PREDICTION: Seven Reported Killed in Indianapolis Home

Jun 02, 2006 16:55

Here's an unfortunate Sign:
  1. Seven family members, the youngest just 5 years old, were shot to death in their home during what appeared to be a robbery attempt: 7 = VII = Sun Gemini
  2. Police stand outside the home where seven people were reportedly found shot to death execution-style in Indianapolis:
    1. Indianapolis is in Indiana
    2. I said Sunny Leone is Indiana = India/NA = India Not Applicable
  3. Police reached the house shortly after 10 p.m. Thursday after a witness saw one of the victims being dragged into the home and then heard gunfire:
    1. I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a House
    2. You're seeing the House as a Mind dragging people in
    3. In "X-Files" you see how David Faustino enters the "Brady Bunch" house and gets "spit out"
    4. I said Davi(S) = Davi(D). That was Davis getting "ejected" from my Mind as the House
  4. Police were seeking two suspects, including Desmond Turner:
    1. D(ES)mond = D(IA)mond when Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) = I o' WA(IA)
    2. I said 5/29/2006 about Desmond Llewelyn from James Bond
    3. Jouran ID Number 2003619 = Isabella in 2003 in San Diego (619) Area Code
    4. I said Isabella moved from Florida to San Diego in September 2003
    5. Isabella uses pictures of Sunny Leone so she'd be India/NA or the India Not Applicable because she's not Sunny Leone who's East Indian
  5. Sgt. Matthew Mount, a police spokesman, said Turner grew up in the neighborhood but it was unclear whether he knew the family:
    1. Initials MM = Gemini(2) 5/29(M)
    2. I said I'm the Police so you see me as the Authorities investigating the crime scene regarding Isabella
    3. Mount = Horse. I said my mom is born Sagittarius, which is part horse and part man
  6. Turner:
    1. Turner = T u RN-ER = Female(T/20/XX) in Union with(U) Valentine(R-N/2-14) Final(E+R=W)
    2. I said 6/1/2006 about "Akeela and the Bee" starring Lawrence Fishburne and Angela Bassett
    3. Bassett = Dog
    4. I said Bliss is CHRISTine
    5. Dog = Canine
    6. I'm a CA/Nine = California(CA) God(9/I)
    7. I said 5/21/2006 that Bliss is a Dog
  7. Tina Turner:
    1. Both Angela Bassett and Lawrence Fishburne were in "What's Love Got to Do with It?" and the Tina TURNER story
    2. Tina = CHRISTina
    3. Ike Turner was physically abusing CHRISTina Turner
    4. I said 10/7/2006 that all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table
    5. Davis is Ike Turner who's been ABUSIVE to me financially as CHRISTina Turner
    6. Tina Turner = Initials TT = 2 T = Gemini(2) Female(T/20/XX)
    7. You see in Tina Turner's career how she's the one who is the actual Star and Ike Turner doesn't really have as much influence or is barely even remembered
    8. That's why you see that heart-breaking scene where Tina Turner (Angela Bassett) is all bruised and bloodied and appeals to the Hotel Manager asking for a place to stay evne though she has no money
    9. It's the same thing with me as the Mathematical Jesus Christ where I've been bloodied, beaten up financially, and suffering and asking people for help to get people OFF MY BACK and stop beating up on me
    10. I said 1/20/2006 about the dying Whale that floated up the Thames River symbolizing me who has been tortured for the last 2 years. Sadly enough, people just completely miss the Signs
  8. The seven victims spanned three generations of a family, from 5-year-old Luis Albarran to his grandmother Emma Valdez:
    1. Initials Luis Albarran = LA = Los Angeles = Heaven
    2. Emma Valdez = EV = 55 = Gemini Sun
    3. Em/Ma = Sunny Leone(E-M/5-13) Mother(Ma)
    4. I said 6/2/2006 about me as the Big Bad Wolf and Isabella as the Grandmother
  9. Alberto Covarrubias: Initials AC = 13 = Rhode Island = 5/29
  10. Magno Albarran, 29:
    1. Magn(O) = Magn(ETO) when Sun(O) = Alien Sun(ET-O)
    2. 29 = Gemini(2) God(9/I)
    3. Initials MA = Mother
    4. I said Dean Cain's Mother = Sharon Thomas = Christine Thomas = Bliss = 5/25 = Ian McKellan = Magneto
      (Train of Thought)
  11. Flora Albarran:
    1. Flora = Flor(ID)a - ID(Self)
    2. I said Isabella is from Florida
    3. I said my Uncle Larry married my Aunt Florida
  12. David Covarrubias, 8 or 9:
    1. I said Davi(S) = Davi(D)
    2. You see a Davis Character getting killed off
  13. Neighbors said the area, about a block from the Indiana Women's Prison, had declined in recent years and that drug crimes and muggings had become more common:
    1. There's a Purdy's Women's Correctional Facility near the City of Port Orchard, WA
    2. Roman's aunt is a Baker at Albertsons
    3. I said about Jackie Cook being born Valentine's Day like Davis
    4. My Auntie Marieta whose daughter is GWEN (Gwendolen) used to be friends with this one woman who was like a Black Widow
    5. She murdered the Husband who was a Sailor and hid the Body in a Christmas Tree
    6. It's referring to Gwendolen (my cousin Gwen) who sides with Bliss (CHRISTine) who is friends with Isabella Valentine (Murderer who buried the Body in a Christmas Tree)
    7. That's how gruesome it gets
  14. "We have been complaining and complaining," said Sandy Washington, 65, who said she had gone to neighborhood meetings to report drugs and prostitution in the area. "Our voices aren't heard.":
    1. Sandy Washington: I said I'm from Washington State
    2. Christy Nokell used to refer to herself as Sandy from "Grease"
    3. S and Y = Superman(S) and Male(Y)
    4. Age 65 = 5 x 13 = Sunny Leone
    5. "Our Voices aren't heard" is referring to ME who has been calling out for HELP for TWO YEARS NOW, but I get ignored
    6. People just ignore me even though I've been calling for help. The only "help" I get offered is being escorted to a Mental Institution. Yeah. Thanks a lot.
    7. All the while, I'm pulling Psychic Predictions and Miracles out of my FUCKING ASS every day and people have the NERVE to CHEW MY ASS out callking me a Fake and Fraud.
      Yeah. Whatever. Well, fuck you too. Thanks for nothing.
  15. Thursday's slayings were the city's worst since King Edward Bell, a laid-off autoworker, killed his estranged wife, mother-in-law and four children in 1981:
    1. KING Edward BelL: I said I'm of Royal Blood
    2. Scott's middle name is Edward
    3. Initials KB = Scott's Girlfriend Kat Brown
    4. I said 10/31/2005 how all the women were jeering at me as the "Psychic King"
    5. 1981 is when Sunny Leone and Isabella Valentine were born
    6. Notice that I was ONLY AGE SIX. people are going to try pinning ALL the blame on me just because I'm the Messenger.
    7. I was only SIX YEARS OLD. How can you blame me for stuff when I was just a kid. This is more far-reaching and spans before even my OWN PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS were even born
  16. 06-02-06 12:58 EDT:
    1. 12:58 = Bad(12/L) Howard Crook(58)
    2. I said 6/2/2006 that Howard Crook is born 5/8
    3. You see a Howard Tag Lighting Up
  17. Updated: 04:17 PM EDT: 4:17 = Isabella Valentine(4/IV) God(17/Q-Star Trek)
On a side note, I'd like to say that I like Lawrence Fishburne.

