LESSONS: Communication, Fertility Gods, Intelligent Design

Jun 03, 2006 16:29

Here's a response I wrote Anneli who invited me to read her Blog. Usually, I keep my Psychic Theories elsewhere, but I figured it's okay to print them here.

From: Anneli Adolfsson
Date: Saturday, June 03, 2006
Subject: Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll

I thought that might get your attention...;-) But while on the subject, I would like to briefly address each of those:

SEX-something that can be amazing, mindblowing and unbelievable when shared with someone special. If you sell yourself short, it will leave you with nothing but empty feelings. People sometimes engage in loose behavior out of fear of being alone. Personal experience have taught me that spending time by yourself allows you to truly get to know yourself, and also reflect factually on the people around you. I have asked everybody, from all walks of life; celebrities, rockstars, porn stars, models, friends...you name it, and the overall HONEST opinion is that being mindfucked is the best, and that can ONLY be shared with someone you truly care for and love. To further explain that expression; it's that feeling that will send chills down your spine when you look at the person across the room, the anticipation of what is to come, the inability to concentrate for long periods of time without drifting off into fantasyland. Because really and truly, whatever you choose to do with your mate, is nobody's business. If it pleases you hanging from a chandalier, wearing a chicken costume and watching your partner masturbating in a cage, so be it! Most hang-ups, stereotypes, predjudism and judgements are often based on up-bringing, social life, religion, embarresment and peer-pressure. It is important to understand that it is something that is completely natural, a gift to be cherished, exceptionally healthy for a flourishing relationship and most important, nothing to feel guilty about. You are not doing anything wrong, it is not dirty and you will not be punished. Granted, there are exceptions to every rule and sex is not excluded. Cheaters, pedifilers, rape of any kind, mindless sex...the list can go on and on, but obviously those are what stains the beauty of uniting with someone you love.

DRUGS-Well, this is yet another subject that I am quite familiar with, nothing to be proud of. I personally have a very addictive personality, so since New Year's Eve of 1986, I have NEVER had a drop of alcohol. Regular street drugs? Never tried them! I have a heart condition, so it never enticed me. Prescription drugs? That's another story. After two car accidents and several other incidents, I am sad to say that I was completely hooked on them for quite sometime. And just like it happened with the alcohol abuse, I quit cold turkey. Apparently not the best way to do it, but I knew no other way. I have too many friends that are still using in the worst way. The industry itself promotes and almost expects someone to have Soma, Lortab, Vicodin, Valium, Xanex on set and it is as common as a headache pill, no kidding. Am I saying something bad, no, I am just stating a fact. And unfortunately, prescription drug abuse is so widely spread, regardless of gender, social group, profession and income. So I am not pointing fingers or targeting someone in particular. I am saying that being honest with yourself and everyone around you, is crucial to recovery. I am glad when I can help someone, share a moment of their pain and tell them about my experiences. I often find that addicts respond better to other recovered addicts than family or friends. Mostly because it's easier to relate to someone who has had the same experience. They feel no need to shelter their feelings, don't have to be embarressed about their behavior and tend to open up when given a non-judgmental opinion, support and warm hand reaching out. And that is what you have to do, reach out and touch someone-change their life and show them you love them, no matter what. It is OK to fall, over and over again, what counts is how you rise in the end.

