PREDICTION: Judge Embeds Puzzle in "Da Vinci Code" Ruling

Apr 27, 2006 10:26

Here's PERFECT PREDICTION that showcases the example I made yesterday about games, and how the Planet embedded a Puzzle that unlocks.
  1. Embedded in the first 13½ pages of the ruling is Justice Smith's very own secret code, one that when partly solved reveals its name: the Smithy Code:
    1. Technically, that qualifies as a Game because it's a Puzzle
    2. I said 4/26/2006 about going back to the Root of Communications and playing Games
    3. How popular it is depends on who wants to play the Game
    4. Games have Rules and Puzzles show a Pattern
    5. Communication could be perceived as a Game because it's a matter of matching Symbols or Sounds to Definitionse
    6. The same thing can be said about my Decryption Code where it should be perceived as a Game
  2. "The key to solving the conundrum posed by this judgment is in reading HBHG and DVC," the judge writes in the 52nd paragraph of the ruling:
    1. DVC = 4/22/3 = 4223 = 42/23 = Answer(42/Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) Final(23)
    2. 52nd Paragraph = 52 = VII in Roman Numerals = 7 = God
    3. Every 7th Character in the Bible reveals a letter in the Prophecies predicting Hitler, Oklahoma City Bombing, and 911
    4. 52 = Sun(V/5) Gemini(2)
    5. It wouldn't surprise me if the Judge chose the 52nd Letter for a very specific reason
  3. On April 7 Justice Smith ruled that Random House, publisher of the megaselling "Da Vinci Code," did not violate the copyright of "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail," a nonfiction work published in 1982 that spins an elaborate theory about how Jesus married Mary Magdalene and how their descendants still live in southern France:
    1. On another Level, this is a really good example of understanding Copyright Laws
    2. The Judge claims he created a code of his own design that takes elements from two books. IS THAT PLAGIARISM?
    3. It sets precedent because I've already anticipated someone is going to claim I read one of their books and lifted ideas from their book and therefore it's really their idea
    4. When you create something from different resources that few people have ever seen before, I don't believe it's plagiarism in the same way this Judge created his own "Theory" or Code
    5. If that's the case, then they Lawyers of the HBHG should be suing Judge Peter Smith for supposedly having read both their books and made it blatantly clear that he took concepts from both books and fashioned something derived from the two
    6. That's why Judge Peter Smith is one really smart cookie :o)
  4. Peter Smith:
    1. Peter = Penis = Rod
    2. Smith = Forge
    3. S(M)ITH = Sith with M in it = Sith Lord with 5/29(M) in it
  5. But it was also an opportunity for Justice Smith to indulge in a flight of judicial and cryptological fancy:
    1. That may be possible but it's showing the High Intelligence of the Judge
    2. Even if people call it a flight of fancy, it's probably going to be one of the most interesting documents in Law. Of all the Laws written, his is most likely going to be the most remembered
    3. If I had to use a staff or representative for the UK, I'd want that guy on my team because he totally gets it :o)
    4. People try to make it more complicated than it really is, but it's not
  6. But some letters in the first 13½ pages appear in boldface italics, jarringly, in the midst of all the normal words:
    1. 13.5 = 135 = ACE = Anakin Skywalker = Flying Ace
    2. Ace = 1 = God
  7. Thus, in the first paragraph of the decision, which refers to Mr. Leigh and Mr. Baigent, the "s" in the word "claimants" is italicized and boldfaced:
    1. S = Superman
    2. The Planet did the same thing by "italicizing" and "bolding" certain things throughout history
    3. All of History is one huge Puzzle, which is how you get the "LIVING WILL" of the Planet
    4. When you unlock all the Clues, you see that the Planet really is indeed Sentient and Alive
  8. If you pluck all the italicized letters out of the text, you find that the first 10 spell "Smithy Code," an apparent play on "Da Vinci Code":
    1. I do the same thing when I decode information
    2. You're seeing how someone chose to forge a code in there. That's why the Judge is a "Smith" or a "Code Smith"
    3. For example, the God Code is where Florida is shaped like a Penis, California is the Ass, and Washington State is the Ba/CK
    4. Ba/CK = Spirit Clark Kent. I said 3/19/2006 that BOOTH Gardner was Washington State Governor
