a perverted joke where it's a Black Man enslaving Jesus Christ and ripping off the Virgin Mary and God.

If that's not a heinous Crime, I don't know what is.

That's why the Astrological Signs are significant:
  1. I'm Gemini (Sign of Communcication)
  2. Davis is Aquarius (Sign of Humanitarian Ideals)
  3. My Mom is Sagittarius (Sign of Higher Learning)
  4. My Mom as "Go/D" is Higher Learning and Intelligence
  5. I'm Communication that got "perverted" by Davis
  6. Davis using his own "Sly" or "Slick" Charming Personality to get me to do things is "Perverted Humanitarian Ideals"
  7. You get to seel Humantirian Ideals being used for Selfish Purposes
You get to see Symbolism.
  1. The Planet tinkers or fiddles with the Interpretation so that I qualify as B/Lack = Commmunication(B/2/Gemini) LACKING(Lack)
  2. It's where I qualify as someone who had no Voice
  3. The way Davis would dominate over me so that I couldn't speak my mind would transform me into a "B/Lack" Person
  4. The Definition of Black gets reinterpreted so that Light-Skinned People can qualify as being "B/Lack"
You can see how people with Dark Skin can abuse people like White People can.

The way I look at it is that the 400 years of Slavery balances things out. If Black people stop punishing the White people and drop their Claims, I'll drop my claims against the Black Community for abusing me.

We'll call it even.

Like I said, we get to find out that the last 400 years worth of Slavery was:
  1. Staged
  2. Showing what my value is
  3. One Black Male enslaving a Jesus Christ/Virgin Mary Figure to be used as their Personal Assistant and Slave is equal to 400 years worth of Mistreatment to Blacks
  4. It's sending a Message to the people so that they know how valuable my Time is
  5. When people use me like that, that's how much it would cost for people to pay off that "Loan": 400 years worth of Slavery
That's how you get to see really perverted humor where the Black Community gets this Rude Awakening where they thought they were on top only to find out that they were paying for Sins of ONE BLACK MALE.

You have to admit that's totally gotta suck...LOL

That's why the Black Community isn't going to be too happy with Davis when they find out. It shouldn't surprise people that the Sun as a Star giving off Light shaped like a fiery OVUM floating in space would portray the BLACK of SPACE as a BLACK MALE that just takes and takes and takes and never gives much of anything back.

That's how it is a Star. It just keeps on putting out Light and doesn't get much of anything in return.

That's just "Cosmic Humor" for you :o).

That's why it's KEVIN SPACEY who plays Lex Luthor opposite of me as Superman...LMAO:
  1. Kevin = K = 11th Letter = 11th Sign = Aquarius
  2. I said Davis is born Aquarius
  3. Spacey = Space-Y = Space Male(Y)
  4. Brandon Routh is Superman
  5. Initials BR = 2(B/2/Gemini) 2(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
  6. (2)(2) = 22 = V = 5 in Roman Numerals = 5th Sign = Leo = Sun
That's how you get the Power of Film and Television being Written as History to vouch for my claims.

Don't get me wrong. I love Kevin Spacey
  1. He was in "American Beauty" with Annette Bening as the Wife
  2. Annette Bening is born 5/29 (My Birthday)
  3. When he won his Oscar, Annette Bening was PREGNANT at the Oscars, symbolizing me as the Fe-Male (Iron Male) Virgin Mary
  4. You see Kevin Spacey winning an Oscar for his role reflecting Davis
  5. Same with how Sean Penn won for "Mystic River" = 13:18 = Mark of the Beast = 666
  6. Davis is from Pennsylvania
The way that Kevin Spacey gets killed off at the end in "American Beauty" is the same way that Davis got "removed" or "terminated."

People can bitch and complain about the way I manage things, but that's where I've got the "God Force" or the Planet reinforcing what I say and do because I'm in service to the Planet.
  1. That's why I'm the REAL Clark Kent who works for the DAILY PLANET...LOL
  2. When I post News Articles in my Blogs and Journal, I'm acting like a REPORTER.
  3. C/L.A.-R/K-K/Ent = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Los Angeles(L.A.) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Washington State(K-K/11-11) Aquarian(K) Entertainment(Ent.)
That's why the Planet teases Humans about how I have the DUMBEST DISGUISE EVER. It's so OBVIOUS I'm Superman, but people just don't see it :o).

There are so many blatant Clues, but people will only see what they want to see. Davis is a prime example. He only sees what he wants to see even though I flat out TOLD HIM about my Psychic Abilities and he actuall GOES TO THE MEETINGS and MEETS THE PEOPLE that I predict and write in my Journal and Blog.

That's how DENSE he is and why he's the Laughing Stock. He even gets portrayed as the Villain Le-X = Pennsylvania(Le/The-Fr./Father/PA) Blaney Davis(X/24/BD/B.D.)

lex luthor, x, brandon routh, space, bd, davis, 214, myosis, slavery, humor, le, 529, david, signs, omens, discrimination, bad, gilligan

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