To: Blaney Davis, Heidi Davis, Dave Summers, Todor Dimitrov, Ed Bone
From: Rod
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 09:17:53 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Dave Summers, Michael McKantz, Script Readings
Oh, I forgot to mention something else about my
Family Tree:
1) My stepdad is born St. Patrick's Day and his mother is "DeJesus."
2) It means "Of Jesus"
3) I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
I wasn't kidding when I said that that Blaney was intentionally born Valentine's Day in 1972 in Pennsylvania.
1) I was born 15 miles west of Seattle.
2) The Area Code was originally 206 = Female(20/XX) Virgo(6/6th Sign)
3) It changed to 360 = 360 Circle
It's Ground Zero as to my point of Origin.
1) Blaney is born Valentine's Day
2) His sister is born April Fool's
3) My mom was born when Pearl Harbor was bombed
4) My cousin is Christmas Day
5) I'm born on JFK's Birthday
6) My Aunt is Christmas Eve
Everything boils down to a Mathematical Operation where the Planet is like a Super Computer.
This information is beneficial to Computer Programmers who are Religious and would like to know how they can integrate Religion and Computers.
I'm telling you this because I'm sure that Blaney wants to know what I've been working on these last two years when it comes to the Scientific Research that I've been conducting with Non-Metal Circuitry, Liguistic Gene-Sequencing, and Electromagnetism.
It's also directed at Heidi showing why Blaney usually comes to me to explain things to him that he doesn't understand.
As I said, in the Business Realm, you have to establish dominance, which is something that Blaney doesn't do when it comes to negotiating his Fees. When Blaney asks me for money, I'm a pushover. When Blaney asks for money from Potential Clients, he's a pushover.
1) Blaney and I have talked about how Blaney was a pushover with Kantz
2) He got Julia to pay $100,000 for Kantz
3) Kantz turned around and called him a bad producer
You get to see Karma once again:
1) Kantz didn't believe that Dave Summers was a legitimate investor
2) The way that Kantz didn't believe Dave Summers was a legitimate investor is the same way Blaney doesn't think I really have Psychic Abilities
3) The Credit Score for Dave Summers on his Condo is similar to my Credit Score proving Mathematically that I have Psychic Abilities
4) The way that Blaney has been complaining about how hard it is to get people to invest $15,000 in Dave Summers for Refinancing that Davis complains is a "Can't-Lose" Deal that is so obvious and can be verified by a Bank is the same way I keep saying I have Psychic Abilities. People are just too lazy to check the Math Calculations or it's too confusing because Math is not their strong point
5) The way that Kantz finally realize that Dave Summers really did have the money to put in the film project foreshadows how Blaney as Kantz will eventually realize that my Psychic Abilities are indeed real
6) Dave Summers = Davis.
7) Michael McKantz = MM = Gemini M = Gemini 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
8) The way that Kantz gave Dave Summers a small part as a perverted security guard is reflective of me and the small role that Blaney gives me even though I'm a legitimate investor with Psychic Abilities as well as Business Knowledge
9) The way that Tony, Ed, and Dave all work with Blaney is the way the Film Crew and Julia all worked with Kantz but didn't realize that Blaney is the one who got them the money and Dave Summers had the other portion.
10) Notice it's Davis and Dave = (2) Dave = Gemini Dave. I'm Gemini
It's just another variation of me and Blaney. I said we play opposites. Dave Summers also gets to see how he's been getting sucked into this crap that shouldn't even be happening.
That's why when it comes to Heidi, his mother, and family try to claim that I'm loopy, I can come back with Scientific Research and proof that shows that I'm extremely Intelligent, not to be underestimated, as well as showcase Intellectual Resiliency and Mental Agility.
As a matter of fact, the Mathematical Calculations that I use is even more specific than what most people use as an operating procedure. You get to clearly see what is the Governing Thought Process and how I come up with my Answers.
In school, Math Teachers would always say, "Show your work." Don't just write down the answer. Your teacher wants to see how you came up with it to make sure that you learned the Math Theorem correctly.
The problem with most people today is that they just write down the answer and never explain it.
Do you know why people don't believe Witches, Wizards, and Sorcerers? It's because when it comes to "Spell-Casting," they don't explain how they did it.
That won't get you anywhere in today's society. You'll be laughed at. When I said I have a "Jesus Christ Software Program," that's easier to swallow.