    5. Superman changes into his outfit in a Phone BOOTH
  9. In a brief telephone interview on Wednesday, Justice Smith declined to provide a solution for a puzzled reporter. Nor would he explain how he had put the code in his ruling, or how long it took him to figure out how to do it:
    1. This shows how you can create puzzles
    2. It's too bad other Judges aren't as WITTY as Judge Peter Smith
    3. If they're BORED, they should put games just like their Rulings as entertainment
    4. You'd get more people who will pay attention to their Rulings trying to figure out the puzzle
    5. LAW STUDENTS would be more interested in those Court Cases or Law School Professors would choose the BEST PUZZLES to teach
    6. Law doesn't have to be boring
    7. I could see retired Judges who are bored sifting through Old Law Cases and keeping their minds sharp by trying to figure out puzzles left in other Judge's Rulings
    8. You'd stimulate more thought and CREATIVITY
  10. But in a series of brief and ultimately frustrating e-mail messages during the last couple of days, the judge provided a series of intriguing clues:
    1. The Planet has been dropping all kinds of clues about me
    2. I said my dad is born 11/19 = K/S = Kansas = Clark Kent born in Kansas
    3. I said I look like Clark Kent
    4. I said all the Letters in CHRIST add up to 77, which is IR on the Periodic Table. You had CHRISTopher Reeve as Superman...LOL
    5. Pisces = Fe-ET = Iron Alien = Man of Steel = Superman. Fe = IRon = IR Activated(On)
  11. Clues:
    1. I claim that I earned the Title of Batman who was heralded as the "Greatest Detective on Earth." I figured all this stuff out.
    2. I qualify as the real Sherlock Holmes
    3. I said 10/15/2005 that Rupert Everett, who played Sherlock Holmes, has the last name of a city in Washington State, Re = 75 on the Periodic Table when I was born, and he's born 5/29 like me
    4. That's how you know my Intelligence is unnatural or stemming from someplace else. It's not normal
  12. He then suggested moving on to "The Da Vinci Code" and applying one of the code-breaking methods used by its protagonists to solve the mystery of the jumbled letters:
    1. You have to smart. For example I said H is Pisces because H ---looks like--- the Pisces Symbol. It's not exact, but it's CLOSE
    2. The Pisces Symbol was an intentionally WARPED Symbol
    3. Notice how Aries is a Ram that looks like "V" for 5 = Leo = Sun. Aries is Cardinal Fire for the Sun
  13. "Think mathematics," he wrote at one point:
    1. I keep saying it's all about math
    2. I've had people sneer at me talking about how stupid I sound breaking everything down into numbers. However, you can always count on Numbers they're definte
    3. I said 4/7/2006 that if the Sun is Sentient and communicating with others of its own kind at that are STATIONARY, it would only make sense to create a vocabulary based off of the angles of solar flares and arcs
  14. He drew attention to his own entry in Who's Who - in which he lists an interest in the history of Jackie Fisher, an admiral who modernized the British Navy, a possible reason that his e-mail address contains the word "pescator," implying fisherman:
    1. I would laugh if it turns out that Judge Peter Smith fashioned the code where you'd need to know about him and his personal information like his Birthdate and where he lives or was born
    2. Technically, you could call that Ego, but the "Da Vince Code" is all about tracing Jesus Christ
    3. It's the same thing where everything is embedded in Code or Encrypted. I said the Planet Earth and Sun didn't want Humankind to find this out accidentally or too soon
    4. That's why it only makes sense that they'd ENCRYPT the Data so that when the time came, a person (especially a Jesus Christ Figure) would be the Information Key Code that UNLOCKS the Information causing all the data to conform and align
    5. Wouldn't it be funny if more parents created their Wills for their children where if they don't figure the Clues they can't get their inheritance? LOL
  15. He even mentioned a page number in "The Da Vinci Code" by way of trying to help. But he declined to go further, saying that "anything else gives it on a plate":
    1. You have to have some Level of Intelligence
    2. I said the reason why everything is all encrypted for me is so that it showcase MY INTELLIGENCE
    3. It's so that when Mathematicians, Philosophers, and Scientists try to question my Level of Skill, Experience, and Knowledge, they'll be stunned
