PROPHECY: Dr. Beverly Crusher, Napolean Dynamte vs. Bill Gates

May 29, 2006 00:00

I can take it a step further with my previous post and that news article.

Deborah McFadden:
  1. The reason why it's Deborah McFadden is because of Gates McFadden
  2. She was Dr. Beverly CRUSHER
  3. She runs parallel to Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard
  4. The Doctor is the one Individual on the Starship who can relieve the Captain if the Doctor feels the Captain is unfit to run the ship
  5. That's why Rod, as Dr. Beverly CRUSHER, removed Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart = Professor Charles Xavier)
  6. I will CRUSH you with Thor's Hammer when I blast you in the NEWS that gets distributed around the Planet for everyone to see
  7. Gates was pregnant and had to go on Maternity Leave during the show...kind of like Virgin Mary who as PREGNANT
Gates of Heaven:
  1. I said I run a Software Program
  2. You've got the Bill Gates
  3. Then you've got the Gates of Heaven
  4. Microsoft is set up in in Washington State
  5. MS = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) Superman(S)
Journal ID Number #2006736:
  1. 20060736 = 2006/7-36
  2. 2006/7-36 = 2006 Sun Gemini(7/VII) Gemini Virgo(6x6)
  3. Virgo and Gemini are both ruled by the Planet of Mercury
Napolean Dynamite vs. Bill Gates
Speaking of Gates, there was a Commercial for Microsoft where Napolean Dynamite (Jon Heder) challenges Bill Gates for ownership of the Company:
  1. They have a Slapping Match
  2. Napolean wins
  3. Napolean = France
  4. I said Davis = Pennsylvania = PA = Father = Fr. = France
  5. Davis would be Napolean Dynamite while I'd be Bill Gates ;)
You should be worried when you've got Napolean Dynamite running Microsoft... ;)
  1. Just like in the Commercial, Davis slaps me around and I cave in easily...LOL
  2. That's why Davis gets his way as Napolean Dynamite...LOL
  3. That's why Napolean sold the Louisana Purchase for 3 cents an acre to the United States
  4. That was Davis relinquishing any share or ownership to the Psychic Phenomenon I discovered 2 years ago...LMAO
History always tends to repeat itself :o).

Prince of Light
That's why Florida used to be owned by Spain representing Isabella Valentine:
  1. Florida is shaped like a Penis
  2. My name is Rod
  3. I said 9/25/2005 that I tried to promose marriage to her, but she rejected me
  4. If she'd accepted my Marriage Proposal, she would've become an offical Princess because I'm of Royal Blood and a Prince
  5. I said 4/6/2005 that Prince Rainier of Monaco is named after Mount Rainier in Washington State
  6. I said 10/15/2005 that Rupert Everett born 5/29 is named after a City in Washington State
  7. I said 12/2/2005 that my Grandmother is born 12/20 = Letters L/T = Light
  8. I said 2/7/2006 that Prince is Filipino like me and has Male and FE-Male Genitalia because I'm Male but qualify as a FE-Male
  9. That's why I'm the Prince of L/T = Prince of Light = Jesus Christ
  10. She would've been married to Jesus Christ if she accepted
You get to see perverted Humor who threw away things that were valuable :o).

It was one of the worst blunders a woman could ever commit.

It begs the question on whether women really know a Good Man when they see it or that maybe they set their standards too high and/or possibly drive all the Good Men away.

Did I mention that I'm Christ/OP-Her Re/EVE and the real Superman, too? LOL

star trek, starship, picard, hammer, bill gates, jesus christ, microsoft, prince, doctor, christopher reeve, light, thor, xavier

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