If you show people it's a Software Program and it's a Title as well as have the Mathematical Calculations in conjunction with your Genealogy and Family Tree, at least people will take you more seriously.
Maybe they won't believe you, but at least they will see that you aren't just going off half-cocked and that you put SOME amount of thought into this.
In my case, I said that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table for my Initials and how my GODfather is born 9/18 for my Initials.
I can show how you turn the Water into Wine that fits the Operating Procedure. As I said, a lot of the Stories in the Bible aren't supposed to be taken literally.
1) WA/T-ER = Washington(WA) Female(T/20/XX) Final(E/5+R/18=W/23)
2) W in E = Final(W) in Sun(E/5/Leo the 5th Sign)
3) WA/Te-R = Washington(WA) Non-Alien(TE/Non-ET) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II)
4) WA/T-ER = W in E
And that's how you solve the Riddle of how Jesus Christ changed the Water into Wine.
You even have an alternate interpretation
1) WI/NE = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek)
2) I'm born 5/29
The reason why this is significant is because it's the "Power of God" infused with the Power of Math. There's a Celtic God named Math.
With the Virgin Mary Clause. It's not about whether you like it or not, the main point is whether it satisfies the criteria on the definition of Virgin Mary.
Aside from Blaney's friend William Anderson (WA) being a Virgin, Matthew Friesburg whom Blaney is getting to invest is also a Virgin.
What you're observing is how I've been shifting people with certain resources toward Blaney. That's my contribution that Blaney doesn't realize. He thinks he does this all on his own, but he doesn't realize that I've been the one in the background pulling people into the business like a Magnet.
The reason why this is significant in the World of Technology is because you can infuse the Power of God into Math and Computers.
1) I said the Electromagnetic Field generated by the Earth's Axis acts like a "Psychic Internet"
2) Human Minds ar like Organic Laptops with a Psychic Wi-Fi Connection
3) I said Subconscious Minds are all interconnected by the Electromagnetic Field like Planet-Sized Brain Cells functioning on the same Principles as Individual Brain Cells in the Human Mind linked by the Electrical Field generating Conscious Thought.
4) The Consciousness of the Planet as "God" is comprised of the 7 Billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet
5) Planet Earth is nothing more than a floating Brain in Space orbiting around the Sun
6) If Human Minds are Computers and you have a Live (Psychic) Wi-Fi Connection, it means that you can "hack" into people's minds
7) If you have the right Mathematical Software Program, you can bypass people's systems
This is where you have to think like a Computer Programmer. The Planetary Local Area Network can have a System Administrator who manages that network.
1) It isn't about whether these Math Procedures make any logical sense in the Reality we live in
2) It's about whether it makes sense in the Computer Language that you're speaking
3) When you hack into a Computer, you're bypassing the System by feeding it Lines of Code that disrupt the Running Process and grants you access to the System
4) When I go around using my "Jesus Christ Software Program," it hacks into people's Subconscious Minds and registers with them
5) The Conscious Mind may deny it and refuse to believe it, but the Subconscious Mind reading the Data unlocks.
6) When I say all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table, your Subconscious Mind checks that information with a Feedback confirming it's a True Statement, it says, "OKAY"
7) When I use the "WA/T-ER into W in E" Tool reinforcing the CHRIST/77/IR Software, your Subconscious Mind cross-references with the Bible confirming that Christ turned the Water into Wine. It comes back with a True Statement, and it unlocks saying, "Password Acepted. Okay."
8) When I use the "Christ/O.P.-Her Re-EVE" Software Program establishing that I'm a Mathematical Superman, your Subconscious Mind checks the Definitions of that Acronym, and it says, "Oh, okay. That makes sense."
That's how Computers think. People hate that Computers because they take things so literally.
My favorite game is "X-Men 2: Age of Apocalypse" where you can build and train up your X-Men Characters. The X-Men Characters have simulated Mutant Powers as rendered by the Software Program.
It's not rooted in the Reality we live in, but in Computer Language, it's accepted.
That's why when I say I have a "Superman Software Program" that plugs into the Electromagnetic Field as a "Psychic Astral Projection" of me, it's running off the Planet's Electromagnetic Field as a Planetary Local Area Network.
The Rules of the Internet function differently than in Reality. The Electromagnetic Field running parallel Internet is just like that.
