To: Blaney Davis, Dave Summers, Ed Bone, Todor Dimitrov, Heidi Davis
From: Rod
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 19:03:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Blaney's Friend William Anderson, Genealogy, Rod's Family Tree
This is more for Heidi since she's the Math Wiz. This is so that she knows where I'm getting my Information from.
It's one thing for me to go around talking about Divinity, but it's better when you show it manifests in the BIRTHDATES of your cousins and relatives. It's more solid
- It protects me from being fully blamed of a Conspiracy
- I was only a couple months old when I was baptized
- In order to call it fraudulant, you'd have to claim that my Mother and Godfather were in it
- You'd have to try proving that my Entire Family is guilty of Conspiracy
You'll have a hard time doing that as well as explaining how the Birthdays were all TIMED.
You can FAKE other information, but NOT when people are born. Especially over 20 Family Members.
This even spans before my mom. You'd have to then blame my Grandmother and Grandparents.
Even then, when people realize my Genealogy Tree and Information is correct, people who try to blame me for being "evil" or bad can't because I'm a Pure Male Virgin and I'm of Royal Blood.
- I'm from Washington State
- Prince Charming in "Shrek 2" was played by Rupert Everett born 5/29 (My Birthday). Everett is a city in Washington
- Prince Rainier of Monaco was named after Mount Rainier, which is a Mountain in Washington State
- I said I'm of Royal Blood and an actual Prince
- I'm most likely the only 31 year old Virgin Male Prince on the Planet
- That's why Blaney's friend William Anderson's Initials are "WA" (Washington) and he's a Virgin
There have been all kinds of Visual Clues secretly embedded all around Blaney to surface.
I've known all along about these Signs for a year and half now and the people in Blaney's Life, but I just didn't say anything because there just didn't seem to be the appropriate time.
That's how you get a Jesus Christ Bloodline that runs through the Planet as depicted in the "Da Vinci Code".
People's minds short circuit because Virgins are supposed to be associated with Purity, Honesty, and Sincerity.
- Tony has met me
- Ed has met me
- Dave Summers has met me
Blaney knows me and he's not dumb. He meets HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of people.
To even claim that Blaney doesn't know how to judge who's good and bad after interviewing and screening so many people each week is insulting Blaney's Intelligence.
I'm just a normal average person. That's why it's a joke if anyone thinks that Blaney is in any danger from me. Everybody knows that Blaney is physically stronger than me. It's the other way around. Blaney could whoop my ass any time and think nothing of it.
That's why he was paired up with me as my bodyguard and Future Right Hand Man to serve as Liaison to the African-American Community in the years to come.
That's assuming if Blaney actually accepts the position. The Planet has a whole bunch of Back-Up Clauses.
- I have a Birth Certificate that proves my Initials are I.R.
- I = 9th Letter
- R = 18th Letter
- My GODFATHER Uncle Thomas is born 9/18
- It's verifiable by his Driver's License
- Gemini = 2 = Pair
- Pa/IR = Father(Pa) IR(My Initials)
- She is born 12/25 (Christmas Day)
- M = 13th Letter
- I = 9th Letter
- M/13 + I/9 = 22
- V = 22nd Letter
- V = 5 in Roman Numerals
- Leo = 5th Sign
- Sun = Leo's Ruling Planet
- MIMI = MI + MI = 2 x MI
- 2 x MI = Gemini(2/II) x Sun(M+I=V)
- I am born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- All the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77 = IR (My Initials)
- All the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77
- 77 = IR on the Periodic Table (Iridium)
- C/3 + H/8 + R/18 + I/9 + S/19 + T/20 = 77
- The Planet is using a Mathematical Operation
- If I say I'm "Christ," we can all argue and dispute that claim as being Untrue
- However, when I say that I'm "C + H + R + I + S + T," that is a Mathematically TRUE Statement
- CHRIST = 77 = IR (True Statement)
- Isabelo = Consecrated by God
- Rod = Ruler
- Isabelo Rod = Ruler Consecrated by God
- My Grandmother Maria is born 12/20
- L = 12th Letter
- T = 20th Letter
- 12/20 = L/T = LT = Light
- My mother is my Grandmother's Child
- My Mother is a Child of "L/T" = Child of Light
- I am born of my Mother of "L/T" so I am Child of L/T
- I found out yesterday that my great grandmother was Manuela
- Manuela = Manual A
- Manual A = Manual God(A/1)
- I said the Mind is a Car
- The Bible is a Manual
- I use a Broadcast Signal plugged into the Electromagnetic Field that is like Howard Stern on Sirius Radio
- I've been using a "Manual Transmission" and shifting G.E./ARs manually
I use the Zodiac as a 12-Gear Transmission in my Software Program that has been running off the Electromagnetic Field as an Planetary Local Area Network.
