I was talking to Davis on the phone tonight. He was telling me about his appointments he had today:
- He said he met this person named Mike
- He's a Twin. I said I'm born Gemini for the Twins
- He's from Boston, MA. Ma = Mother
- They have a unique disease where his Immune System treats hair as an infect and destroys hair before it can grow
- The result is where the guy is completely hairless
It's making fun of Davis:
- I said I'm born Year of the Rabbit
- Rabbit = Hare
- Ha(RE) = Ha(IR)
- Re = 75 (Periodic Table) = 1975
- IR = My Initials
That's hwy Ha(Re) = Ha(IR)
Davis told me he was at the Universal Studios Sheraton:
- He said he was thinking about the picture he took with Drena Denro (Robert Deniro's daughter) and Dave Roma
- Dave Roma was at the Sheraton Universal
- Davis thought it was weird thinking about him and having Dave Roma show up like that when he hadn't seen him in months
- I said 4/18/2006 that I have the ability to yank people into the "Twilight Zone"
- I can affect who people meet and run across.
It's all about Timing.
Usually, I wouldn'tpost this stuff, but it's still the truth even if people don't believe you. I figured you should write it down because you're recounting what you saw.
It doesn't matter whether people believe you or not. If that's what you saw or observed, that doesn't take away from it from being the Truth. At least you as a person know that it happened.
Besides, I've also learned that some things that may seem insignificant now or have no relation are worth posting when it comes to Psychic Phenomenon because something else may surface later related to that particular passage.
If you don't write it down or document it, it has less credibility if you state it after the fact. That's the whole reason why I post my Bullletins so that people who are following along in my Journal can vouch for me and say, "Yes, I do remember Rod talking about this. He didn't add it in or make it up."
The reason why my method works is because I practice and I have a system. I follow a system. It remains consistent. As long as you have a pattern that you folow and can produce consistent results, it means it works.
Whether people are around to witness it or not is another story. That's why you see me so discontent and unhappy when people front bitchy attitudes with me thumbing their noses at my Scientific Theories.
The funny thing about Davis is that Dave Roma is a mirror image of Davis:
- Dav(E) = Dav(ID)
- David was saying that Dave Roma got F/At
- Dave said that his lower lip was all messed up as well
Davis criticizes a lot of people in his life not realizing that they were placed there to mirror his own behavior. It's set up where Davis is insulting himself:
- I said 3/6/2006 that Davis is the Penny
- Davis = Penn/Y = Pennsylvania(Penn) Male(Y)
- He is always complainingabout the sneaky and greedy things that Vincent Lee does
- V in Cent = Sun(V/5) in the Penny(Cent)
- It's a Variation of Davis
- Lee = Leo = Sunny Leone = Isabella Valentine = Davis born Valentine's Day
One of the things that Vincent did is order a Filpina Mail Order Bride:
- Davis was criticizing Vincent who can't afford to maintain a place of his own
- Vincent technically lied when he went over to the Philippines to court that Filipina Mail Order Bride
- Vincent gave the impression that he's financially stable
- When the Mail Order Bride came over, she found out that Vincent is barely able to pay rent and was living in this small little Duplex
- She was so unhappy and wanted a Divorce
Do you know what that was?
- That was a reflection of Davis as Vincent and Rod (me) as the Filipina Mail Order Bride
- I came from a middle-income faimly which is kind of like the Mail Order Bride
- Davis didn't tell me that he had all these traffic violations, had done time in jail, and that he was having financial problems
- The discontent of the Mail Order Bride is symbolic of me as the FE-Male (IRon Male) with Davis as a "Business Spouse"
That's how you get OMENS that show about what was going to happen.
That's why if Davis tries to spin doctor everything and give his own versio of the story recounting events from how HE thinks it turned out, all I have to do is just point to what other people did and how it's on record or even being filed.
For example, I said that Davis totally screwed up my finances by making me write out all the DBAs and use my own personal credit card. He put a $20,000 chunk of debt on that card that took me years to build up good credit with.