    4. From a Managerial Perspective, any time your employees think they're they're smarter than you, they won't respect you or take you seriously
    5. I said that if Jesus Chrsit was going to be placed on the Planet, he's going to have to prove that he's actually qualified to lead and that he's smart or knowledgeable else no one will listen
    6. I said that Parents who make mistakes in their lives have MORE TROUBLE raising their Children because if the child seesthat the Parents' Lives are fucked up, why should the Child take any of the Parents' Life seriously?
    7. I get the same treatment now because people look at my financial situation where I say I'm in a rut and of bum-like status that they think lack of financial resources equates to stupidity
    8. I point out that my Intelligence hasn't changed. I said that Davis fiddled with my finances and capitalized on my Trusting Nature
  16. It has been nearly three weeks since he handed down the ruling. Probably disappointingly for Justice Smith, nobody seemed to notice anything unusual about it when it was first released:
    1. Same thing with me where I've been laying out information for TWO YEARS now
    2. It's just gone ignored and everyone just seems to be dismissing what I say
    3. Centuries from now, I guarantee people will shake their heads and laugh at how many people unFriended me because they thought I was just spouting "Word Vomit" and Spam
    4. Even my own BEST FRIEND, Scott, unFriended me Blog. I said my Blog and Psychic Journal would be valued in the millions or billions of dollars. It's just sitting out in Public for free
    5. That's why it's like the Magical Genie Lamp, which is so powerful, but it looks like a dusty old lamp. Same with the Holy Grail, which looks like a plaine old Cup
    6. C u P = Gemini(C/3/3rd Sign) in Union with(U) Aquarian Male(P). It's supposed to give you Eternal Li/Fe.
  17. But he alluded to the possibility that there was something more soon afterward as a throwaway line in an e-mail exchange with a reporter for The New York Times, saying, "Did you find the coded message in the judgment?":
    1. It's the same with people where you have to sometimes spell it out for them
    2. I definitely understand Judge Peter Smith's disappointment. It takes the fun out of it
    3. It's also a double slap in the face for the Authors who write about Code and couldn't even see the Code embedded in their won Ruling...LOL
    4. It even occurred to me just now that probably if people took all the Typos in my Psychic Journal, it wouldn't surprise me if it translates to another Code being left by my Subconscious...LOL
  18. On vacation in Florida, the judge then declined via e-mail to elaborate much further, other than to refer to anomalies in the typeface. "Start with 's' and keep looking up to Page 18 approximately when the fonts stop," he wrote:
    1. Page 18 = 2 x 9 = 2 x I = II = Gemini
    2. It means end of Communication
    3. Notice how S for Superman is the next one
    4. O/Circle, P/Aquarian Male, Q/God-Star Trek, R/Communication, S/Superman, T/Female, U/Old-Gold, V/Sun-Aries, W/Final, X/Cross-Eyed, Y/Jesus Christ-25, Female Virgo(Z/26-20+6..>LMAO!!! That's why Virgo and Gemini both share the Planet of Mercury...LOL
  19. Meanwhile, back in London, Daniel Tench, a partner at the law firm Olswang, was reading the ruling and noticed something odd about the type. "At first I thought it was a mistake," he said on Wednesday:
    1. Typos aren't mistakes. They're "deviations" from the original
    2. I said over the last year that if you studied Bliss' Journal with typos and align it with my Journal, you can see how Subconscious Bliss was following along with what I was saying
    3. That's why I'm not worried about the Typos in my Journal if people try to claim that I "lack Perfection" if I have a typo or misspell a word. My Subconscious knows exactly what it's doing
  20. Speaking to the Bloomberg news service late on Wednesday, Justice Smith once again declined to provide any answers. Explaining why he made up his own code, he said it was "a bit of fun": It's definitely more entertaining and it also shows that in order for people to understand God, you need to have a certain Level of Intelligence to be able to comprehend the Mind of God, which would be the Planet and the Sun
The great thing about this article is that it establishes a Ruling. I claim that I got all these ideas from being in seclusion and thinking about these concepts. I haven't been reading any other books for almost two years, and I don't clearly recall where I got this information. It's all spread out over my Lifetime.

