One of the biggest questions I know that people will have that causes Skepticism on my Theories is:
- Why do Subconscious Minds script things out?
- If Subconscious really do exist, why don't Subconscious Minds just tell Conscious
- Assuming we even believe such Theories, wouldn't it be just easier for them to come out and say it?
You can tell people about stuff, but nothing beats experience.
You also have to think in terms of the Physical Body:
- Imagine you're training to be an athlete in the Olympics
- Do you really think your coach can say, "The Track Meet is tomorrow. Be ready"
- Do you really think you're going to be able to run without that race without stretching, practicing, developing stamina, and gaining a rhythm?
- You have to train for it
- You don't just "instantly" become an Athlete
- You can't have things instantly handed over to you and expect to know how to do it
Some things actually TAKE TIME.
You have to look at it from a Recipe or Food Perspective:
- Do you think you can just open a frozen chicken, throw some garnish on that frozen bird and plop it down on the Dining Table ready to eat?
- Do you really think you can say to all your guests, "Chow down! Bon apetit!"
- That frozen bird has to be thawed and put in an oven at 350 degrees
- It has to be basted
- You have to wait for the Oven to heat up. You can't just throw food in the oven when it hasn't heated up to the proper temperature yet
I said about the "X2: X-Men United" Prophecy:
- Professor Charles Xavier says that the Mind isn't a box to be just opened
- You can't just rip open else you might destroy or damage stuff
- It's something the mind has to slowly figure out for itself
- It's through that struggle that it figures things out
That's where you get the Butterfly Analogy:
- The Butterfly starts off as a Larva in a Coccoon
- When it gets out of the Coccoon, it has to go through the struggle of freeing itself from th coccoon
- The process takes HOURS
- While the Butterfly is struggling to free itself, it's building up its muscles so that its wings can flap
- If you try to help the butterfly by intervening and snipping the coccoon open, you'll free the butterfly, but its wings will be deformed
- It won't fly as well or not at all
I said I'm of ROYAL Blood. That's how you get a MONARCH Butterfly. I'm a Monarch Butterfly.
This is where we come back to Jesus Christ as a Monarch Butterfly. People are wondering:
- "Well, if you're Jesus Christ, where the Hell have you been?"
- "Why are you in hiding?"
- "Why didn't you just come out and tell us?"
- "If you're really a Messiah, why are you POOR and BROKE?"
- "If you're really an all-powerful and all mighty Psychic why are you stewing in SHIT?
It's because of the Butterfly Process:
- If someone swooped in right now and paid off all my debts, I'd owe whomever did it and whatever Special Interest Group
- I said Davis as an African-American was INTENTIONALLY placed there to FUCK EVERYTHING UP as a BLACK PERSON
- If Davis didn't FUCK THINGS UP like he did and did everything perfectly, the WHITE COMMUNITY would be in SO MUCH TROUBLE
- The Black Community would get wind of how my RIGHT HAND MAN is a BLACK
- Regardless of whatever I say, the RUMOR MILL is going to circulating among the Black People that, "Rod would never have gotten where he is IF IT WASN'T FOR THE HELP OF A BLACK MAN."
- As if the Black Slavery Issue that African-Americans LAUD over the White Community's Heads ALL THE FRIGGIN' TIME isn't BAD ENOUGH, the Black Community will be able to GLOAT and make the White Community EVEN MORE MISERABLE
If the White Community thinks it's BAD NOW, imagine what would've happened if Davis did his job PERFECTLY and I was sitting in some $1 million dollar Condo "enjoying the Good Life" and saying, "Oh, by the way! I'm Jesus Christ!"
You can BET the Black Community will do some digging and researching and say:
- "Hey... Wait a minute... It was Davis who's a BLACK MAN who pulled Rod into the Film and Entertainment Industry...
- "If It wasn't for Davis, Rod wouldn't be where he is now and be able to get his message across..."
- "Rod is so UNGRATEFUL considering how he refuses to help the Black People with Legislature regarding Civil Rights. Talk about BITING THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU"
Even if it's not true, there will be all these Rumors circulating around the Black Community and people who are mad and really want to believe it, will do so.
