Here's an example of
Isabella Valentine's FUCK-UP and the MESS that I had to clean up all because Isabella was being a TOTAL BITCH.
When you FUCK UP OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES and PEOPLE DIE because of it. THAT'S A FUCK-UP, and I feel JUSTIFIED in YELLING at people who FUCK UP and cause people UNNECESSARY Grief and Sorrow.
- A comatose crash victim believed to be Laura VanRyn, left, was in fact fellow student Whitney Cerak. VanRyn died in the crash: I said 5/31/2006 that I had to clean up Isabella's mess by firing her and taking over her Department
- Laura VanRyn: Van/R-YN = IR(Van/They Go-Spanish) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) California(YN/Non-NY/Non-New-York)
- Whitney Cerak:
- C/ER-AK = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) Mount St. Helens(E-R/5-18) Alaska(AK)
- C(E[R]A)K = CK with EA in it with R inside = Clark Kent(CK) with Luck of the IR is H(EA/51=3x17) with Gemini Inside
- It's a variation of how another version of me survived
- A family sat by their daughter's hospital bedside for weeks after an auto accident before they realized that the blond-haired young woman was not their daughter after all, but another college student injured in the wreck:
- I said that I got killed off as "VanRyn"
- I said that all the women have been siding with Isabella
- They've been MOURNING the WRONG person
- They should be mournign me (ROD) who got killed off. Not Isabella. I said 5/1/2006 that Isabella is the one who caused the mess
- Their own daughter, it turned out, was dead and buried: I got killed off, but another version of me survived
- In a tragic mix-up, one family was incorrectly told their daughter had died in the April 26 crash in Indiana:
- Another variation is how Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
- Sunny Leone is technically still alive while "Isabella Valentine" as a Character died
- "We rejoice with the Ceraks. We grieve with the VanRyns," said Taylor spokesman Jim Garringer. He said the Grant County coroner notified the school of the error: Initials JG = 10/7 = Rachel McAdams = Alison from "The Notebook"
- VanRyns, who are from Caledonia, Mich., said their daughter and Cerak, 18, of Gaylord, Mich., bore an "uncanny resemblance":
- Notiche they're from GAYLORD, Michigan
- Gaylord = Gay Lord = Homosexual Jesus Christ
- I said I'm Fe-Male (Iron Male) and a LESBIAN Jesus Christ
- ...she played a game of "connect four" with one of the therapists and did quite well
- I said Bliss and I used to play Connect4 all the time
- It's a Bliss Tag
- ...she performed an exercise in which her therapist gave her a word and she had to supply the word's opposite:
- That's where Bliss does the OPPOSITE of what I do
- Same with Isabella
- 06-01-06 03:07 EDT:
- Rachel Weisz is born 3/7
- I said 5/15/2006 Rachel plays the TWIN sister ISABEL that died
- VanRyn = Isabelo = Isabel
- Updated: 03:10 AM EDT: 3:10 = Scott's Birthday
- Indiana = India/NA. Sunny Leone is East Indian and not applicable
This article is an example of how Psychic Phenomenon isn't something to be taken lightly. People die if you're not careful. It's no laughing matter.
I don't yell at people without good reason. In fact, I don't yell at all. It takes a LOT to piss me off. However, when people accidentally kill others out of NEGLIGENCE and IGNORANCE, I will yell at people because someone losing their Life and causing that victim's family and loved ones grief and sorrow is a FUCK-UP.
- I said 11/2/2005 that Charlie of BCB was guilty of 2nd Degree Murder
- I started cussing Charlie of BCB out
- I said 4/7/2006 that Isabella got pissed at me yelling at Charlie and publicly flamed me telling everyone that I was Psycho
- Bliss also came to Isabella's defense and started telling me that I should go in for Psychiatric Evaluation
- Scott also suggested I get treatment
That's why I've been sitting her for over TWO YEARS printing out and establishing a Track Record because I said that my Readings are ACCURATE.
My Psychic Forensics Methods are accurate, and when I say someone killed someone, it's ACCURATE.
That's why the longer I sit here manifesting UNCANNY Coincidences that align with what I said in my Journal and what happens in the News strengthens my case and makes all those women that sided with the MURDERER look BAD.
They especially look worse because they all chewed me out when I was the GOOD GUY and the INNOCENT Person. They sided with the BAD GUY.
I'm especially posting his information because I intend to COVER MY ASS.
I'm not going to sit here years from now and have people going off on me about how I didn't do anything or try to stop this. I tried to stop it but people all laughed and jeered at me and TOLD ME TO FUCK OFF.
Which is FINE.
If you want me to fuck off, I'll fuck off, but don't come bitching to me and making me the Scapegoat for all your OWN FUCK-UPS because you didn't listen to me and when I explained how it all works.