Don't get the wrong idea and think that Lawrence Fishburne is a bad person just because he played IKE TURNER who was abusive to Tina Turner. That was ACTING.
  1. It's the same message being sent to the People of Earth about me.
  2. You can go hate me, but I'm just the Messenger. I'm just repeating what I'm told.
  3. It's like someone getting caught by a Police Officer and that person hates the Handcuffs restraining them and blame the Handcuffs.
  4. I'm the HANDCUFFS. What are you going to get mad at me for?
That's why I complain a lot about this Assignment that was dumped in my lap.

I got charged with the Responsibility of breaking the BAD NEWS to the People of Earth:
  1. My BIGGEST COMPLAINT is how I have to break the News to the Black Community that their 400 Years worth of Slavery was to match Davis enslaving a Jesus Christ Figure
  2. That's such a SHITTY Task to give to someone
  3. I said that the Black Community is going to HATE MY GUTS and DESPISE ME
  4. Same with the Religious Community where I'm going to have a whole bunch of "Silas Monks" from the "Da Vinci Code" that are going to try MURDERING MY ASS and exterminating me because of what I symbolize and the threat to the Religious Sects
That's why I complain because it's MY NECK that's out on the Line.

That's why I even state that I don't want to have anything to do with the Church:
  1. I encourage people to CONTINUE going to Church if that's what makes them happy
  2. You can actually integrate the Decryption Code to the Bible and it will unlock all the Scriptures based off of the Lines and Verse causing them to "Glow" with new meaning
  3. I don't expect a sudden transformation or for people to abandon their Faith
  4. I said it's a shame to dismantle the Vatican the Church, which is doing some good stuff
  5. All they have to do is just TWEAK or ADJUST their Curriculum so that it uses UPDATED Material
  6. They should be treating the Church and the Vatican like a BUSINESS ORGANIZATION
  7. Just bring in a couple of Business Analysts that can smooth over the Organization
I said that the only reason why the Church would feel threatened by me is because they're afraid I'm going to swoop in as Jesus Christ and take all the money or ruin their Reputations:
  1. I don't want any money because the minute I start accepting money from church goers, it means I'm their Employee or on their payroll. No thank you
  2. If I start accepting money from people as a Christ or Religious Figure, it gives people justification to go off on me when I don't do what they say
  3. While I'm not under anyone's employment and I'm not charging anyone anything, no one can pin anything on me as being a scam. You can't be a scam if you're not taking off anyone
  4. It's also a shame to see a really good Organization such as the Church have to go down in flames all because they're unwilling to adjust with the Times
  5. The Church should be seizing this as an opportunity to revamp the Curriculum and gain NEW MEMBERSHIP
The reason why you don't have anymore Church Goers is because the Church Figures haven't been able to explain how God can exist in the Scientific World we live in today.