For anyone to come at me claiming Plagiarism because they've got some book they wrote that matches what I said in this section or that section would be "coincidental." However, that's why all the people that make such claims all have embedded tags in their names and birthdates. So if they try that, we can all look at their birthdates, spouse's birthdates, their childre's birthdates, and where they were born.

That's how I'll be able to neutralizes most of the people that try to claim plagiarism. As I said, that's where my mom's birthday, and relatives born before me in my family tree establish that this goes way before me.

The same goes for even Davis if he tries to claim anything because he told me a little about his history with his parents including the death of his dad when he was about 5 years old and his mother Jacqueline.

So if Davis or anyone trying to goad Davis into claiming I "stole" stuff from him won't have a very strong case because it show that this stuff was set in motion centures or even thousands of years ago:
  1. My own mother is older than Davis and was born when Pearl Harbor was bombed.
  2. My stepdad is born on St. Patrick's Day
  3. I'm born on JFK's B-Day as the youngest President
  4. Davis is born on Valentine's Day
  5. His sister is born on April Fool's
  6. My Aunt Elvessa is born on Christmas Eve
That's why for Davis or anyone else to claim I've plagiarized or taken anything is a weak claim because that that information was in front of everyone all this time. If you're not smart enough to see it, how can you claim anything was taken?

It's the same thing with if the Authors try to accuse Judge Peter Smith of plagiarizing their work. Personally, I still call it a slap in the face for both authors and shows that the Judge may be smarter because he was able to create his own Code.

It also hints as to how Dan Brown may have derived his own Results from reading so much information that may have included HBHG, but he never intentionally meant to "steal" or plagiarize any ideas from the other authors.

I say that I use the Periodic Table, which is common knowledge. What if the person who wrote the Periodic Table with Elements came at me saying that I plagiarized his work. It was information he had that he never did anything with. However, I did it.

Technically, you could even argue that at least Davis does something with the leads and resources he pulls off of my Psychic Abilities. He should still be paying me for having brought it to him as a "Psychic Wholesaler" for Leads and Contacts, but what he does with them is his business.

However, by the same token, if you make that claim about the way Davis utilizes my Psychic Resources, it goes the other way where Davis has no claim over MY resources and how I developed this Decryption Code that plugs into the Electromagnetic Field.

I said that Davis made it quite clear he doesn't believe I have Psychic Abilities. So why should he or anyone else trying to represent him try to claim I stole anything from him?

See how the Planet works? It dangles bait and lets people act selfishly. When Davis chased after the bait of exploiting my own Psychic Resources and leads where he doesn't pay me anything off the profits he makes, it was to establish the same precedent where I don't owe Davis anything with what I developed with MY resources running parallel to his.

Davis doesn't tell about what money he brings in or what he uses it to spend on. He just collects it. I do the same thing with all the Psychic Power and Influence with Leads that I gather in the Subconscious/Psychic Realm.

I said 11/2/2005 about the "Legally Blonde" Prophecy that specifically points tihs out. Elle Woods asks what is so special about this child or this particular sperm?

It's referring to the Jesus Christ Sperm and that birth of the Child because people will try to dispute who's the father. I've said that it's me and belongs to me because of Intellectual Property and Davis has made it clear that he doesn't believe in this stuff.

