SIGNS: Escort Service Call Began Night of Trouble at Duke

Apr 24, 2006 00:50

Here's an example of why I get ticked off at Isabella Valentine, Bliss, Charlie of Bay City Blues, and all those women fronting a bitchy ass attitude with me about Psychic Phenomenon.

People think that I flipped my lid because of how I got wronged. However, it goes beyond that. Everybody gets affected by the garbage that is leaking all over the Planet from what doesn't get fixed.

I don't have to read the entire article, but I can point out the highlights:
  1. Sara D. Davis/Associated Press:
    1. SD = San Diego
    2. Davis = Davis born Valentine's Day
    3. I said Isabella Valentine is for Valentine's Day and in San Diego
  2. Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y. Charged:
    1. Collin = Call In. I said Isabella is a Phone Sex Operator
    2. Garden City: New Jersey is the Garden State. I said Charlie of Bay CIty Blues is in New Jersey
    3. Fi(NN)erty: NN = 2 x 14 = Valentine's Day
  3. Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Fells, N.J. Charged:
    1. Read/E = Read Sun. I said people have been reading and snooping my Psychic Journal. Charlie and Isabella were both snooping my Journal two years ago
    2. NJ: I said Charlie of Bay City Blues is in New Jersey
    3. ES/Sex = Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) Sex. I said Isabella Valentine is a Phone SEX Operator and I'm Isabelo (Male Isabella)
    4. Seligma(NN) = Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig for the Electromagnetic FIELD + Ma/NN = Mother Valentine(NN/2x14)
  4. Duke:
    1. I had a penpal named Sasha ELIZABETH Shemet who went ot Duke.
    2. Initials SS = Gemini Superman
Maybe those two young college students are guilty, but they got SET UP:
  1. They got set up to get drunk and do something stupid
  2. They got set up with their names to be slated to take a fall
  3. They got set up to get involved in an Escort Service
  4. Their lives are practically ruined because they'll have that on their criminal record and it's a scandal
  5. They had promising lives and all because of one stupid event, they have to suffer for that DUMB SHIT
I said this issue could have been cleared up between me and Isabella two years ago, but Charlie stuck his nose where it didn't belong.

I get offended because as the CEO that has to MANAGE over people's Human Lives, each Life Strand is set up. How would you like it if you knew you were born for one purpose, which is to take a fall for someone else's DUMB SHIT?

It's such a waste of life.

I used to get ticked off and yell at Subconscious Charile ALL THE TIME for the dumb shit he'd pull when he was on my team because he thought he was so damn smart just because he's older than me.

Age doesn't mean anything. It's such a waste of human life when someone has to get killed or sent to jail for something meaningless or trivial. That's so dumb.

The reason why it's Duke University is because it's for the Blue Devils. I said two years ago that Charlie was the real Duke from "Moulin Rouge" who tried to control Isabella as the original Satine with me as the innocent CHRISTian.

That's why I said that hwen I put Spider Tracers and assign Tags to people, those Tags will light up in the news.

If you watch "Incredibles," you see how Mr. Incredible makes it into the Secret Computer. Helen Parr sets off the Homing Device that alerts them to Auto-Defense Mechanism. You see Mr. Incredible trying to escape but he gets tagged with these huge sticky black gooey balls that keep inflating and they stick to him.

They swell up to a point where they're so large that it hinders movement and eventually overtakes Mr. Incredible immobilzing him despite his Super Strength. That's much like hte invention I created with my Tags.

I said that you even see the variation of me being portrayed as the Villain. Notice how Syndrome wears a HUGE Letter "S" for Superman. I said I'm the Real Superman who wears an "S."

MR. INCREDIBLE: (angrily) You've been killing off real Superheroes just so you could PRETEND to be one???
SYNDROME: Oh, I'm real alright. Real enough to DEFEAT YOU!!!

That's the twisted version of the Prophecy where I get portrayed as the Bad Guy:
  1. On one hand, it shows how I've been "eliminating" Superheroes
  2. On the other hand, it means people have to concede that real Superheroes exist
  3. By the same token, it means that the Technology I developed as Syndrome must also work
  4. Everyone thinks I'm "pretending" to be a Superhero and have this imagined dream world
  5. This is where we come back to Irony where people laugh and the movies are "teasing" about it as well
  6. However, if you have to stop and think. If the movies are joking about it as well, doesn't that mean it's actually a true statement then? ;)
That's how you get absurdity:
  1. I said it's like me jumping up and down waving my hand saying there's a Ghost
  2. Everyone watching is laughing at me
  3. Then the Ghost manifests next to the people laughing with them
  4. The Ghost says, "Yeah, I know!!! Rod's so stuipd believing in Ghosts!!! LOL"
That's what makes this all so funny :D. That's why the joke is all the on the people who were making fun of me :).