The answers aren't good enough and there hasn't been any proof that God exists. My Psychic Research actually explains Intelligent Design and how it's possible.

If the Church was SMART, they'd embrace it rather than fighting it. They run the risk of commiting Business Suicide if they try to do a pitched battle.

They should be asking what they're fighting for?
  1. Just because they don't like Homosexuality?
  2. Because they think Sex is a Sin?
  3. Because Adult Porn Stars are depraved?
I already said why you had the 7 Deadly Sins:
  1. I said 5/20/2006 why Homosexuality was deemed bad 2,000 years ago.
  2. It's because people weren't smart enough
  3. If those restraints weren't in place, we would be living in a totally alternate reality right now
  4. There'd be lots of Sex and Technology wouldn't be where it is today
For all we know, we could be running around using Horse and Buggy, Computers wouldn't have been invented yet, and we might still be using Candles instead of Light Bulbs.

There was a reason why those 7 Deadly Sins were set in place:
  1. It was just easier to SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE to keep them from doing it
  2. The Planet was like a Parent lying to a 5 year old child so that the child won't defy the parent and just do it
  3. The Planet did the same thing with people with the threat of burning in Hell
  4. However, when a child matures to a teenager or adult, you can remove the restrictions
  5. You can change the Rules once someone is mature enough
We've now reached that Level of Maturity as we enter the new Age of Aquarius.

That's why Thomas Alva Edison is an Aquarius. The Aquarius Symbol represents Electricity and that Electromagnetic Field.

Seven Reported Killed in Indianapolis Home
INDIANAPOLIS (June 2) - Seven family members, the youngest just 5 years old, were shot to death in their home during what appeared to be a robbery attempt, officials said Friday as police searched for at least two suspects in the attack.

AJ Mast, AP
Police stand outside the home where seven people were reportedly found shot to death execution-style in Indianapolis.

Police reached the house shortly after 10 p.m. Thursday after a witness saw one of the victims being dragged into the home and then heard gunfire.

Inside, officers found three children - ages 5 to 11 - dead on a bed and the bodies of four adults scattered inside, police said. All had been shot in what officials described as the city's worst mass killings in decades.

Police were seeking two suspects, including Desmond Turner, 28, of Indianapolis. Sgt. Matthew Mount, a police spokesman, said Turner grew up in the neighborhood but it was unclear whether he knew the family. Turner's criminal history includes time served for pointing a handgun and criminal recklessness.

"He'd gone there to rob the home and decided while he was there to execute everybody at the same time, unfortunately," Mount said.

Witnesses told police they saw three or four men running from the back of the house after the shootings, and authorities said they were searching for another suspect.

The seven victims spanned three generations of a family, from 5-year-old Luis Albarran to his grandmother Emma Valdez.

Luis had spent the evening with his grandmother while his mother, Flora Albarran, was out running errands with a friend, police said. Albarran, 22, arrived about 10 p.m. to pick up the boy.

When she walked up to the house and opened the door, her friend saw a light come on and heard Albarran shout: "Don't do that! My child!"

Albarran yelled to her friend not to come in the house, then the friend heard gunshots and screaming, police said in a news release. The friend told police a man holding a long gun stepped onto the porch and the shooting continued inside.

Authorities identified the victims as Emma Valdez, 46, and her husband, Alberto Covarrubias, 56; Flora Albarran and her brother Magno Albarran, 29; Alberto Covarrubias, 11; David Covarrubias, 8 or 9; and young Luis.

Neighbor Frank Dodson, 49, said Valdez' husband had been at his home earlier that evening and nothing appeared to be wrong.

"They were real friendly people," he said. "You couldn't ask for better neighbors. God, I hate to see this happen."

At the home Friday morning, an iron security door stood open as the officers passed in and out, and a wind chime hung in one window. Police had no history of calls to the home apart from one to check on an alarm.

Neighbors said the area, about a block from the Indiana Women's Prison, had declined in recent years and that drug crimes and muggings had become more common.

"We have been complaining and complaining," said Sandy Washington, 65, who said she had gone to neighborhood meetings to report drugs and prostitution in the area. "Our voices aren't heard."

Thursday's slayings were the city's worst since King Edward Bell, a laid-off autoworker, killed his estranged wife, mother-in-law and four children in 1981. Bell was sentenced to six consecutive 40-year prison terms.

06-02-06 12:58 EDT
Updated: 04:17 PM EDT

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l, 12, lessons, advice, christine, 508, christy nokell, desmond, florida, family, tina turner, gay, dogs, bad, wisdom, larry

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