I keep saying that the Planet has a silly sense of humor and uses Symbolism:
- I said Davis was intentionally born in the Sign of Aquarius
- I said Davis is born Valentine's Day
- I said Davis born Valentine's Day is Isabella Valentine
- Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
I said Davis was in a "Business Marriage" with me and my "Corporate Significant Other"
- I said D = Leo Female = Sunny Leone
- unD = Non-Leo Female = Non-Davis = Non-Aquarius
- S.O./unD = Significant Other(S.O.) Non-Leo Female = Significant Other Aquarius
I said Davis makes me his Personal Slave where I do his Tech Support
- He limits me or controls me by dangling all the loans he owes my mum to get me to do things
- I said I would've left him a long time ago if it wasn't for what he borrowed from my mum
- That's why he's a Barrier
- That's why the Planet jokes about how Davis is the S.O/unD Barrier
In order to break the Sound Barrier, you have to hit Mach 1:
- I said I make fun of Davis in my Journal
- I mock Davis and all the dumb things he does
- M(ACH) = M(OCK) when the God(A) Dominant(C) Superman(H) = Sun(O) Clark Kent(CK)
- That's why youi'll know when I break the S.O/unD Barrier (Davis) when I hit MOCK 1!!! ROTFLMAO
I wasn't kidding when I said that the Planet is making Davis look so stupid and so far wrong so that if any of the Black Community tries to go off on me making this an issue about Racism or about Davis' Skin Color, it go really badly for them.
It's so OBVIOUS what Davis has been doing and was planned out that if any Black Person tries to promote Davis' story, they'll come off looking really silly and be the laughing stock of the rest of the Community.
Chuck Yeager
For example, let me show you how I can insult
Isabella Valentine:
- I said all those women who chewed my ass out and called me a crazy ass stalker
- I said 10/25/2005 how RobynZ was snooping my Journal and posted all these passages from my Blog on the WTF Community mocking me when I said I'm Superman
- I said 10/31/2005 that they made fun of me and had a good laugh jeering at me as the "Psychic King"
- I said 11/1/2005 that I don't bluff
Look under
Chuck Yeager:
- Chuck Yeager broke the Sound Barrier
- Chuck = Charles. I said Charles is a God Name for "Charlie's Angels as the Voice of God
- Y/Eager = Male(Y) Anxious(Eager)
- Ye/Ager = Definite(Ye/The-Old English) Ager
I said that when Davis borrowed all that money from me, he aged me considerably because I was so exhausted and tired. When I flunked out of the University of Washington in 1994 (symbolizing Davis who flunked out as well when it came to closing these last two years to bring in money), my mom was so stressed that she aged considerably.
When my mom was in her early 50s, she looked youthful and as if she was only in her late 30s. When I flunked, my mom was so stressed and worried about me that she really aged and you could see it in her face. Stress does that to you.
Do you knwo that I have white hairs already? In the last three years, I've been stressed. That's why when you look at the new pictures of Superman, he's got white hairs. It's no longer a Dark, Black. That's why Davis was born Aquarius the 11th Sign for the K as the 11th Letter because Kryptonite weakens Superman.
You see all the abuse and burden. It had to be a Black Person because the Black Community is always harping on the Slavery Issue. If it was a White Person that screwed up, the Caucasian Community would be even MORE miserable. Not only would the Black Community bitch about Slavery, but then they'd kick the White Community even more.
That's why the Black Community was supposed to take a huge fall and be humbled so that it will balance everything out. This is especially when it comes to the Equality. I don't doubt there are still some White People that Black People and discriminate. However, Black People are swinging to the other extreme where they're oversensitive and touchy about this issue.
It only makes sense that you'd have the Black Community have a representative who persecutes and enslaves Jesus Christ because it forces the Black Community to be humbled and stop punishing White people. It's where the Blacks and Whites are even.
- Okay, so the White Community fucked up big time with Black Slavery
- However, it's now an even playing field because the White Community can now point the Finger at the Black Community for enslaving Jesus Christ, which is almost as bad as 400 years worth of Slavery
- As I said, when you enslave a God, that's a really huge offense
- It even hints that this was all most likely staged. Somebody had to do the dirty work of enslaving Jesus Christ
- If you didn't have Blacks being enslaved for 400 Centuries, you'd get a repeat of Hitler doing the Holocaust with the Jews
- You'd have future generations of White people that are going to go off on future Generations of Black People punishing them for what was done to me
However, because the White Community fucked up, they can't do anything against Black people without being Hypocrites and vice versa.