People for get that this is a totally different era we live in now:
  1. You can post Online Blogs and we get daily updates on what happens all around the world. So you can now get a birds-eye view of what's happeng in the news.
  2. You couldn't do that 20 years ago. In order to prove Psychic Research, you had to haul an 800 page binder of news paper clippings and photos
  3. Assuming anyone even takes you seriously, you have to show them a copy of your research
  4. Even if you could show them a copy of your research, they could easily dismiss the pictures and news articles as being fake
  5. Thanks to the Internet, I can now post Psychic Readigns RAPID FIRE with Visual Aids and the ACTUAL LINKS to the News Articles of Third Party Sources
  6. I can take Screen Captures and Digital Pictures showing exactly what I see and it can be immediately posted to the Internet without having to wait days for the Photo Mat to print them
  7. That's why I have a really effective method of Psychic Tracking that shouldn't be grouped with all the other lame OLD SCHOOL attempts at proving Psychic Phenomenon
People shouldn't be too quick to group me with all the other UFO Chasers.

I've got a very sound method of tracking that I developed these last two years. Even if people write these off as mere coincidences, that excuse gets really old after months or years worth of repeated showings.

You can only write things off as Coincidence for a period of time before you finally have to start giving credit where credit is due. It's like guys saying that girl was "just lucky" when she happens to shoot free-throws in the basketball court that are all net, but the guys think that just because she's a girl it must be luck and not skill :P.

In the movie, look at the car License Plate on the car that Mr. Incredible Drives:
  1. It says 11/26 = Charlies Schulz's B-Day
  2. Notice that Mr. Incredible has the Letter "I" for my First Initial
  3. You see how I get portrayed as a Villain, but there's always another tag that indicates me leaning toward the Side of Good
The best friend is Lucius Best:
  1. Lucius = Lucy the Bartender
  2. B/ES-T = Gemini(B/2) Northwest(ES/Non-SE/NW) Female(T/20/XX)
  3. He throws Ice = Diamonds
  4. Lucius is Black like Davis who's my associate
  5. Samuel L. Jackson as the voice = SLJ = Sunny Leone(SL) Gemini Sun(J/10/5x2/VII)
  6. Frozone = Fr./Ozone = Pennsylania(Fr/Father/PA) O3)(Ozone). Davis is Davis III
  7. The Family name is Pa/RR = Father(Pa) Rod Rodillon(RR)
Notice how the daughter Violet has the Force Shield and D as H (Leo Female as Superman) has Speed.
  1. Mirage was the helper
  2. She's played by Elizabeth Pena born in Elizabeth, New Jersey
  3. Elizabeth = Isabel in Spanish
  4. I said I'm Queen Isabelo the Gemini = Queen Elizabeth II
    M/IR-A/G.E. = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) IR God(A/1) General Electric(G.E.)
Miirage was a Transformer. I said 9/22/2005 about the Rodimus Prime Prophecy where he's actual heir to the Throne but hands it back over to Optimus Prime.

Call to Escort Service Began a Night of Trouble at Duke
Published: April 23, 2006

DURHAM, N.C., April 22 - The Duke University lacrosse team's troubles began with a phone call.

Jenny Warburg for The New York Times
The Duke Chapel was the scene of a prayer vigil earlier this month.

Sara D. Davis/Associated Press
Students at North Carolina Central University, which the accuser attended, at a rally in her support.
A team captain using an assumed name called an escort service to hire two exotic dancers for a party on March 13. Last week, two Duke players were indicted on charges of first-degree forcible rape, first-degree sexual offense and the kidnapping of one woman hired that night. Collin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y., and Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Fells, N.J., both sophomores, are each free on $400,000 bail.

Michael B. Nifong, the Durham County district attorney, said he had identified another suspect and was gathering evidence for an indictment. The grand jury next meets May 1, one day before an election in which Mr. Nifong, a Democrat, faces two Democratic opponents.

To all but some of the people at the party, the truth of what happened that night to one of the dancers, who accused three white players of raping her in a bathroom, is a mystery.

Mr. Nifong says a sexual assault occurred, based on hospital records and the account of the accuser, who is black. A second dancer and a neighbor corroborated some of the accuser's details.

Defense lawyers say the accuser was drunk when she arrived at the party, and fabricated the assault. Taxi and bank receipts and dormitory access records prove that Mr. Seligmann could not have raped the woman, his lawyer says. A statement by the team captains said the sexual assault accusations were "totally and transparently false."

The case has polarized Durham, where tension between Duke and local residents is palpable.

"Everyone around here has strong feelings about this, one way or the other," said Renee Clark, the student government president at North Carolina Central University, where the accuser was a student. "But you can't be sure. If you weren't there in the bathroom with the players and that woman, you really don't know what happened, do you?"

Nonetheless, a skeletal timetable is evolving through court and police records, news and personal accounts, photographs and lawyers.

Using the name Adam, Dan Flannery, a senior team captain, called an escort service and hired two dancers for $400 each. The dancers were to show up at 11:30 p.m. on March 13. The address was 610 North Buchanan Boulevard, a white house across the street from Duke's east campus on a block known for parties.

