PROPHECY: Adam & Eve, Darth Vader, Yoda, X-Wing, Fat Bastard

Apr 15, 2006 12:08

How about if I give you a Prophetic Joke? :)

Adam was walking around the Garden of Eden feeling very lonely

GOD: "What is wrong with you?"

ADAM: Lord, I don't have anyone to talk to

GOD: Then I will give you a companion, and she will be called a "woman."
  1. This person will cook for you
  2. She will wash your clothes
  3. She will always agree with every decision you make
  4. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them
  5. She will not nag you
  6. She will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you've had a disagreement
  7. She will never have a headache
  8. She will freely give "love" and compassion whenever needed
  9. She will never question your behaviour or the company you keep
  10. She will support you and understand that you have important decisions to make throughout your life and don't have time for nonsense..."
ADAM: What will this woman cost?

GOD: An arm and a leg...

ADAM: What can I get for just a rib?
Combining Religion with Algebra
Now let me show you the Power of God coupled with Mathematics and Algebra showing how cheap Davis has been these last 3 years:
  1. Woman: I said I'm Fe-Male (Iron Male)
  2. Adam:
    1. Ad/Am = Advertising(Ad) Pennsylvania(Am/Non-Ma/PA)
    2. I said Davis is from Pennsylvania
    3. I said Davis is always trying to sell you on something
  3. Arm: AR/M = IR(AR) 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island)
  4. Leg: Le/G = Definite(Le/The-Fr.) Sun Gemini(G/7/VII)
  5. Rib: RI/B = 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Gemini(B/2)
Example of Davis' Cheap Behavior:
  1. I said that Davis was being a cheapskate and paying himself first while riding on my Psychic Abilities that was pulling in Leads and Contacts like a Magnet
  2. Davis would just keep borrowing money from my family
  3. He felt that since I come off from "what appears to be" a middle income family that I'm low priority
  4. I used to be exactly those things that is mentioned in the Joke when I was "supportive" as a "business spouse"
I said that Davis mistreated me and was abusive. He'd borrow money and then bite the hand that fed him.

I never wanted to borrow money from my family but Davis would continually call me every day, soothe my concerns, and promise tha they wre loans that would be paid back immediately. They were loans. They weren't investments in the business. My mom expected that money paid back.

When I tried to ask for that money back, Davis was downplayed and said that it was an investment into the business and not like his investors. In not so many words Davis was indirectly saying that his investors get priority and getting paid back, but not mine. If there's anything left, then it would be considered.

Corporate Spousal Abuse
That's why I told Davis flat out once that people are worse off being "business partners" with Davis:
  1. Investors of business partnesr with Davis don't get piad
  2. Davis hides under the excuse that it's an investment
  3. Davis act as if the time in which the loan gets paid back is DEPENDENT on my performance of whether I do any work or not
The last one is what really ticks me off the most:
  1. Those were striaght loans and it shouldn't be contingent on my work performance:
    1. A loan is a loan
      < li>Even if I was sitting on my ass doing NOTHING (which is untrue), that is IRRELEVANT
    2. Davis was desperate for money to cover his ass and he'd hound me for money
    3. He'd have me go ask my mom putting MY NAME and credibility on the line spekaing on behalf of him
    4. When Davis would fall through on paying back my mom, he'd make ME (Rod) look bad in front of my family
    5. That's why I'd get upset when Davis would give me a LECTURE on how he thinks I should get away from my family who tries to control me. DUH. Davis is the one who borrowed the money using me to do it so MY family as MY investors hold me accountable and have the RIGHT to nag my ass about how he hasn't paid and then go off on me about how I make BAD business decisions
  2. I said that I'm in Psychic Labor:
    1. I said I'm with Child as the V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y
    2. I was on Maternal Leave
    3. What you see is how Davis is making the Pregnant Partner do work
  3. The Planet fiddled with the definitions:
    1. Davis is LAZY
    2. L/AZ-y = Bad(L/Non-7) Valentine(AZ/Arizona/2-14) Male(Y)
    3. L.A./Z-y = Los Angeles(L.A.) God(A) Aquarius(Z/Hardend Gemini-2/Fixed Air) Male(Y)
That was set up intentionally for when Davis tries to get smart with me and deny his behavior:
  1. I said that whatever I say will always technically come true
  2. I said 4/15/2006 that when I insult someone who stands in my way, it's going to hurt
  3. I draw upon the Planet, which taught me the Decryption Code
  4. I can draw from History, Popular Culture, Music, Television Shows, and Movies
That's why when I point out things that get summoned forth as information provided by the Planet running off the Cumulative Intelligence of 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet forwarding information, those people standing in my way better watch out and hope they're telling the Truth.