This is why Davis was ASSIGNED TO BE AN INTENTIONAL FUCK-UP to Humble the Black Community:
- When the Black Community gets wind of the fact that I work with Davis, they're going to do their own research
- They're going to examine every aspect of my life
- That's why it's necessary to have a PAPER TRAIL
- It's necessary to show the SHIT that I have had to put up with
- It's necessary to show the OMEN where Davis had a brand new BMW in October 2002 that got TOTALED when he pulled out into an intersection getting HIT by a Truck driven by BLANEY (his name which is UNIQUE)
- It's necessary to show how Davis used MY Credit Cards and Bank Accounts and where you see delinquency of payment while he's under me and then see how it "mysteriously" vanishes once Davis is forced to "abandon" me like a sinking ship and create his own Bank Accounts and Cell Phone Plan where there are COMPANY RECORDS that show his track record of being delinquent on payments
- There are a whole list of WITNESSES in Southern California that can attest to Davis having borrowed money and having taken out loans and being INCONSISTENT in paying back on time
The reason why all this SHIT had to be dumped on my head is for that Butterfly Analogy.
- It's so that when the Black Special Interest Groups try to ask me for stuff, they CAN'T use a GUILT TRIP on me when I say no or don't side with them
- It's also for the Protection of the Black Community against the White Community. By showing how a Black Person MISTREATED me, the White Community CAN'T argue that I'm showing FAVORITISM
- If Davis had done everything perfectly on his end, I'd be more grateful. However, even if I'm being Reasonable and Just in my Decisions, the White Community won't believe it. Every time I rule in favor of the Black Community, the White Community would snort and say, "OH, IT FIGURES THAT ROD IS SIDING WITH THE BLACKS. His Right Hand Man he relies on is BLACK. That's so TYPICAL."
Do you know that the FILIPINO and ASIAN Communities also screwed up?
- I got fired by a Chinese Boss and her Persian Co-Partner
- All because I just offhandedly mentioned to an Irish Co-Worker that I walked in on the two bosses who sort of touching each other in a way that was "kind of friendly"
- The Irish Co-Worker didn't want to lose her job so I took the fall and got fired over that
- If the Chinese Former Boss tries to say otherwise, I can point out that her Initials are JC for Jesus Christ
- Josphine = Opposite of Napolean and Josephine
- Napolean was French
- French = France = Fr. = Father = PA = Pennsylvania = Davis
- I said I'm Fe-Male and all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table (My Initials)
- The Chinese Boss who was the Daughter is a twisted out and perverted version of a Chinese Female Jesus Christ
That's why when people think they can BULLSHIT me, I can throw all kinds of information out there that will knock them off balance.
You'd be SURPRISED The things that I know and how I can cross-reference Public Figures and Historical Information and can cause people's Name and Number Tags to LIGHT UP showing what they did.
People don't think it's possible, but I can assure you that it is.
- That's where we come back to me as the VIRGIN MOTHER and the PARENT
- In order for the KID to RESPECT the Parent like any EMPLOYEE respecting the BOSS, the Employees need PROOF that their BOSS that they're working for ISN"T A FUCKING MORON
- No Employee wants to work for an IMBECILE
- No KID wants to listen to a PARENT who FUCKED UP THEIR OWN LIVES
With the last point, that's why I keep stressing that if people want to have GOOD KIDS that are going to LISTEN and take them SERIOUSLY as PARENTS, you will spare yourself of Heartache, Grief, and ULCERS if you devote the time to building up a Career and being FINANCIALLY SUCCESSFUL and established so that your KIDS will respect your accomplishments.
If you're in POVERTY and have to work all the time to put food on the table and no time to devote to your children's development, you're going to have BELLIGERENT TEENAGERS that are going to look at you defiantly and question your AUTHORITY as sa PARENT.
My Original Plan was not to have any children until I was financially established and know I could provide for my Future Wife and Kids. Even if it meant holding off till I was in my late 30s or 40s.
I just happened to accidentally get KNOCKED UP BY GOD when I was IMPREGNATED WITH THOUGHT as a VIRGIN MALE making me the MALE VIRGIN MARY.
Queen Elizabeth II).
That's why in DRAG as Superman wearing PANTYHOSE, I'm ONE UGLY ASS HO :o).
However, this UGLY ASS HO can seriously PMS all over you when being BITCHY. When I'm pissy, I will SHIT all over the Electromagnetic Field using it as a BROADCAST PA SYSTEM that is beamed DIRECTLY to your Subconscious Mind to OVERRIDE your Programming and herd or corral you into doing things whether you like it or not.
The only way to BYPASS that is if all the Conscious Minds take my Psychic Theory SERIOUSLY and start saying NO and REJECTING it.
- I have to be the BITCH and the Mother Bird
- You're going start falling and you BETTER START FLAPPING YOUR WINGS so that you don't got SPLAT on the ground
That's why my Job SUCKS as the Mother.
