PROPHECY: Superman, Lois Lane, Bizarro, Pennsylvania, 12/12

May 12, 2006 00:00

I said that I'm like the real U.S.S. Enterprise because I've been mapping out "Star Charts" (Celebrity Charts on like an Exploration Vessel.

Here's a little HINT on how to prove Intelligent Design on how the Planet is actually alive and sentient:
  1. I said 5/11/2006 about John Forsythe born 1/29 like Kansas inducted into the Union
  2. I said 5/11/2006 that Demi Moore was born 11/11 like Washignton State inducted into the Union

    HINT: Isn't it kind of odd that John Forsythe is Charlie in "Charlie's Angels" born same as KANSAS and Demi Moore is the Fallen Angel on "Charlie's Angels" born same as WASHINGTON State

  3. I said 3/19/2006 that BOOTH Gardner was the Governor of Washington State:
    1. Clark Kent changes into Superman in a Phone BOOTH
    2. I said 4/28/2006 that I'm the real Clark Kent
    3. I said I'm from Washington State
  4. Pennsylvania was inducted 12/12
    1. I said Davis is from Pennsylvania
    2. 12/12 = L/L = LANA LANG, LEX LUTHOR, and LOIS LANE
  5. Collect all the dates of all 50 States inducted into the Union
  6. Go to the Birthdates Section of
  7. Scan the names of Celebrities who were born on, died, and got married on those dates that the States were inducted
You'll see a Pattern.

I've been doing this for TWO YEARS. I know the Pattern. I've been watching closely.

A lot of the Decryptions I do can be done by ANYONE. I'm just getting the ball rolling. If you got enough people to just watch what surfaces in the Associated Press; watch what Celebs die, get married, or have kids; and follow the Pattern, you'll see that the Planet is actually TALKING to the People of Earth.

You don't need me to do it. I just repeat whatever the Planet says that any moron with HALF A BRAIN could figure out.

If you want me to REALLY mess with your head, check this out:
  1. I said 10/21/2005 that Davis is the MALE Lois Lane
  2. I said Davis is born Valentine's Day = Isabella Valentine = Sunny Leone
  3. Sunny Leone looks like LOIS LANE
  4. Davis is always getting himself into trouble and I have to play Superman and SAVE HIS ASS
  5. (B)Lane(Y) = ()Lane() when Gemini(B/2) = ZERO and Male(Y) = ZERO. Davis is NOT Gemini(B/2) and Davis is MALE(Y)...LMAO
  6. That's how you get the JOKE about Superman being GAY because Lois Lane is MALE
  7. I said Davis (Lois Lane) and Rod (Superman) are in a BUSINESS MARRIAGE
  8. It flips around when I'm FE-Male and SuperGIRL (Rod) who is a BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS with Lex Luthor (Davis/Le/The-Fr./Father/PA/Pennsylvania)...LMAO
That's why I'm not kidding when I say that I can totally stun the Black Community leaving them Speechless because NOBODY would come up with a Crazy-Ass Story like unless I'm completely NUTS or ACTUALLY TELLING THE TRUTH.

It's one thing to approach people with Logic, but you can really mess with people's heads with crazy ass shit that is so fucking BIZARRE that that no one can come up with an answer for it.

The Planet even knows how to one-up everyone AGAIN.

This explains how you get BIZARRO Prophecy:
  1. I said 2/1/2006 about the Bizarro Prophecy
  2. The original Bizarro was Subconscious Charlie
  3. B-I/ZA/RR-O = Gemini(B/2) God(I) Non-Valentine(ZA/Non-AZ/Non-2-14) Rod Rodillon(RR) Sun(O)
  4. When I fired Subconscious Charlie and Subconscious Isabella, Davis became the "Nemesis"
  5. NE/M.E.-Sis = Northeast(NE) Mother Earth(M.E.) Sister(Sis)
  6. The new Bizarro in the Comics is GOOD, but he's SO STUPID and gets fooled by Villains to use his Super Powers to do something bad
  7. The same thing goes for me where I can be fooled into using my Super Powers to help bad people when I don't know it
My CONSCIOUS Mind can be tricked like anyone else:
  1. My Subconscious Mind already knows what's going on
  2. So my Subconscious Mind as Superman is able to affect change to combat whatever Rod (as Bizarro) does
  3. Notice how Bizarro's Insignia is S backward
  4. 2 (Deformed) = S Backward
  5. 2 = Gemini
  6. S looks like 5 = Leo = Sun
  7. Subconscious Rod = Superman (5/S)
  8. Conscious Rod = Bizarro (2/Z)
  9. I said I'm Gemini (2)
The reason why the Planet this version is because people are going to come at me saying:
  • "Well, I thought you're Superman, aren't you supposed to be smart?"
  • "I thought you're God. I thought you can't be fooled because you know everything"
  • "If you're so smart, why are you doing DUMB things?"
That's where Bizarro comes in. I'm like ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING that can be LIED TO and FOOLED.