If you're lying or just being catty, the Subconscious Minds around the Planet will manifest that information and it's going ot make you look BAD. It means you're going to get PUBLICLY FLAMED and it's going to broadcast across the Planet making you look STUPID.

That's how you get a TECHNICAL Definition of how I qualify as "Go/D":
  1. That's how you get Adam and Eve
  2. My grandmother's first child (my aunt) Elvessa is born Christmas EVE
  3. My aunt is married to my GODfather. I said 12/31/2005 that my GODfather is born 9/18/1933 = I/R/S-CK = IR Superman Clark Kent
  4. The Snake tricks Eve into eating from the T(Re)E of Knowledge
    < li>T(Re)E = Non-Alien(TE/Non-ET) with Rabbit(Re/75-Periodic)/1975) in it
  5. Snake = Year of the Snake = 1977 = '77 = IR on the Periodic Table = My Initials
  6. That's how yo uget S-At/An = Superman(S) Superman(At/20-1/19/S) Indefinite(An = Gemini(2) Superman(An) Indefinite(An)
  7. I said 4/3/2006 that I'm Superman
  8. That's how you technically get Go/D and S-At/An as the same entity
Because I'm getting people to "eat from the Tree of Knowledge" (read my Journal), that's how you get "banishing people" from the Garden of Eden (Ignorance). When people do that and become Knowledgeable aware of the 7 billion Subconscious Minds on the Planet watching, that's how you get Adam and Eve realizing they're naked and "exposed."

Technical Definitions
That's how you'd get the OFFICIAL and TECHNICAL Definition of me ejecting people, which would fulfill the Biblical Prophecy. That's why when I tell you that I've got the Authority of the Planet backing me up, I'm not bluffing.

"Star Wars" Prophecy
That's why the Planet teases about it:
  1. People who don't like what I'm doing can revel in calling me Darth Vader
  2. Darth Vader controls the Force
  3. Force = Mass x Acceleration
  4. Force = MA = Mother
  5. The Evil Empire's Imperial Troopers are the Subconscious Minds around the Planet that function as Controlling Force
  6. All the Conscious Minds on the Planet are YOU (Rebel Alliance)
  7. You're Supposed to be fighting me as Freedom Fighters
  8. That's why I'm Princess Le/IA who is fleeing from the Star Destroyer trying to get the Plans to Obi Wan
  9. OBI = 15(2)(9) = 1/529 = 1/5-29 = God(1) Rod(529/My Birthday)
  10. Yo/Da = God(Yo/I-Spanish) Ma/R-S(D/4) God(A/1)
  11. S-T/AR WA/R-S = Superman(S) FemaleT(/20/XX) IR(AR) Washington(WA) Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Superman(S)
  12. It came out in 1977 - 77 = IR on the Periodic Table
I don't know how much more OBVIOUS you can get:
  1. Davis' Initials are BD = 24 = X the 24th Letter
  2. I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a Vehicle or a Ship
  3. That's why I'd be Wedge Antilles (WA = Washington) flying "Red 1"
  4. Davis is born Valentine's Day = Love = Red
  5. I said that when Davis is being a bonehead, I have to go into his Subconscious Mind like the Cockpit of the X-Wing and take the controls
  6. I said I'm the Millenium Falcon = MF = 5/29(M/13/Rhode Island) V/IR-Go(F/6)
The X-Wing crashes on Dagobah and sinks into the Swamp:
  1. S/WA-MP = Superman(S) Washington(WA) Military Police(MP)
  2. You see me as Yo/D-A lift the Luke' Skywalker's X-Wing out
  3. L u K-E = Bad(L/Non-7) in Union with(U) Aquarius(K/11) Sun(E/5)
  4. Davis is B/AD (2/14) and born in the SUN Sign of Aquarius
  5. I said Communication is like the Force