I said 5/30/2006 about the BEEHIVE ANALOGY:
- I tell someone that he shouldn't rattle the beehive because he'll piss off the bees. They'll come and sting him
- He laughs at me, calls me stupid, and ignores my warnings
- He grabs a stick and starts prodding the beehive
- The swarm of bees come out and start stinging him
- He has to go to the hospital for bee stings and runs up a a hospital bill
Do you think it's FAIR if he comes to me pissed off blaming me and then saying I'm the one who has to pay for the hospital bill?
I don't care how OLD or TIRESOME repeating that gets. I will KEEP on stating it because I'm not going to sit and take SHIT from people on this when I warned people over and over again, but they ignored me and didn't believe it was real.
If you ignore someone's warnings and do what you want to do, why are you going to get pissed or even sue the person who was warning you for damages incurred from YOU NOT LISTENING.
If you're not going to listen and you get BURNED, why are you going to try and pin the blame on the very person who was trying to warn you on how to avoid it?
Why does that fall back in my lap as my fault? The people today can enjoy jeering and laughing at me and I'll sit here and take it. However, I fully expect to be exonerated and not have to put up with CRAP from a new group of people who are going to try going off on me about how they don't like the way Psychic Phenomenon works and want me to clean it up.
That's why it's a joke. You have 7 billion people sitting on their asses and expect the poor, BROKE because of other people's selfishness, PREGNANT Fe-Male that everyone laughed at to clean up after everyone's mess.
Yeah. Thanks a lot.
That's why I'm so pissed off. I have to sit here and take SHIT from people when I told the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon. I shouldn't have to put up with this Crap, and I'm tired of getting punished for telling the Truth.
Identity Mix-Up Stuns Crash Victims' Families
Comatose Woman in Hospital Went Misidentified for Weeks
Taylor University / AP
A comatose crash victim believed to be Laura VanRyn, left, was in fact fellow student Whitney Cerak. VanRyn died in the crash.
INDIANAPOLIS (June 1) - A family sat by their daughter's hospital bedside for weeks after an auto accident before they realized that the blond-haired young woman was not their daughter after all, but another college student injured in the wreck.
Their own daughter, it turned out, was dead and buried.
In a tragic mix-up, one family was incorrectly told their daughter had died in the April 26 crash in Indiana, and another was erroneously informed their daughter was in a coma.
The two young women looked remarkably alike, and the one in a coma suffered facial swelling, broken bones and cuts and bruises, and was in a neck brace.
The family of Taylor University student Laura VanRyn, 22, disclosed the mix-up Wednesday on a Web log that they had used to record detailed updates on the young woman's recovery.
"Our hearts are aching as we have learned that the young woman we have been taking care of over the past five weeks has not been our dear Laura, but instead a fellow Taylor student of hers, Whitney Cerak," the VanRyns said on the blog.
As the woman regained consciousness she said things that made the family question her identity.
The family said that as the young woman began regaining consciousness at a rehabilitation center in Grand Rapids, Mich., she said things that made them question her identity.
As recently as Monday, the VanRyns reported: "While certain things seem to be coming back to her, she still has times where she'll say things that don't make much sense."
Officials at Taylor University, an evangelical Christian college in Upland, Ind., about 60 miles from Indianapolis, confirmed the case of mistaken identity.
"We rejoice with the Ceraks. We grieve with the VanRyns," said Taylor spokesman Jim Garringer. He said the Grant County coroner notified the school of the error.
Four Taylor students and an employee were killed when their van was struck by a tractor-trailer that had drifted across a highway median. Those in the van worked for Taylor's dining services and were preparing for a banquet for the inauguration of a new president of the 1,850-student school.
It was not clear who mistakenly identified the victims or how the error happened. The coroner's office did not immediately return a call. But the VanRyns, who are from Caledonia, Mich., said their daughter and Cerak, 18, of Gaylord, Mich., bore an "uncanny resemblance."
Most of the crash victims had funerals with closed caskets. A month ago, an overflow crowd of more than 1,400 people turned out for what they thought was Cerak's funeral in Gaylord, Mich.
The VanRyn family used the blog to provide progress reports on the young woman, reporting, example, that her hair was in pigtails or braids, that she managed to feed herself some applesauce, that she played a game of "connect four" with one of the therapists and did quite well, and that she performed an exercise in which her therapist gave her a word and she had to supply the word's opposite.
A call to the VanRyns was not immediately returned. An attorney for the Cerak family did not return a call either.
Prosecutors are weighing criminal charges against the truck driver, saying he may having fallen asleep at the wheel.
06-01-06 03:07 EDT
Updated: 03:10 AM EDT
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