Once again, we come back to why I complain as a Temperamental Computer. I'm a "Smart Computer." I can calculate certain things, but a little MANAGEMENT and GUIDANCE from the Smartest People on Earth would help.

However, because I'm mortal, people are just going to put all the Responsibility and weight on me. When things go wrong, guess who they'll blame. Me. Rod. I said that if I was an INANIMATE OBJECT sent down from the Heavens bestowed to the People of Earth by God, people would accept responsibility for their OWN FUCK-UPS.

HOWEVER, because I'm an actual person, every time the SHIT hits the fan and something bad happens, they're going to blame me:
  • It's always going to be ROD'S FAULT.
  • Rod is the one who screwed up
  • Rod is the one who makes bad decisions
  • Why is Rod the one who gets to make the decisions?
As I said, I'm the PARENT. While people refuse to GROW UP and accept responsibility for their own actions and be held accountable and choose to make ROD take all the blame and have his ass in the fire when things go bad, then it means that ROD is the one who makes the decisions.

If you don't like the way I decide on things, then you have to prove you're RESPONSIBLE and willing to be held accountable rather than blame someone else. As I said, I already know that I'm going to be made the Scapegoat every time something bad happens in people's lives.

If a Tsunami, Hurricane, or Tornado smacks down on a person's house, they'll blame Rod. They won't even take into that maybe they were in a Tornado-infested area or that the People and/or Government were TOO CHEAP to reinforce a 30 year old DAM due to Spending Cuts.

Oh, no. It's no their fault. It's ROD's Fault for causing a Downpour that causes a Mudslide ruining things. People will completely forget about what things were like when they didn't realize they could blame a particular individual or actually "communicate" with Top Level Administration on a Planetary Scale.
  1. That's why I keep saying that the Planet is like a Human Body
  2. I said 1/22/2006 that Conscious Minds of people are like GOD
  3. People rule over their Bodies
  4. People eat all kinds of junk food, smoke cigarettes, and pollute their bodies
  5. When they do that, all the Blood Cells and other Living Cells are the ones that have to clean up the CRAP that you (as "God" over your body) are doing to yourself
What choice to your Living Cells have? What are they going to do? Sue you? The worst they can do is just do a Shutdown or fall apart like any Vehicle that is run down and overworked.

That's why when it comes to the Bad News and revealing this stuff nobody is going to liek to hear, I keep stressing, "DON'T KILL THE MESSENGER." Everyone's gonig to go off on me blaming me when I tried to tell people about my Psychic Theories and everyone either laughed at me, jeered at me, spit on me, and/or told me to fuck off.

THEN when it turns out that I'm actually CORRECT about my Theories, you're not going to see anyone giving me an APOLOGY. Everyone's going to move on to the "Blame Rod" Phase. Forget the part where Rod's Psychic Theories were correct, let's jump straight to how "Rod created this mess."

I didn't create this mess. It was an accumulation of crap. That's why I felt sorry for Arnold Schwarzenegger who had the SHITTY JOB of denying the Appeal of Tookie last year. That wasn't Arnold's fault.

He just happened to be the unfortunate Governor stuck with being in office when Tookie's Death Sentence came up on the docket. And everyone blamed Arnold when he denied the appeal. I still say that Tookie wouldn't have repented or changed his attitude or devoted his time the way he did if he hadn't gotten punished.

He shouldn't have been doing it in the first place. I even said last year that those SAME Psychic Tags are embedded on the VICTIMS that Tookie murdered. It was a SURGICAL HIT showing who got killed off.

When you use the Decryption Code on the Victims who were killed off by Tookie, you see how Subconscious Charlie, Isabella Valentine, and those other women who chewed my ass out two years ago were involved.

They engaged in predictable behavior and the Planet just had it written in early on. People find it hard to believe that a Planet can predict things, but your'e forgetting the Time Frame
  1. 20 years to a Planet that's been around for 4.55 billion year is like one second.
  2. You can predict what's going to happen in one second, can't you?
  3. If you're walking down the street and you see someone who's about to fall down a manhole that takes 5 seconds, you can predict what's going to happen in that 5-second time frame, right?
That's how the Planet does it. Don't forget it's comprised of 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet along with all living things. That's a LOT of BRAIN POWER.

It would only make sense that it would be infernally intelligent and be able to calculate with precision what's going to happen 20 years from now.

