PREDICTION: Pied Piper vs. Montgomery Maulers, Vampires

Apr 28, 2006 01:40

Wow, I'm kind of embarrassed because I totally missed that Psychic Reading:
  1. Montgomery Maulers: I said 4/27/2006 about the Montgomery Maulers = Mont = Davis = Year of the Rat = Rat
  2. Pied Piper: I said 4/27/2006 about the Pied Piper who rid the town of Rats
  3. Lack of Payment: I said I'm the Pied Piper (Rat Destroyer) who didn't get paid, which is the same way the Montgomery Maulers (Davis/Rat Maulers/Destroyers) didn't get paid :o)
It's a great example of tags and how you can make Information conform to what you say. That's why what I'm thinking gets broadcast in the Media. Even if people try to shut me up, you can't hide the news. Sensational stories will always make it into the news.

As I said, all the Fairy Tales are Prophetic, and I've been making them all turn real. It's not magic. It's just using that information as Blueprints. You take the elements of the story and then you just reconfigure or construct scenarios that cast actors with specific name tags to do things in the News.

The point is that it shows that whatever I say will come true. It's making the point that when I say something, it holds a lot of weight and credibility. I don't have to worry about lying about anything.

People get pissed at you if you say something offensive and it's a lie. However, people can't get mad at you as easily if everyone knows that you always tell the Truth. So if my Psychic Abilities always manifest the Truth, it means that even though I say something that offends a particular Special Interest Group, they have to swallow their Medicine because everyone agrees that what I say is always the Truth.

That's what puts me in a unique position of Power as Judge :D. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table. God is the Final Judge :). I qualify as Go/D = IR(Go-Spanish) Ma/R-S(IV/4th Planet).

It doesn't matter if Conscious Minds of people think that's a stupid definition of "Go/D" or some form or arrogance or conceited behavior. You have to think like a Computer Programmer. The fact is that it works.

Everyone on a Subconscious Level resopnds to it as a Software Program because the Alphabet and the Conditioned Behavior has been programmed into them as an Operating System. It doesn't matter whether you agree with it or not, it's about what your Subconscious agrees with true statements.

As long as the Statement is True regardless of whether it fits the confines of this Reality, it's legal.

The 14th Amendment is a Prime Example. When it was defining what a Legal Body is, it wasn't supposed to be used for the Corporation, but Lawyers fiddled with the definition riding on a Technicality.

Same thing when I say:
  1. 11/19 = K/S = My Biological Father's Birthday
  2. C + H + R + I + S + T = 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
  3. V/IR-Go = Sun(V/5) IR IR(Go-Spanish) = Sun Gemini IR = Rod
  4. G.E./M in I = 75(GE) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in God(I) = Rod born 5/29/75
To everyone else, those may be dumb Math Definitions, but they're still TRUE Statements. That's the most important point. Is it Legal by the Letter of the Law. It doesn't matter whether you like the Ruling or not. Are they true statements?

That's why my Birth Certificate and Natal Chart is so important. My entire family tree is important because it's all documented proving who was born on what day. That's why if anyone tries to come at me accusing me of things, they have to accuse my entire family bloodline, which is really difficult to do.

That's how you get Computer Hackers that are able to bypass the System or exploit loopholes. The reason why I'm able to cut across into the Electromagnetic Field is because I defined logically to my own Brain Cells how it's possible to hack into the Planetary Computer Mainframe.

That's why it works. That's why my own Psychic Abilities strengthen and why my own personal Brain Cells have a "high confidence level." Because my Brain Cells achieved an amazing feat and have control over the Electromagnetic Field, they continue to make more strides and discoveries in Science because of all the Success.

That's why my Psychic Readiongs and Predictions are now coming at rapidfire rate now. I keep practicing on my Accuracy and Speed. That's why I said 12/22/2005 that it's just like my Vampire Character on "Eternal Night II" :o). It's like Psychic EverQuest where I just keep on Leveling Up my Game Character because I play it all the time...LOL

rat, fairy tales, football, humor, vampires, davis

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