The same thing could even be argued wit hthe HBHG Authors that are trying to claim a piece or a share of Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" simply because he wrote it in such a way that it became a bestseller phenomenon. Would those authors even care if Dan Brown wasn't successful and that book was a flop?

It really just boils down to money in my opinion. Technically, they should just be content that they were involved in events that lead up the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.
  1. Notice how Dan Brown = Danny = Da/NN-y = Giving(Da) Valentine(NN/2x14) Male(Y) :)
  2. DB = 42 = Answer
  3. DB = Sun Female(D) Gemini(B/2) = Sun (Female) Gemini = Sun Sign Gemini with Female in it
As Judge Peter Smith said, "Think mathematics!" LOL

What makes it funnier is that it's a Code within a Code within a Code...LOL Judge Peter Smith doesn't even realize that there's an underlying code within his code that he derived from their code...LMAO

Ever seen one of those toys where there's a little doll inside the little doll inside the little doll? It's kind of like that with the code inside code inside code :o).

My Genetic Key Code
I said that I came up with all my Research because it's embedded in my name and birth chart. That's where the "Informational Key Code" combined with Genetic Information and Sequencing of Information that was given to me two years ago.

This is really important because when it comes to Copyrights and Intellectual Property:
  1. there could be problems where other people may claim I stole information from other pieces of work
  2. By showing that my Birth Certificate, High School Friends with certain names, and Birth Chart align in a certain, it protects me from being accused of plagiarism
  3. It also shows how far-reaching this stuff is and where it's proof of "Intelligent Design"
  4. I took Initials from the Periodic Table
People think that my usage of such personal terms is stupid or silly, but it's smart in the long run.

People who thought I lost my mind wondered where I went because I was WAY OUT in "La-La Land." That's why even my best friend was extremely concerned. I said 7/1/2006 how he called my mom in Washington State recommending she intervene had have me come back up to Washington to be enrolled in Psychiatric Evaulation and put on Medication.

I panicked so much because I don't want anyone injecting drugs in me that it caused a Ferry to crash. I said that it's a really BAD idea to inject drugs into me and cause me because I'm plugged into that Electromagnetic Field and I don't know what kind of strange hallucinations may manifest themselves or cause bad things to happen.
  1. Last night, Davis called me and asked if I heard the Thunderstorm here in Los Angeles.
  2. I said 4/26/2006 that afternoon about how I use my M.C. Hammer
  3. I said I'm the Lightning Rod symbolic of Zeus as God of Lightning and that Electricity is the Electromagnetic Field
  4. Thunder = Female(T/20/XX) Superman(H) Under
  5. That's why the Voice of God would be a Thunderous Boom
  6. Thunder occurs when Lightning breaks the Sound Barrier
  7. Notice on "Lois and Clark" that when Superman would fly off, you'd hear the thunderous boom as he broke the sound barrier
Notice you'll hear the Thunder first and then you'll see it. It's the same way with when I have "Brainstorm." You'll hear it from me first (Thunder) and then you'll see it manifest in the News (Lightning).

I tell ya. It's a a thing of Beauty :o)

Judge Embeds a Puzzle in "Da Vinci Code" Ruling
By SARAH LYALL, The New York Times
LONDON (April 26) - Justice Peter Smith's 71-page ruling in the recent "Da Vinci Code" copyright case here is notable for many things: the judge's occasional forays into literary criticism, his snippy remarks about witnesses on both sides, and his fluent knowledge not only of copyright law but also of more esoteric topics like the history of the Knights Templar.

"Smithy Code"

Justice Peter Smith italicized certain letters in his ruling to spell out his secret code.

But there is more to it than that. Embedded in the first 13½ pages of the ruling is Justice Smith's very own secret code, one that when partly solved reveals its name: the Smithy Code.

"The key to solving the conundrum posed by this judgment is in reading HBHG and DVC," the judge writes in the 52nd paragraph of the ruling, alluding to his code and referring to the two works at issue in the case -"The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" and "The Da Vinci Code" - by their initials. (In the United States, the book is called "Holy Blood, Holy Grail.")