When it comes to my Intelligence, I may be the Virgin Mother, but if someone wanted to lie to me, they can and succeed. You can fool my senses:
  1. Superman can't see through Lead
  2. Le/Ad = Definite(Le/The-Fr./Father/PA/Pennsylvania) Promo(Ad)
  3. Davis is from Pennsylvania and when he LIES TO ME and makes up some story, he's using LE/AD so that I can't see through his bullshit
  4. That's why he's from Pennsylvania (inducted 12/12 = L/L = Lex Luthor) playing opposite of me as Superman
I can be tricked into doing goofing up if people actually make an effort to do so. However, the warning I give to people is that when I'm doing things honestly and out of genuine sincerity to help people but I get tricked or fooled, the Planet gets ready to dole out a huge dose of BAD KARMA to the people who are trying to manipulate me.

It will always reflect back at people their own selfishness and greed by creating an entirely situation where the Planet will exchange for something greater using the very SAME Logic that the people who tricked me used to outsmart me.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that when you take someone who's "trying" to be HONEST and FORTHRIGHT explaining how all of this works that there's going to be a group of people out there who are going to want to exploit this power.

All they're going to see are Dollar Signs, Money, and Power at their fingertips and they're going to try and exploit it, steal what I've got, or try to find a way to hack the code. You can always count on people's selfishness and greed to get the better of them.

That's why in "Lord of the Rings" you see how the Ring could've been thrown back into the fire after they killed Sauron, but the power of the Ring seduced the King and he refused to do it. It could've been destroyed right there and then, but the Greed of Man took over.

I'm the Ring. That's why it's Lord of the R in G-S = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) in Sun Gemini(G/7/VII) Superman(S)

That's how you get Aragorn. AR/A-Go/R-N = IR(AR) God(A/1) IR(Go-Spanish) Valentine(R-N/2-14)

Just you watch. There's going to be some selfish dickhead or a group of people that are going to be hungry for Power and trying to control me as the Ring is going to cloud their Judgment. They're going to want it and see how they can control or steal it for themselves.

Who knows what's going to happen after I die (or get assassinated?) and how all the different Countries are going to start arguing amongst themselves to see who should control the Power of the Electromagnetic Field once Rod is DEAD.

A lot of these Movies you see are Prophetic and they're WARNING SIGNS. They're big HUGE Warning Signs that the Planet is trying to show people.

People may think I'm a Putz and a fucking moron, but that very FORREST GUMP, DUMBASS, Village Idiot Mentality is what keeps me from being easily corrupted like anyone else who would come into power.

As it just so happens, I'm THAT FUCKING STUPID where I'd sit on the Power to control the Entire Electromagnetic Field and merely use it as a toy to make BAD PUNS and try to be a Cheesy Stand-Up Comedian rather than try and take over the world.

That's how you get the ROD/NE-y DANGER/Field = Rod Gemini Sun(NE/VE in Greek/55) Male(Y) Hazardous(Danger) Electromagnetic [Field].

That's why I'm always complaining and saying, "I get no respect!"

I'm pulling all kinds of Miracles out of my ass and things that would astound and amaze people and I get treated like DIRT. That's why I get NO RESPECT :o).

That's why RODfather = GODfather when you (R)odfather = (II)odfather and you insert "V" (5/Leo/Sun) in front to transform (R)odfather into (G)odfather :P.
  1. That's why he was the Grandfather Satain in "Little Nicky"...LOL
  2. (N)I/CK-y = (V)I/CK-y in Greek
  3. VI/CK-y = Virgo(VI/6/6th Sign) Clark Kent(CK) Male(Y)
  4. Adam Sandler = AS = 33 on the Periodic Table = 3 x 11 = C x K = CK = Clark Kent
That's why Little Nicky's RETARDED and says, "Release the Gooooooooooood!"
  1. That's why the Secret Weapon is Ozzy Ozbourne who bites the Head off the Bat...LOL
  2. I said Davis is a Flying Rat = Bat
  3. I bit off Davis' head as Ozzy Ozbourne...LOL
  4. That's how you get the Wizard of OZ, which is the Emerald City = Seattle = Washington State
  5. Emerald = Birth Stone of May
  6. Ma-y = Mother(Ma) Male(Y)
  7. M/A-y = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) God(A/1) Male(Y)
  8. I'm born in the Month of May
See how everything fits?

You don't have to believe me. I'm just giving you a straight answer in case you or anyone else is trying to figure out how it's possible for me to cause all these Coincidences to pop up in the Associated Press and why everything is conforming to whatever I say...LOL

lex luthor, 1212, 129, 1111, kansas, bizarro, superman, washington, lois lane, pennsylvania

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