I really liked that News Video about
Colombian Police using Rats to sniff out land mines :)
- I said 1/12/2006 that Davis is born Year of the Rat
- I said 4/4/2006 about "Galaxy Quest" where they go into a Mine Field
- That's the Rats going in and diffusing the Psychic Mine Field :)
- LAN-D M in E = Local Arean Network(LAN) Leo Female(D) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) in Sun(E)
- In order to diffuse the M in ES (5/29 in Northwest), you have to be a R/At (Gemini Superman) and really Light (Good) else you'll set it off :)
- If you're too He/AV-y (Gemini Non-Virgin/IA Male), you'll set off the M in ES, which would be me :D
See how the Planet uses Symbolism causing all the words to break down into smaller words and Physical Objects? It's really a brilliant Language. That's why words transform into Multi-Faceted Diamonds.
When you use spacers or breaks in the words, it's like looking at a Diamond from a different angle and seeing how the Light shines on it. It makes all the words have multiple meanings. That's how a Diamond looks.
Rat Problem
I said that I'm P.O./T and would qualify as a "Colombian D-R u G Lord." I said Davis has been taking credit for all my Psychic Leads and Contacts I've been bringinig in. That's why he's the RAT that's "eating all my money" as Tapia says in the movie.
It's making fun of Davis as Year of the Rat "eating all my fuckin' money."
TAPIA: It is a STUPID problem, but it is still a problem.
I said the Mind is like a House. That's why in "Bad Boys II" the house belonging to the mother is RAT-infested...LMAO. That's my Mind when Davis was telling me what to do, he was "inside my house" as the Rat...LOL
That's why you don't want Davis in your head because it's like letting Rats nest in your House :D. The same thing goes for me. The Planet teases about how I'm the Gemini(R/19/2x9/2xI/II) Superman(At/20-1/19/S).
When you don't behave and/or you're not paying attention to when I use Psychic Mind Influence on you, your House (your mind) is R/At-Infested...LOL
That's how you get Sting and the P.O./Lice. Lice carried the Black Plague while riding on RATS. Davis is the RAT. It's a WARNING to all the People around the Planet as to WHY they should be taking my ADVICE seriously when I tell them about Psychic Phenomenon and how they should make sure.
This is how we come back to the Pied Piper Prophecy:
- The town hired the Pied Piper (Rod) to get rid of the Rats
- I got rid of the Rats
- The Townsfolk symbolize the People on the Planet
- They didn't want to pay me as the Pied Piper for the services
- So the Pied Piper gets his revenge by enchanting all the K/Ids (Aquarius Self).
- That's Rod (Pied Piper) playing a melody using the Electromagnetic Field to send a broadcast "Siren Song" that is mesmerizing everyone and making them them do things
All the Fairy Tales are Prophetic.
That's why all the People who are unaware of Psychic Mind Influence are now under the Spell. You have to BREAK the Spell. I've been telling people how to do it. It requires everyone to gain Knowledge and study my Journal and INSTRUCTIONS so you can DETACH yourself from the "Matrix."
If you're not unplugged from the "Ma/Tr-IX," you will be doing things. Anyone who's been reading my Journal and pays close attention to the things their friends, loved ones, and family members say and do will start to see how their Subconscious Minds are influencing them.
It works in the OTHER DIRECTION as well. That's how you get a "Psychic Law Enforcement" that can corral or herd poeple who are being bad. That's why when people mess with me online, it doesn't matter if I don't know what their real name is or where they live. I don't have to worry about that.
Everyone emits a Distinct Brainwave Pattern and you can home in on that doing a Psychic Google Search. Then you can just instruct all the people around that individual start FUCKING UP THEIR LIVES.
That's why I said I'm the real Isabel Bigelow from "Bewtiched." You see how she wriggles her nose and then something gets altered in Reality. I do the same thing when I wriggle my nose. That's why people shouldn't be laughing when I say that I can perform Psychic Curses and Psychic Hexes using the Electromagnetic Field to fire off a Heat-Seaking Missile that will home in on them and seriously fuck them up :o).