He hasn't once made an effort or been able to clean up that mess and it went on my record. The same thing with the Washington Mutual Accounts that got shut down and where I'm not allowed to do business with them. Davis kept on borrowing money off of me so I'd have a negative balance.
You know that it's Davis because as soon as I cut the flow of money so he couldn't borrow from my family anymore, he was forced to get his own Washington Mutual Account. You see how my Bank Accounts "miraculously" clear up and never fall into negative balances while Davis' Washington Mutual Account is in Delinquency and he's been begging the WAMU to delay canceling his account
The same with the Verizon Phone Bill. He was always delinquent on payment and always asking for for payment arrangements with Verizon. They'd ask when he'd be able to pay and he'd give them a date which he'd fall through on.
The reason why those Customer Service Reps ask for those dates is so that it goes on your file or record. It establishes a Pattern or History determining whether you're reliable or not. It also serves as testimony should it ever go to court and where Verizon can show proof that their Customer Service Reps asked for payment and the person was unable to come up with the money as promised.
That's how Davis is and how he's unreliable.
Davis always says, "I never claimed to be a saint." That maybe true, but the Business World still continues to move with our without you. You can be the nicest guy on the Planet, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you're a bad borrower and there are consequences for yoru actions.
It doesn't matter if you're the nicest person in all other aspects of your life. When it comes to reliability and taking responsibilty for your actions when dealing with other business entities, it means you're unreliable.
End of story.
That's why Davis sounds so idiotic when he was getting frustrated at how he couldn't borrow anymore money off my family when he has failed to pay back loans 7 consecutive times. Then when he was trying to get me to persuade my cousin Karen to invest in a Refinancing of a Condo, I told him that my family doesn't trust him.
He said, "What does that have to do with me?" It has everything to do with you and your word. If you're unreliable why should anyone trust any ofy our sources to be reliable or that you'll be able to follow through on anything else?
As I said, Davis flat out lied about what he did with the $15,000 Loan he borrowed from 12/23/2005. He even claims he gave half of it to Rob in Miami who is supposedly holding onto it, which doesn't make sense to me. I don't see why you'd give money to someone like that.
Personally, I think it was Davis just trying to cover up how he spent all the $15,000 because he knew he'd be in really big trouble. So he uses Rob from Miami as an excuse. Someday, I'm going to find out just for kickcs who Rob in Miami is and ask if he really got $7,500 and what it was for.
Davis lied about it from January 2005 - March 2005 making it look like Dave Summers received the money for the Refinancing of his Condo which was supposed to take 60 days and be returned to my mom with a couple thousand on top of it.
Davis finally was forced to admit that he never gave the money. He was trying to pull some shady financing thinking he could temporarily dip into the money and use it for something else and then make that money back to give to Dave without me ever knowing.
However, because Davis never takes my advice and is bad at closing on Dollar Amounts, that never surfaced. So he ended up getting caught. On top of that, he lied to Dave Summers and made it look like I was having "Family Problems" and wasn't able to borrow the money.
So not only did he lie about it, but he made it look like it was my fault as to why the deal fell throgh. It was Davis whom you couldn't trust with money. I used to drive Davis around to business appointments and wait on him.
That's why Davis even lost the car. Davis is one of the biggest jokes.
- That's why my name is Rod
- I work in the Entertainment Industry (Ent.)
- Rod + Ent = Rod/Ent = Rodent
- I said Davis was born Year of the RAT
- RAT = Rodent
- R/At = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Superman(At/20-1/19/S)
That's why I just sit here mocking Davis and fiddlign with his life making crap happen all around him as well as putting a choke-hold on his finances :o).
I said 4/8/2006 about how Bruce Nolan (B-N/2-15/Valentine's Day) is complaining about how "God is picking on him" :o).
19 Minutes
BRUCE: God has taken my bird and my bush. I have no bird and I have no bush!
