To: Davis
From: Rod
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 14:03:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: My Laptop is Overheating Only Working at NIght
The reason why my E-mails are late at night is because my Laptop overheats and I have no Air Conditioning so it crashes. The only time I can send E-mail us before my Laptop overheats or when it's at night.
Because it's my only computer, and I don't have enough money to afford a new one that has a better fan, this is what I have to do.
I don't have the PROPER RESOURCES or money to afford anything like PROPER RESOURCES.
I believe you can help me as well.
HOWEVER, there is one important point:
1) Are you helping me because you think I'm Mentally Ill or are you helping me because you finally do believe me when I talk about the Title of "Jesus Christ" and "God"?
2) Did it finally get through that head of yours on how I know what I know and because I'm working directly from the Planet?
The reason why this is such an important point is because if you don't believe me, I'm really just wasting my breath.
I don't want to back to this life of sitting here indefinitely placing ads for you, checking your E-mails, doing your Web Page Design unpaid, and where it just drags on.
I'm better off just writing my book and finding my own way.
If we want to talk about Psychology, sure we can talk about "Misplaced Anger."
Yeah, I admit it. You became the WHIPPING BOY for all the CRAP that got dumped on me.
I'm like an abused animal. You can take any eager puppy, lock it up, and just keep on whipping it and whipping it and WHIPPING it.
It will howl and scream in anguish, beg for mercy, and whimper at your feet for you to stop.
However, after a while, it will stop caring and just turn vicious and start biting and snapping at you.
The reason why you see me charging at you FULL FORCE by E-mail is this is all the stuff that is pent up inside that gets bottled up.
And please spare me your Psychology or reading between the Lines.
Of course, it has to do with being unable to express oneself.
However, people FORGET that no one wants to HEAR this stuff. So they BLOCK you.
Same with you when it came to your mom and your sister. You BLOCK because you don't want to hear it and they don't want to hear it.
And guess what. That's the same mentality of everyone around the Planet.
How am I supposed to pull this crap off of delivering this damn message when you get shut down.
OF COURSE, you have to go through the RIGHT CHANNELS and do it the RIGHT WAY.
I don't HAVE ANYMORE MONEY. In fact, I'm further down in the hole than before I met you.
So what options do I have?
1) Write a book and get published
2) Keep posting ads and hope that you finally luck out and have your big Score.
With the latter:
1) I've been patient and I don't say anything
2) I tolerate how you take credit and how you look forward to your nice life you're going to have
3) I don't nag you about your loans or dead lines
4) I put up with my mom and family nagging me about how I haven't done anything with my life all the while having to do this job of managing the ENTIRE DAMN PLANET
5) I have to put up with family and friends LECTURING ME about what I should do with my Life and "how they're concerned" about me
The reason why I'm unhappy with you is because I'm reaching a breaking point.
However, you are a Liability at this point. Unless something changes, I'm just better off writing my own book and getting published.
When you call me on the phone, I have to drop everything I'm doing to talk to you on the phone for who knows how long and my own train of thought gets broken.
Just as you don't like getting your train of thought broke in the middle of meanings and when you're concentrating, you break my concentration.
In the mean time while I'm not getting any financial compensation for my time working with you, is there really any point in talking to you?
I'm tired and exhausted. I'm not getting younger and I haven't seen any results.
Personally, I think you're getting off really easy because you're just getting one HUGE volcanic explosion of emotion at one time rather than being "pecked death" every day by me nagging you.
And what are you going to promise me? Working for Matthew and signing my life away to someone else?
It's almost as bad as being an Indentured Servant. It's where you sign yourself over to a New Master to clean up debt.
Gee, that's great.
So excuse me if I'm extremely frustated.
I'm not used to complaining and yelling and so I'm not very good at it. I don't have much practice like most people.
That's why when you were picking your sister, she'd be cry, you'd shush her so she wouldn't tell your mom, and then the next day she'd want to play with you guys again.
Well, I'm tired of being your sister.
Are we going to go through this where you appease and soothe me again and then a week later we're back to where we started:
- Blaney calls Rod to check his E-mail
- Blaney calls Rod to place some ads
- Blaney Calls Rod to edit his web page
I'm tired. I'm also tired of you asking me, "What did you do today?"
I'm tired of dodging the question not being able to REALLY tell you what I've been doing, whichis MANAGING THE PLANET.
You develop this belief that I'm just sitting around wasting my life away. That's why you laughed and thought I don't do anything.
That is your TRUE BELIEF.
That is really what's on your mind.
The reason why I laid out all these E-mails is to make the POINT that the stuff I tell you is the TRUTH.
If you don't believe that and this is like "pity case" and it's just "Rod going through some funk" that he needs to work through, then you've missed the point.
I don't need to LOWER myself down to your level. Especially after all the stuff that you've pulled and when it's SO OBVIOUS.
You are so DENSE.
Do you know that show "Laverne Shirley" shows the CRAP that went on where there was a successful show and Cindy Williams as Shirley refused to work.
That's why it was you as PENNY Marshall, Pennsylvania(PENN) Male(Y).
This is SO BIG.
If you think I'm just going off on a tirade and you still don't believe when I say I'm Jesus Christ, it's a WASTE OF TIME for me.
If you can't get that through your head, then there's not much more and the business relationship has run its course.
I would love to keep you and really think you'd be a valuable asset, but as things stand, I don't see any value at this time.
Is there any change?
That's why I'm going off on you. You were the ONE PERSON who has witnessed things and been at the Meetings and could VOUCH for all the people you have run into.
If there was anyone who could've been VALUABLE WITNESS attesting to everything I've said, it would've been you.
However, I can't even get that from you. The way you laughed at me and can't keep a straight face about my Psychic Abilities and being a Witch is an indication of the Failure to get through to you.