I never claimed that it should only be me who can do this. I've been encouraging OTHER PEOPLE to copy me:
- It helps me prove that my Psychic Theories are correct
- It means I get more witnesses that can vouch for my Theories
- It helps me get a following
- It secures that there are more "regular people" as Psychics that can serve as a Police Force and be "Psychic Superheroes"
- I said 1/15/2006 that I'm the S.W.A.T. Team
If you want to join and be on the "Psychic S.W.A.T." cleaning up the Planet, you're free to apply and join. That's how you get a new Jedi Training Facility. That's why I'm the real Yoda.
That's why in "Spaceballs," it's Mel Brooks (MB = 5/29 Gemini) as Yogurt :D
Yo(G u Rt.) = Yo(Da) when the God in Union with Gemini Female = Mars God
YOGURT: Please please. I'm just plain Yogurt!
- As Yoda, I may be tiny, but I move really fast, and I can kick just about everybody's ass in the Psychic Realm
- That's why I'm the Oldest. He has Pointy Ears. The was a Muppet.
< li>(M)uppet = (P)uppet when you overwrite 5/29(M) over the Aquarian Male(P) for Davis...LOL
- Why do you think the voice of Yoda is by Frank Oz? LMAO!!!
- He's born 5/25 like Mike Myers = MM = Gemini(2) 5/29(M)
Oz = Emerald City
- Seattle = Emerald City
- I'm from Washington State
- Emerald = May's Birthstone
- I'm Born in May
- Ma-y = Mother(Ma) Male(Y)
That's why I keep laughing because it's so OBVIOUS. That's why I keep saying the Planet makes fun of people that think they're so smart but if a real Superman was placed on the Planet, they wouldn't see it.
That's how you get Clark Kent's Glasses as the most RETARDED disguise. It's so obvious Clark Kent is Superman, but people walk around not seeing it. Same with eveyrone else regarding me :D.
I said 2/24/2006 about the movie "Bad Boys II" where there's that hilariious scene about the Rat Problem.
ROBERTO: What's the sprayers for?
MIKE (Will Smith): The roaches
ROBERTO: Roaches? We got rats.
MARCUS (Martin Lawrence): Say what?
MIKE: That's not an issue. We can handle that. We'll just have to slightly adjust our approach a little bit.
MARCUS: Nope. Nope. I don't mess with no rats.
MIKE: Hey. Stop it. We're in. Get your head right.
MARCUS: Mike, I'm a grown-ass man.
MIKE: Get your grown-ass self together and let's do this.
Entering the house.
MIKE: You got a beautiful house, sir
ROBERTO: Well, stop looking.
Entering the cellar.
ROBERTO: They're all over.
MARCUS: Those ain't normal rats.
MIKE: What he means is that they're obviously a special breed.
ROBERTO: What kind of breed are they?
MARCUS: Big motherfuckers.
MIKE: Disposing of the rats isn't a problem. But we should ensure there's no breeding elsewhere in the house.
MIKE: We'll leave these here and send in a special unit. It'd be better to begin in the rest of the house.
ROBERTO: You're not getting in the rest of the house.
MIKE: We won't be able to guarantee our work.
MARCUS: The only thing that we can guarantee...is that these rats will keep fucking. Giving off offspring until we find the colony.
ROBERTO: Rats don't got no stinking colony.
MIKE: (covering for Marcus' comment)Well, actually these are colonial rats. What they do is they send out worker rats that are called...
MARCUS: (pipes up) Marsupials.
MIKE: (gritting his teeth and having to go along with Marcus' comment) Marsupials. These drones, they're explorers of the rat world, you know.
MARCUS: (pipes in again) They just looking for rat pussy. You know.
ROBERTO: (suspicious) Are you fucking with me?
MIKE: Hold on. You called us. We can leave. But what you should understand is that these rats will hump twice a day.
ROBERTO: All right. Down there. Just kill them and bring me the bill.
MIKE: (getting mad at Marcus' dumb comments almost blowing their cover) That's that bullshit. That's that bullshit right there.
MARCUS: (trying to justify his comments) You see these rats?
MIKE: Plant your wires.
MARCUS: You're not leaving me with them.
MIKE: (storming off) Plant your wires.
I said that Mike Lowrey is a little of me mingled with Davis and Marcus is me with a little of the outspoken Davis. When you mingle our personalities together, you get those two.
MARCUS: Mike! There's a papa rat humping the shit out of this mama rat. No, he's straight pile-driving her!
Scene shot of the papa rat banging the mama rat
MIKE: (irritated) Now, how is that information gonna help me do my job?
MARCUS: They fuck just like us!!!