On April 7 Justice Smith ruled that Random House, publisher of the megaselling "Da Vinci Code," did not violate the copyright of "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail," a nonfiction work published in 1982 that spins an elaborate theory about how Jesus married Mary Magdalene and how their descendants still live in southern France. Two of the book's authors contended that Dan Brown, who wrote "The Da Vinci Code," lifted the central "architecture" of their book and had thus violated their copyright. (The third author of "Holy Blood, Holy Grail," Henry Lincoln, did not participate.)

The decision was a resounding slap in the face to the two plaintiffs, Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. But it was also an opportunity for Justice Smith to indulge in a flight of judicial and cryptological fancy.

The first clue that a puzzle exists lies in the typeface of the ruling. Most of the document is printed in regular roman letters, the way one would expect. But some letters in the first 13½ pages appear in boldface italics, jarringly, in the midst of all the normal words. Thus, in the first paragraph of the decision, which refers to Mr. Leigh and Mr. Baigent, the "s" in the word "claimants" is italicized and boldfaced.

If you pluck all the italicized letters out of the text, you find that the first 10 spell "Smithy Code," an apparent play on "Da Vinci Code." But the next series of letters, some 30 or so, are a jumble, and this is the mystery that needs to be solved to break the code.

In a brief telephone interview on Wednesday, Justice Smith declined to provide a solution for a puzzled reporter. Nor would he explain how he had put the code in his ruling, or how long it took him to figure out how to do it.

"I can't discuss the judgment until after I retire," he said.

But in a series of brief and ultimately frustrating e-mail messages during the last couple of days, the judge provided a series of intriguing clues. First he said that the different ways codes are broken in "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and "The Da Vinci Code" should be considered. The idea for the italicized letters, he suggested, came from "Holy Blood, Holy Grail."

He then suggested moving on to "The Da Vinci Code" and applying one of the code-breaking methods used by its protagonists to solve the mystery of the jumbled letters. "Think mathematics," he wrote at one point. He drew attention to his own entry in Who's Who - in which he lists an interest in the history of Jackie Fisher, an admiral who modernized the British Navy, a possible reason that his e-mail address contains the word "pescator," implying fisherman - and said that the date 2006 was significant.

He even mentioned a page number in "The Da Vinci Code" by way of trying to help. But he declined to go further, saying that "anything else gives it on a plate."

It has been nearly three weeks since he handed down the ruling. Probably disappointingly for Justice Smith, nobody seemed to notice anything unusual about it when it was first released. But he alluded to the possibility that there was something more soon afterward as a throwaway line in an e-mail exchange with a reporter for The New York Times, saying, "Did you find the coded message in the judgment?"

On vacation in Florida, the judge then declined via e-mail to elaborate much further, other than to refer to anomalies in the typeface. "Start with 's' and keep looking up to Page 18 approximately when the fonts stop," he wrote.

Meanwhile, back in London, Daniel Tench, a partner at the law firm Olswang, was reading the ruling and noticed something odd about the type. "At first I thought it was a mistake," he said on Wednesday. "It's not usual practice for a High Court judge to issue a ruling in which he has hidden an encrypted message."

Not knowing if there was anything there, though, Mr. Tench mentioned it to a reporter who compiles a column about legal affairs for The Times of London. After that paper printed a small item quoting him discussing the typeface, Mr. Tench was nonplussed to receive an e-mail message from Justice Smith confirming that yes, there was indeed a code, but that Mr. Tench had missed the first letter "s."

"It is always best to start at paragraph 1!" the judge wrote.

Speaking to the Bloomberg news service late on Wednesday, Justice Smith once again declined to provide any answers. Explaining why he made up his own code, he said it was "a bit of fun."

April 26, 2006
Updated: 11:17 AM EDT

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judges, humor, logic, lessons, signs, predictions, law, codes, prophecies, plagiarism, wisdom

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