The way that I set things equal to one another is a Train of Thought and 6 Degrees of Separation
1) When I say stuff like CHRIST = 77 = IR, that's a Train of Thought
2) If you really want to understand the Human Mind, examine the Planet
3) The Human Mind functions just like the Planet
4) The Planet merely thinks in larger concepts
When you do Word Association, that's a Train of Thought. Somewhere in your Subconscious, it's pulling up information.
Because the Subconscious Mind is retrieving data within milliseconds, the Conscious Mind never knows.
Human beings do it all the time:
1) When you go from your Bedroom to the Kitchen to get a drink, that's a Physical Train of Thought
2) You go from your your your your Refrigerator
3) Mathematically, it would be:
Bedroom = Hallway = Kitchen = Refrigerator
4) Because the Planet is a huge Floating Brain in Space, that's it thinks as well. You get to witness it on a Planetary Scale
5) When you drive from San Diego to Los Angeles, that's a Physical Train of Thought
6) San Del Los Angeles
San Diego = Del Mar = Irvine = Los Angeles
You do the same thing with Words:
1) Card
2) Cart
3) Car(T) = Car(D) when T = D
4) When does T = D?
5) T = 20th Letter = XX in Roman Numearls = Female DNA Strand
6) D = 4th letter = 4th Sign = Cancer = Eternal Mother
7) Car(T) = Car(D) when the Female(T) = Mother(D)
That's how you get an Intersection, Alignment, or a Conditional Statement.
I work a lot with writing Business Contracts. Business Contracts are nothing more than Contractual Software or Contractual Operating Procedures.
When you reach a disagreement or a dispute between two parties, that's a "Contractual Software Crash."
It's because two parties can't agree and the the Contract doesn't specify what action should be taken.
A lot of people write awful contracts that have all kinds of loopholes. Worse yet, they have no contract at all.
The reason why a lot of people break their word is because there is nothing to enforce an agreement.
When it comes to Religion, Fear of God was effective when the Cumulative Intelligence of Humankind was low enough where people really did believe in Hell and being punished in the Afterlife.
Now that people don't believe in Hell or that God is watching, they exhibit bad behavior.
That's why I like Psychic Phenomenon that reintroduces into Society how it's possible to have a Live Planet that uses people's eyes and ears as Psychic Live Webcam Feeds serving as Organic Security Surveillance Cameras linked up the Electromagnetic Field.
Like I said, the reason why you have so many bad kids that grow up to be bad adults is because there's no Accountability.
Why do you think people go online anonymously and flame other people or harass them? It's because they can create an anonymous user account, fake E-mail, and be untraceable by normal methods.
When you show people how you can put a "Tracer" on people using their Distinct Brainwave Pattern as a Planetary UPC Bar Code, people will start behaving better.
That's why Cars have License Plates and people have Driver's Licenses. It's so that if they break the Law, you can pull up their records or spot them because they're registered.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that the Planet as "God" would have a similar kind of Registration System or way of tracking Human Beings on the Planet.
If I was managing a "Human Inventory" of 7 Billion People, that's what I'd do. I'd put Number Tags on those "Human Goods" so that they can be monitored and you know where they're being delivered and what any particular Human is doing at any particular time.
That's how you get the "God Corporation."
People keep claiming that God exists and is All-Knowing. If that's true, then we'd have to assume that God already knew about the UPC Bar Code System, Inventories, the Internet, and the Electromagnetic Field.
It's a shame people don't see the beauty of Math and English. When you combine both of them, words take on a totally new meaning.
Words transform into Diamonds.
I worked in the Diamond Industry running parallel to Superman's Diamond Insignia.
When you use Separators for the Letter Pairings, Words take on multiple meanings.
You then take the Cumulative Average of those meanings. You get a more well-rounded meaning.
The beauty of a Diamond is that you can rotate it and watch how the Light refacts causing it to scintillate.
I do the same thing when I break all the words down into Acronyms with different break points between Letters.
Most people just look at words in one way and that's it.
Sadly enough, that's how people tend to look at other people. They only see them in one light and that's it. That's unfortunate because you can get to miss out on some really great people.
Most people just judge on Physical Appearance and if they're physically attractive. If they're not, then they lose interest. That's why you find a lot of unhappy people as we well as those who enhance their Physical Appearance in order to fit in.