We also come back to the issue of Superficiality. If you think about it, discriminating against Black People beause their Skin Color is Black just like Space is a really dumb way of measuring self-worth, don't you think?
The lesson to learn from this is that if you really want to play the Skin Color Ticket, we can really make it absurd:
- How would you like it if you were born Black and you feel bad about youself because the Black of Space is sucks out all the air?
- If you really want to be absurd, how would you like it if I went around saying that Asians are Superior to everyone else because their Skin is Yellow like the Sun. "So OBVIOUSLY" it must mean that Asians are better than everyone else"
See how stupid that sounds? That's being really immature. If that's how people want to think, that's why they're irresponsible and need someone like me around as a the Parent to mother them and treat them like little kids that don't know any better.
As my stepdad used to say when he was yelling at me, "If you want to be a kid, I'll treat you like a kid!"
If you look at Chuck Yeager's bio, it hints at something else:
- He broke the sound barrier 10/14/1947:
- 10/14 = Cross-Eyed(10/X) Valentine(14) = Non-Davis
- 47 = 26 + 21 = Letter U = Old God
- Bell X-1 = Jesus Christ(BE/25) Lois Lane(LL) Cross-Eyed(X) God(1) = Jesus Christ Lois Lane non-God
- I said Davis is like a Vehicle and I'd be Chuck Yeager using Davis' Physical Body as the Bell X-1
- It says that he had a cameo in the movie "The Right Stuff" as the Bartender
- I said 11/3/2006 that Isabelal Valentine was Lucy the Bartender
- I said that Isabella worked at "The Fucking Bar"
- Frasier was a spin-off in Seattle (where I'm from) of Cheers (The Fucking Bar)
- it's an example of things that are preordained
- "The Right Stuff" is based off the novel by Tom Wolfe. I said 2/19/2006 that my High School Mascot is the Wolf
That's why you can insult me, but I guarantee you that when it's MY TURN to insult, I'LL INSULT YOU WITH HISTORY:
- You can insult me with a little snide remark
- However, when I insult you with history that is common knowledge that showcases the Predictable Behavior you engaged in that was predicted decades or even CENTURIES AGO, I guarantee you it's going to HURT
- There are few things more painful than being publicly humiliated by History
- Subconscious Charlie used to defy me all the time and I'd insult him with History and it would always embarrass him and make him look STUPID
That's why when I insult you, it's like being punched by Superman. When Superman hits you, it hurts. It's the same thing when I use my Super Powers of Communication plugged into History, Popular Culture, Music Videos, Television Quotes, Famous Movie Scenes, and Celebrity Birthdates, it's going to REALLY HURT.
It's because you're going up against the Planet that you're living on and that is providing you Life. You can hate me, but I'm just the Messenger or Voice of God. I'm just repeating what I'm told and you can always verify what I said by what is written History and PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE.
All I do is just show people how to connect all the Dots teaching you how to make sense of it when you put all the pieces of the Puzzle together. That's why I keep saying "Don't blame the Messenger." That's why I keep complaining because I already foresaw what was going to happen and the SHIT I'm going to have to put up with when this responsibility was dumped in my lap.
As I said, I'm pretty laid back and quiet. There are few things that bother me. However, when you get on my bad side and I actually open my mouth telling you what's really on my mind and insult you with what I know, it'll be painful.
I said 2/9/2006 about the Incredible Hulk Prophecy:
- I'm always asking people peacefully not to make trouble
- However, you always see the Villain hit David Banner
- You see David Banner go into shock
- Then he starts going into convulsions turning Green and bursting with muscles
- The Planet made that show to indicate to peopel that it's usually other individuals who are out of line who are unnecessarily cruel toward me when I'm being very lenient and passive
- It takes a lot to piss me off. If I'm pissed at you, you must've done something REALLY bad
The Incredible Hulk was exposed to Gamma Rays
- Gamma = Gam/Ma
- Hip = Sagittarius' Ruling Body Part
- Ma = Mother
- Sagittarius Mother = Mother of Higher Learning
- I said my mom is born Sagittarius
- I said Sunny Leone looks like my mom in 1961, which is how you get that Oedipal Complex Theme
That's why the Hulk's strength is from Higher Learningand Education. When I "educate" you, it translates to me as the Incredible Hulk tossing you around and throwing you through WA/LLs.
People weren't impressed by the Hulk because it was all mostly special effects. That's because that's all my Education is really about. It's just Special Effects. It's all symbolic. There's really no magic behind it and it's all Computer-Generated Graphics.