- The Planet fiddled with the word "GOD" so it's an ACRONYM
- Go/D = IR(Go-Spanish) Cancer(D/4/4th Sign
- (Cancer) = IR = "Eternal Mother"(Cancer)
- I said I'm a Pure Virgin
- Virgo = Virgin
- V/IR-Go = Sun(V/5/Leo) IR IR(Go-Spanish)
- Sun IR IR = Sun (2) x IR = Sun (Gemini) IR
- My Initials are IR and I'm born in the Sun Sign of Gemini
- IR = My Initials
- On = Activated
- IRon = IR/On = IR Activated(On)
- I am Male
- Female = Fe-Male = IRon Male = IR/On Male
- In Scriptures, God impregnated the Virgin Mary
- Mary = M/AR-y
- M = 13 = 13th State = Rhode Island = Inducted 5/29 = My Birthday
- AR = 1R = IR in Roman Numerals = My Initials
- Y = Male Chromosome = Rod the Male
- M/AR-y = 5/29 IR Male = ROD
- Virgin M/AR-y = Virgin born on 5/29(M) who is "IR"(AR) and "Male"(Y)
- There is no way a Human Male can impregnate another Human Male
- It is currently biologically impossible
- Any woman who tries claim she's the Virgin Mary will be called a Liar
- Any child who is claimed to be Jesus Christ must prove they're from the Virgin Mary and that their mother is a Virgin
- When you have a Male Virgin Mary, it satisfies the Parameters of the "Virgin Mary Riddle"
- All you have to do is prove that a Jesus Christ Child actually exists
- That's where the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution kicks in
- It's for the Corporation defining that was broadened to include the "Corporation"
- The Human Mind functions on an Electrical Field in the Brain
- The Electromagnetic Field functions on the same Principles as the Electrical Field in the Human Mind but the size of a Planet
- The CEO of a Business Corporation acts like the Brain or Central Intelligence
- As long as you can prove that there's a "J-ES u S C.H.R.I.S.T" Corporation that is using a Pattern or Operating System, it falls under the 14th Amendment
- If you can prove that the Planet is actually sentient and alive, the United States Soil is part of the Planet
- It means that Jesus Christ as a PLANET would qualify as a U.S. CITIZEN
That also brings up another Point regarding Heidi in case she or any of the other Lawyers try to influence the Prophecies.
In "Legally Blonde," there's reference to anyone who made it clear that they don't believe a word I've said and if years later they try to come back on me demanding that they have any ownership or legal rights to this Software Program I'm running.
WERNER: Well, according to Sweeney vs. Newbert, Sweeney, who was also a private sperm donor, was allowed visitation rights as long as he came to terms with the hours set forth by the parents. So if we're sticking to past precedent, I mean Mr. Lattimer wasn't stalking. He was clearly within his rights to ask for visitation.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: But Sweeney was a one-time sperm donor, and in our case the defendant was an habitual sperm donor, who also happens to be harassing the parents in his quest for visitation.
WERNER: Well, yeah, but without this man's sperm, the child in question wouldn't exist.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: Now you're thinking like a lawyer.
Elle slowly raises her hand timidly.
ELLE: Although Mr. Huntington, makes an excellent point, I have to wonder if the defendant kept a thorough record of every sperm emission made throughout his life.
The class snickers at her.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: Interesting. Why do you ask?
ELLE: Well, unless the defendant attempted to contact every single one-night stand to determine if a child resulted in this union, he has no parental claim over this child whatsoever. Why now? Why this sperm?
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: I see your point.
ELLE: And for that matter, all masturbatory emissions where his sperm was clearly not seeking an egg could be termed reckless abandonment.
PROFESSOR CALLAHAN: I believe you've just won your case.
Blaney, Heidi, Blaney's mom, and other people around me make it quite clear that they don't believe a word I've said or are just "hanging on the fence."
If you make it clear that you do not believe in what I've said, you give up your stake or claim to anything. During the last year, Blaney has made it clear that he has had nothing to do with the Research and work that I've been doing.
So he doesn't have any ownership claim to it. Even though Blaney is easygoing and laid back about it, there could be others that will try to spread the rumor that I "ripped it off" or "hoarded power."
Two years ago, I offered Blaney this and said that if he really researches what I'm talking about and takes an interest in it, he could be really rich and make a lot of money.
However, Blaney didn't go for it. I've had to do this all on my own. We all know from how most people just laugh or think that what I said is ridiculous.
That's why you know there's a high probability that when I say I did this all on my own and put in the work, it just like Blaney who works hard.
COFO actually runs parallel to my Software Program showing how Blaney was a one-man person who did everything. If anyone can understand what I'm going through setting up this "network," it's him.