SIGNS: Man Pulls Gun After Oatmeal Prank, Loki, "The Mask"

Mar 15, 2006 11:26

OMG, this is so funny!
  1. 20-year-old man who awoke after a party to find himself covered in syrup and dry oatmeal:
    1. 20 = XX = Female
    2. Pa/Rt.-y = Father(Pa) Correct(Rt.) Male(Y)
    3. S-y/R u P =Superman(S) Male(Y) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Aquarian Male(Y)
      1. I said 3/9/2006 that Davis is Maple Syrup
      2. I said 3/10/2006 about "Wedding Crashers" with Vince Vaughn mentioning Maple Syrup
    4. O-At/M.E.-AL = Sun(O) Superman(At/20-1/19/S) Mother Earth(M.E.) IR(AL. I'm Oatmeal :o)
  2. La Crosse, WI:
    1. L.A. Cross-E = Heavenly(L.A.) Pissed Off(Cross) Sun(E/5). I said I've been pissed off at Davis
    2. WI = Wisconsin = Inducted 5/29 (My B-Day)
  3. Witnesses told police they were just trying to "get even" with Travis Maassen:
    1. T-Ra/V-I/S = Female(T/20/XX) Gemini(R) God(A) Sun(V/5) God(I) Superman(S)
    2. Ma/Ass-EN = Mother(Ma) God Gemini Superman(A/SS) Heaven(EN/Non-NE/SW/L.A.)
  4. But Maassen "freaked out," emerging from a bedroom Friday with a .22 caliber bolt-action rifle:
    1. .22 = 22nd Letter = V = 5 = Leo/Sun
    2. Bolt-action = Gemini(B) Sun(O) Bad(12/L) Female(T/20/XX) Action
    3. RI-F/Le = 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Bad(F/6) Father(Le/The-Fr.)
    4. RI/Fl-E = 5/29 Rod(FL/Florida/Penis) Sun(E)
  5. Judge Ramona Gonzalez:
    1. Initials RG = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) God(G)
    2. R-Am on A = Gemini(R) Father(Am/Non-Ma) on God(A)
    3. G on Z-AL/EZ = God(G) on Aquarius(Z) IR(A-L/1-12) Slutty(EZ)
  6. Prank:
    1. P ran K = Aquarian Male(P) controlled(Ran) Aquarius(K)
    2. I said I had to yank Davis out of the Software Code.
      I "pulled a P ran K"
    3. Prank = Gag = Gemini(GA) God(G)
  7. Gag:
    1. I said 10/30/2005 that I used to be Loki, the Norse God of Mischief, in "Eternal Night"
    2. LO/K-I = Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13) Aquarian(K) God(I)
    3. That's why the Ma/SK was Green and created by Loki
    4. M as K = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) as Aquarius(K/11)
    5. Ma/SK = Mother(Ma) Gemini Superman(S-19th Letter/K-19th Element)
    Mischief: M is Chief = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) is Leader(Chief).
    I cause M is Chief :o)
I've been so ticked off at Davis the last couple months because he's keeps pulling P ran Ks.

That's why in the Marauder's Map in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," you're supposed to point your wand at at Ma/P (Mother Aquarian Male - Davis) and say "M is Chief Managed" :o).

I always loved playing the character Loki :o). I can make a lot of funny things happen using Psychic Abilities that's untraceable from long distances and fiddling with people's minds when they're not paying attention ;).

That's how you get a Gnome. G/No-M.E. = God(G) No Mother Earth(M.E.)

That's how you get Nome, Alaska :o). AL as KA gives you S-No-W and Pure White.

Man Pulls Gun After Oatmeal Prank, Police Say
LA CROSSE, Wis. (March 14) - A 20-year-old man who awoke after a party to find himself covered in syrup and dry oatmeal is the one facing a criminal charge after authorities say he turned a gun on the man who admitted pulling the prank.

Witnesses told police they were just trying to "get even" with c for pranks he had pulled in the past few days, according to a criminal complaint.

But Maassen "freaked out," emerging from a bedroom Friday with a .22 caliber bolt-action rifle the complaint said. One man tackled Maassen after having the gun pointed at his head, the complaint said.

Maassen was charged with second-degree recklessly endangering safety while armed. He's on probation for carrying a concealed .25 caliber handgun, the complaint said.

La Crosse County Circuit Judge Ramona Gonzalez ordered Maassen held on a $5,000 cash bond Monday.

Updated:2006-03-15 12:13:11

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humor, davis, gods, gags, jokes, crime, pranks, loki

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