Why the Sun as Leo Dislikes Aquarius for Humanitarian Ideals
It shouldn't surprise anyone that the Sun as God in our Solar Systme would dislike the character that Davis symbolizes:
- Leo = Opposite of Aquarius on the 12-Slice Pie Chart
- Davis' Skin Color is Black for the Black of Space
- The Sun is the Sign of Sex and Self while Aquarius is all about RULES and ETHICS. Either extreme is bad. That's why you want to be somewhere in the middle in the middle
- The Black of Space just soaks up all the Light from the Sun and rarely gives anything back
- Davis just like Space as a handsome Black Male where nice it's nice to look at, but it doesn't give anything back
- That's how it is with Light from the Sun
- I said I was a S/T-AR = Superman(S) Female(T/20/XX) IR(AR)
- Davis just kept on taking money from me
The Sun is the Sign of Sex and Self while Aquarius is about Humanitarian Ideals. That's why they're naturally in opposition to one another. Don't get me wrong. There should be rules. The point it's trying to make is:
- You should be listening to Rod
- You should be careful when listening to Davis
- This is proof of Intelligent Design and that the Planet Earth and the Sun are sentient and alive
- The stuff that Rod tells you has a High Probability of being correct because he's been direction Communication with the Planet and the Sun
As we all know, Rod going around telling people that he's Superman and that he's "prophetic" or knows what he's talking about is a REALLY HARD SELL.
Let's just face it. It really is:
You have to be crazy enough to do it
- You have to be really brilliant or extremely stuipd to even attempt pulling something like this off
That's why I have to always show how Information always aligns with what I say. You don't go around claiming you're the V-IR/G-IN Ma/R-y, Go/D, or J-E/S u S C-H/RI-S/T unles you've got some really strong proof to back that up.
If you don't, you're going to be in whole wolrd of hurt and pain when everybody mocks you and laughst their asses off. That's where we come back to me being a Pure Virgin Male and where whatever I say will always technically come true.
Then you have to couple this with Psychic Abilities plugged into the Electromagnetic Field that commands the entire Planet. If you're a one-man army with no help, you're going to need some Fire Power to back up your claims.
You can say whatever you want and make whatever claims, but unless you've got some sort of Militia or Force to reinforce those Laws, it really doesn't matter whether the Information aligns or not.
You can come up with five other people who could most likely come up with their own Rules and Laws. However, it doesn't mean anything if you don't have the Military Support or Power to reinforce those Laws.
This is where why I was granted access to the Electromagnetic Field and can override people's Systems. Individuals think that the Conscious Mind is controls everything, but the Subconscious Minds have the accuracy.
If you're doing things you're not supposed to be doing, I can get a swarm of Subconscious Minds of the People you know to transform into Agents just like on the "Matrix" to reinforce my Authority.
The only way to stop me is if everyone is aware of what I'm doing and they all the Conscious Minds keep the Subconscious Minds in check. However, the mean time while everyone's still "plugged" into the Matrix, they're all pretty much "mindless robots."
That's why my suggestion to YOU is that if you don't like me bossing you around through your Subconscious, you should "unplug" from the System and unplug your Friends from the System and master your Psychic Abilities.
The reason why I'm not too worried about Rebellion is because people are "generally" Good at heart and mean well. So as long as enough people unplug and work together, you may have pocket resistences with people who abuse their Psychic Abilities, but even the people who don't know whether to believe me or not, will generally follow what seems to be for the good of humankind.
Even if people don't know whether to believe me or to believe the World Leaders, Politicians, and Religious Leaders who claim I'm really Evil or Satan with some ulterior motive, you still come back to the same Plan of Action:
- The best thing to do is the learn or master Psychic Abilities
- The best thing to do is to STUDY what it is I'm talking about so that you can judge for yourself
- The best thing to do is learn on your own so that you can use your own Psychic Abilities and not have someone else controlling you
As I said, I don't like this job. Yes, the Titles are fine and all that. I'd be lying if I saying that I don't like the Titles and being the real Superman, Batman, Indiana Jones, and Prince Charming.
Even I have to admit I get tickled by the thought and it waxes my Ego. However, the Titles also come Responsibility, which I really don't like. If I had my way, I'd prefer to be lazy and just lounge aorund doing nothing. Just like the Sun. You just float around emiting Light.
That's why the Planet and the Sun the tease about how big, FAT, and round they are. They just sit there bloated. They joke that if you want to be like them and play "God," then it means you're FAT and overweight.
That's why as a St./AR I'm F/At = V/IR-Go(F/6) Superman(At/20-1/19/S).