There are going to be all these PISSED-OFF people that are angry with what I'm doing like immature kids that don't understand, but it has to be done for the Surivival of Humanity.
Scott and I had a Chemistry Teacher BOB LYON:
- Bob = Blow Job
- L(Y)on = L(I)on when the Male(Y) = God(I)
- He had a GLASS EYE because his wife BOBBI Lyon poked it out with a SKI POLE
- He was a crotchety old man who was as OLD AS DIRT
- He was really strict about teaching us Chemistry Formulas
- When the time came where Scott and I enrolled in the Chemistry Formulas Competition, Scott finished FIRST and I finished SECOND
- We finished about 10 - 15 minutes BEFORE everyone else from the other High School Contestants still poring over that stuff
- Not only did we finish FIRST and SECOND, but we TOOK also FIRST and SECOND PLACE
All that information and stuff that our Teacher Bob Lyon taught us paid off.
That's why it's unfortunate that Scott wasn't able to pick up on this stuff because he's READ all the Literature I have and MORE. If Scott actually applied himself, he would take to all this Psychic Theory like a Duck to Water.
He has a NATURAL ABILITY and it wouldn't even surprise me if he'd excel or even do BETTER than me. That's why Scott is actually born 2 months BEFORE me in the Year of the Rabbit AND he's also a MARCH HARE.
He's Pisces/Fe-ET/IRon Alien/Man of Steel and a NATURAL Superman.
That's why I said that Scott is the REAL Harry Potter. That's how you get Scott Evil(Seth Green) as the Son of Dr. Evil (Me). Mike Myers is born 5/25 like Bliss and Scott sided with Bliss.
That's how you get Scott Evil and mention of "Preparation H" for "Preparation Pisces" :P. California is shaped like an Ass.
DR. EVIL: Prepartions A - G were a complete failure. However, we finally have a working model. And we shall call it...
Dramatic Dr. Evil Music and a Camera Zoom in on Dr. Evil with his Pinky on the corner of his mouth
DR. EVIL: Operation Preparation H!!!
Scott Evil starts laughing
DR. EVIL: (irritated) What?
SCOTT EVIL: Why don't you just call it Operation "Ass Cream," ya ass?
Number 2 closes his eyes in quiet annoyance at Scott's disrespectful comments
DR. EVIL: I'm sorry... Did you want some ice cream?
SCOTT: Yes... I'd love. Some. Chocolate ASS Cream
DR. EVIL: (confused) Okay... Maybe later...
Scott shakes his head
I said you'll know when Davis is up to an Evil Plan because he's Dr. Evil with the L/AZ- y Eye...LOL
- When Davis feeds me BAD IDEAS, I transform into the L/AZ-y Eye
- L/AZ-y = Bad(L/Non-7) Valentine(AZ/2-14) Male(Y)...LMAO
- Eye= I
- E(Y)E = Gemini Sun(EE/55) with Jesus Christ(Y) in it
- That's why you have a Pa/IR of E(YE)S = Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) with Old Definite(Ye/The-Old English)
- P in K-y = Aquarian Male(P/16=D/4xD/4=Non-Leo Female) in Aquarian(K/11) Male(Y)
When Dr. Evil puts his Pinky on the corner of his mouth, it's indicating the Location of Davis in Los Angeles up to an Evil Plot if the Face of Dr. Evil was superimposed over the United States...LMAO
- That's why Davis is so DUMB as Dr. Evil when he tries to steal money using an Evil Plan
- You see me as Robert Wagner who has LEGITIMATE WAYS of making money
- Dr. Evil undercuts himself by trying to extort money for such a small amount
- That's why you see Davis as Dr. Evil in "Austin Powers" trying to get only $1 million dollars
I'm Robert Wagner as Number 2 who has to keep advising Davis as Dr. Evil...LOL
You see how I took over the EVIL Empire because "Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me" has the Evil Base set in the SEATTLE SPACE NEEDLE with a Huge Starbucks Sign on it...LMAO
I said I'm from Seattle.
- That's how you get Davis as YEAR OF THE RAT
- Rat = Rodent
- Rodent = Rod/Ent = Rod Entertainment
When I make fun of Davis and the dumb things he does, I'm being a Rod/Ent...LMAO
That's why
I said 6/2/2006 that I'm Ares and he's born on Valentine's Day as the Cross-Dressing AFRO-Dite...LMAO
Davis is supposed to be ridiculously funny so that people won't take him seriously. Especially the Black Community, which is going to be trying so hard to not want to believe what I said and how all that 400 years of slavery is to pay for the dumb things one Black Person does enslaving a Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary...LOL
It's so awful :o).