Yoda getting annoyed at Luke is me (Rod as Yoda) getting disgusted with Davis (Luke) who DOESN'T LISTEN when I tell him how to close properly using his Communication Skills (The Force)

I may be small, but I'm Super Fast. That's why when you see Yoda unsheathe his Light Saber and start whizzing around like a Firecracker, that's me. It's symbolic of the Procerssor Speed and how fast my Mind functions in the Psychic Realm when an attacker goes up against me. He's 900 years old = God(I/9) Female(10x10/XX)

Ribbed for Her Pleasure
When it comes to Ribs, that's how you get that scene in "Austin Powers II: The Spy Who Shagged Me":

FAT BASTARD: Get in mah belly!!!
FAT BASTARD: I want my Babyback Babyback Babyback Ribs.
  1. I said I'm born Gemini, which is II
  2. Baby = Ba/B-y = Spiritual(Ba-Egyptian) Gemini(B/2) Male(Y)
  3. Ba/CK = Spiritual(Ba-Egyptian) Clark Kent(CK)
  4. As the Fe-Male, I'm the RI/B
When Davis tries to bullshit you with his version of the story claiming that I'm painting a bad picture, the Planet out-trumps Davis by having him with a "PA" tag while I have a "MA" tag
  • Everyone instinctually knows that when you're in trouble with your parents, you can go to the Mother
  • Even if it turns out that the Mother is harsh and where the Dad is easy going, it's usually because the Dad is non-commital
  • We live in a Patriarchal Society where it's the dad who's the Punisher
    That's why you get that example of that scene in "Gladiator":

    PROXIMO: I didn't win because I killed quickly. I won because the crowd loved me... Win the crowd, and you shall win your Freedom

    MAXIMUS: I shall win the Crowd. I will show them something they've never seen before.

    That's what I'm doing. I'm giving you stuff you've NEVER seen before that will blow your mind. The thing that makes it fascinating is that it all fits like pieces of a puzzle, which is what will bother people the most about my information.

    Whether people agree with my interpretation or not, the question is, "Are they true statements?" It's not about whether people think that is or isn't the correct way to interpret things. The question is, "Does it fit the model?

    There's an adult comic strip floating around where Eve is giving Adam a blow job. God's hand is sticking out from a cloud and the dialogue reads:

    GOD: You're doing it wrong
    ADAM: Says who?

    It's technically referring to how Davis is "Adam" or the Advertising Pennsylvania who's paying himself first and making me do all the work. It should be the other way around where he's MY employee and not me serving him.

    That's why the Planet fiddles with the Definitoin where I qualify as a FE-Male or the Woman. It's showing that the Female is the head of the corporation. The Planet and Sun concede that Women are Superior, but to really mess things up, it made the Number 1 Woman and V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y a GUY.

    That's how you get irony where it takes a GUY to show women how to behave properly. If you think about it, it's really a fair ruling so that the Women get acknowledged for their efforts but where the Men don't get completely knuckled under as total slaves because at least it's a Guy that was chosen as the woman.

    It thorws out that argument that women like to throw in the faces of men about how they don't know what it's like to give birth and be pregnant. Women always like to hold that over men as the reason why women are superior.

    This events the playing field. It shows that women are superior but... men can aslo be women. So what does that say about Gender Roles and who's better in the Battle of the Sexes?
  • adam, eve, yoda, star wars, humor, women, bible, satan, sex, eden, 77, men, prophecies, snake, god

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