GRACE: So you're saying God is picking on you?
BRUCE: He's far too busy giving Evan everything he wants!
I'm Evan Baxter:
- Initials EB = VII = Sun(V/5) Gemini(2)
- E/Van = Sun(E/5) IR(They Go/Van-Spanish)
- I said my Initials are IR
- He goes on to be the "40 Year Old Virgin." I said I'm a Virgin
- That's why you see Adult Film Star Storm Daniels = SD = San Diego = Isabella Valentine
STORMY DANIELS: I want to do all kinds of...sexy sex with you...Oh shit. This isn't working because I'm you.
It's showing how Isabella = Isabelo. You even see pictures of Brittney Skye having sex:
- I said that SensualSky uses pictures of Brittney
- That's why Sky moved from New York to Brentwood, CA
- Her boss is LEO = Sun
- Her other boss is "T" = 20 = XX = Female
I know exactly how her bosses are :)
- The other guy who screwed me over was CHRISTopher P.
- He stole my entire Film Crew and stiffed me with a $90,000 bill that I've been paying off
- He's going around claiming the Indonesian Project is his
- His "partner" is named LEO
Personally, I don't really care about the Project. It's just gratifyng to know that my Psychic Abilities are functioning at peak capacity:
- I can influence who people meet and run into.
- The original film crew from the Indonesian Project was spreading rumors that Davis has connections to the Russian Mafia
- Davis and I laughed at that rumor and didn't think it was true
- It turns out it's referring to me as the R u SS-I/An Ma/F-IA
- I said 3/6/2006 that I'm the Psychic GO/TT-I Family
- GO/TT-I = IR(Go-Spanish) Male(TT/Non-T/Non-20/Non-XX) God(I)
- When you mess with me, the Subconscious Minds functioning like "Matrix" Agents swarm you like and they act just like they're direct orders from Gotti Family
- It's untraceable by normal Forensics because it's Psychic E-mail where there are no fingerprints and sabotage things from anywhere on the Planet
- It's where you know who did it, but you can't prove it
- The only way you can prove it is by conceding that my Psychic Theories are indeed correct and actually do work
- If that's true, then I should be getting a Nobel Peace Prize for this discovery
In the movie "Bruce Almighty," you see the twisted variation where Bruce Nolan standing outside the news room and he starts tamperin with the Teleprompter:
EVAN: I do da cha cha. Uh-huh...My nipples went to France
Then you see Bruce Nolan, which is me, causing Evan Baxteer to have start spouting gibberish...LOL
On one hand that's me when I was babbling two years ago about Psychic Phenomenon and people thought I was suffering from Intellectual Epilepsy...LOL
On another Level, it's me fiddling around with Davis and causing freaky stuff to happen around him. There's a lot of funny stuff that people miss:
- Jim Carrey = JC = Jesus Christ
- CA-RR/E-y = California(CA) Rod Rodillon(RR) Sun(E/5) Male(Y)
- Car/Re-y = Vehicle(Car) Rabbit(Re/75-Peirodic/1975) Male(Y)
- You see Jim Carrey walking around as Mortal with the song "I've Got the Power" by Snap walking around causing things to happen. That's what I do :o)
- I said 3/15/2006 that I was Loki, God of Mischief on "Eternal Night II"
People may think these Math Breakdowns of the Words are silly, but that's how I'm able to plug in and fiddle with the Definitions. That's how you get me as the real Isabel (Isabelo) Bigalo (Deuce/2/Gemini) who's a Psychic Witch.
I use Psychic Spells and Mathematical Incantations to reach through the Electromagnetic Field and go into people's Subconscious as well as affect the Subconscious Minds of people around them and use Psychic Remote Controls to cause events to happen.
That's why Isabel Bigelow would twichher nose and you'd see her Magical Talent kick in. Mine works the same way in the Psychic Realm, but it's rooted in Science. I'm just hacking people's minds when they're not paying attention.