ROCK'N'ROLL-I am a true rocker chick at heart, make no mistake. Growing up in Sweden, my first taste of the mighty pounding and gut-wrenching music was the British band Sweet, then came Slade, Thin Lizzy, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and AC/DC. I was hooked. When I started shooting artists, my first gig was a live concert with Pantera at Roseland in NYC. Phew, moshing, people landing on my back and almost knocking the camera out of my hand! Let me tell you, never mess with a chick's equipment, or a man's for that matter, if you still want to walk out of the concert instead of being carried out on a stretcher. Then followed more live concerts, studio sessions and parties, that I never attended. Oh how it irritated people, since they didn't know what to think about me, where to place me or what to say about me. So they made up their own lies and gossip, I found that highly amusing. I have never been concerned about what other people think, the only thing that matters is how I live my life personally, the moral or immoral choices I may or may not make, and that I take responsability for my actions and blame no one but myself. I am proud of what I do and what I have done, I make no excuses for it. If someone doesn't like it, that's OK, they haven't walked in my shoes or lived my life. So today, I still enjoy being around and working with artists, they have a creative energy that is very inspiring to me. Do I have insane stories to tell about the world of rock'n'roll?! Absolutely, but I am not going to! I have more class and integrity in one little finger. That is for small people that need to justify their own being and raise their status by being associated with someone on a higher level. They buy fame at the cost of anything, mostly themselves. Sad, but true! But let's look at the brighter side of rock'n'roll, the clothes for instance. I love wearing black, jeans, kickass high-heels and chucnky silver jewelry. I have tried numerous times to be 'girlie" in flowers, bright colors and patterns, but I feel like crawling out of my own skin. But that is me. Regardless of what makes you comfortable, remember that ultimately, you should like what you see in the mirror. Be proud of who you are. Now crank up the volume and nod your head.And don't forget to nuture your heart and soul, long live rock'n'roll!


To: Anneli Adolfsson
From: Rod
Date: Saturday, June 03, 2006
Subject: Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'n' Roll

That's an apt observation regarding Mindfucking. Although I'm a straight male, I've been constantly telling my Gay Friends that if they want to legalize Gay/Lesbian Marriages, all they have to do is use the following argument:
  1. Business Licenses allow for two Male Partners
  2. Communication is Sex because you "impregnate people with thought" so that they "give birth to an idea"
  3. That qualifies as a form of Intellectual Coitus
If two men can have a business license and engage in intellectual coitus giving birth to ideas and thought, then a marriage license should also be legal.

You can even blow the minds of Religious People by talking conceptually about a Male Virgin Mary figure impregnated by a Female God.

When you look at Mythology, there's mention of Fertility Gods that would plant seeds or ideas and how flowing breast milk from Goddesses is the nurturing of an idea.

Computers are hermaphroditic machinery because they can both send and receive data. When you receive E-mail, that's where your computer is "pregnant" with messages. When you open the message, the web browser "gives birth" to the E-mail message. The words on the page for that letter is the offspring.

Sex is in the mind and amusingly enough Adult Film Stars have better understanding of Sex and Life than others.

I've often stated in my Theological Research regarding Intelligent Deisng that I've been conducting that the reason why the 7 Deadly Sins included Lust and why Homosexuality was deemed a sin is because the Cumulative Intelligence of Humankind was too low.

If Sex and Homosexuality had been deemed appropriate, we would not be as far advanced as we are today in terms of Technology because everyone would've been too busy fucking and important historcal figures wouldn't have been born or had the Scientific Resource they needed because scientists and investors in the Ancestral Line would've ceased to exist or wouldn't get born.

If Homosexuality and Sex were okay, it wouldn't take long for Humans to realize that Sex can be pleasurable and with no consequences if Same-Sex Couples pair up enjoying the pleasures of Sex without having to worry about unwanted pregnancies.

We've finally reached a Plateau when it comes to Scientific Discovery so now it's okay to remove the restraints of Religion now that people are more responsible and understand Contraception, Venereal Diseases, Unwanted Pregnancies, and the Socioeconomic Repercussions of Sexual Irresponsibility.

The reason why I know a lot about Sex is because I work in the Psychic Field and when I plug into people's Subconscious Minds telepathically, I'm using the Electromagnetic Field as a carrier signal.

I use my Brain as an Organic Laptop Computer with a Psychic Wi-Fi Connection that plugs into people's minds and you can communicate using Psychic Instant Messenger and Psychic E-mail. The process of that connection is Sexual in nature because you're transmitting "Information Sperm" with the Mind as Intellectual Ovum.

Even for Skeptics who don't believe in my Psychic Theories, you can still argue the same thing about Mindfucking as stated. Auditory Sperm emited from your Mouth as a Verbal Penis with the Ear as an Auditory Vagina and your Brain as an Inetllectual Ovum still functions in the same way when it comes to Communication.

That's why I joke that Communication should really be nicknamed "Cum-munication" ;).


anneli, letters, sex, fertility, gods, technology, gay, lessons, computers, advice, intelligent design, communication, mind, virgin mary, wisdom

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