A neighbor, Jason Bissey, watched the party begin as players gathered in the backyard. By 2 p.m., he said, he saw them drinking in the yard.

About 8:30 p.m., a 27-year-old single mother of two answered her phone. That woman, a Durham native, was enrolled at North Carolina Central, a historically black college on the south side of town. Its patchy grass and simple brick buildings are a world away from Duke.

The woman had held factory and store jobs but had begun working for an escort service to help pay for college. She thought she would be dancing at a bachelor party that night. When she arrived about 11:30 p.m., she was wearing a negligee and shiny white strappy high heels, and met a second dancer, Kim Roberts. They entered the house by the back door.

Team captains have told the police that 41 of the 47 Duke lacrosse players attended the party. The team captains left Mr. Seligmann off the list they gave to the police, although he had been photographed watching the dancers.

The women were paid $800 and danced briefly. Time-coded digital photographs, defense lawyers say, show the women talking and dancing in the living room between midnight and 12:04 a.m. In one photo, the accuser is prone on the floor. Men holding beers ring the living room.

Defense lawyers say the players told the dancers to leave because one was drunk. They said the women went in the bathroom for 10 to 20 minutes, then left the house. The women, however, say they were scared off. The accuser told the police that the men had become "excited and aggressive" as they danced. She and Ms. Roberts said one man held up a broomstick and threatened to sexually assault them with it.

Mr. Bissey said he saw the women get into a car after they had been in the house about 20 minutes. The players and the women exchanged heated words, he said. "Some of them were saying things like, 'I want my money back,' " he recalled the men saying. Mr. Bissey said he then saw the accuser return to the house because she had left a shoe there.

The accuser said later that both women re-entered the house after one player apologized for the behavior during their dance. She said two men then pulled her into a bathroom, locked the door and said, "Sweetheart, you can't leave."

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Gerry Broome/Associated Press
The two players accused of rape, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann.

Rape Allegations at Duke
Special Report
Complete Coverage » It was then, she told the police, that Mr. Seligmann forced her to perform oral sex, and Mr. Finnerty raped and sodomized her and the third suspect strangled her, according to a transcript of a photo identification session with police on April 4. The transcript was obtained by WTVD in Raleigh, N.C. She told the police that the attack lasted about 30 minutes.

Defense lawyers say the rape could have happened only in an improbably short period, between 12:04 and 12:30 a.m.

A photograph stamped 12:30 a.m. shows the accuser smiling on the back porch, defense lawyers said. A photo stamped minutes later shows her lying on the porch. Defense lawyers say the players helped her to the car after she passed out. A photo at 12:41 a.m. shows her in Ms. Roberts's car.

Mr. Seligmann had already left the party, his lawyer, J. Kirk Osborn, said, after phoning for a taxi at 12:14 a.m., an account confirmed by the taxi driver, Moez Mostafar. Mr. Seligmann's Duke ID card was used to enter his dormitory at 12:46 a.m., Mr. Osborn said.

Mr. Finnerty's lawyer said his client was at a restaurant several blocks away when the women were dancing. But Ms. Roberts told The Associated Press that she recalled seeing Mr. Finnerty, whom she described as the "little skinny one."

At 12:53 a.m., Ms. Roberts called 911 to report that men at 610 North Buchanan had shouted a racial epithet at her and a friend. About that time, Mr. Bissey said, he heard one partygoer yell, "Thank your grandpa for my nice cotton shirt."

The police responded to Ms. Roberts's 911 call about 12:55 a.m. They found the house quiet, lights off. No one answered a knock at the door.

Mr. Mostafar said he went to the house again at 1:07 a.m. and saw about 20 students outside the house and picked up four. The time discrepancy between his account and that of the police has not been explained.

At 1:22 a.m., a security guard at a grocery near Duke's main campus dialed 911 because a woman, later found to be the accuser, would not get out of Ms. Roberts's car in the store's lot. One responding officer told the dispatcher: "She's not in distress. She's just passed-out drunk."

Ms. Roberts later said the accuser's demeanor changed during the party, from "talkative and friendly and smiling" to "completely incoherent." She added, "It's quite possible that something really terrible had happened to her" in the bathroom although Ms. Roberts told The Associated Press that she could not say for sure because she was not there.

At 1:58 a.m., Ryan McFadyen, a lacrosse player from Mendham, N.J., sent an e-mail message from his Duke dorm, according to a search warrant affidavit.

"To whom it may concern," the message read, "tommrow night, after tonights show, ive decided to have some strippers over to edens 2c. all are welcome.. however there will be no nudity." The message said that he would kill the strippers and cut their skin off for sexual gratification "in my duke issue spandex." The message was signed "41," his jersey number.

Duke's president canceled the team's season and accepted the coach's resignation after the authorities disclosed the e-mail message.

By 2:31 a.m., the police had taken the accuser to Duke University Hospital. At 2:50 a.m., the police classified the case as a rape investigation.

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incredibles, complaints, isabella, psychic, signs, transformers, duke, predictions

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