PROPHECY: "Terminator 2," "Star Trek: Generations"

Feb 07, 2006 08:22

There's mention of how Anthony Pellicano was charged with wiretapping and conspiracy to bug phones:
  1. Initials AP = Non-Pa = Mother
  2. I said 1/21/2005 that I own the Title of the Virgin Mary and Mother Superior
  3. I said 2/1/2006 about Pat Healy with all his Spy Equipment
What people still don't realize is that I hear everything through a Spy Network. I said everyone's Subconscious Mind acts like a Surveillance Video Camera observing and keeping track of everything you do. So if I need to ask about any person on the Planet, I can get feedback. It's not the most perfect system, but I can ask simple Yes/No Questions.

People have to remember that I have Precognition, which is Peter Parker's Spider Sense. His mind would just tingle. It wouldn't tell him specificis. It would just tell him that something's wrong. He knows when there's danger. It's a not perfect science, but I can pick up vibes or moods.

My mom used to have something similar but didn't realize it. That's why I couldn't get away with anything growing up.

ROD'S MOM: You know, Rod, I must have a 6th Sense because I can always tell when there's something wrong.

It mentions how the Lwa Firm Greenberg Glusker Fields Claman Machtinger & Kinsella used that person's services. I said 2/5/2006 that qualifys as an orgy or multiple business marriage.

The thing about my Psychic Abilities plugged into the Electromagnetic Field is that it brings up the issue of Privacy. I said I'm the Parent though. I'm the Mother. So as Mother (and Pa/IR for Father), everyone on the Planet qualify as children or kids.

I was given these abilities because I'm the most mature (spiritually). Maybe not by Human Standards, but in terms of understanding the Planet and the Sun, I'm far advanced and Spiritually more Mature. Seriously.

People doubt me and think I'm just conceited, but what if you really are? That's not bragging if it's true. If the son of Arnold Schwarzenegger says Arnold's his dad, that's not bragging (depending on what tone of voice he uses and when he says it).

That's why when I say I'm Gemini and Pa/IR for Two, that's a True Statement:
  1. Gemini Symbol = Two
  2. Pair = Two
  3. Pa = Father
  4. IR = My Initials
  5. I'm a Pa/IR

The Planet makes it where I don't lie. When I say things, it's usually true or will come true because events will be shifted to make whatever I say become a True Statement. Some people would call that cheating shifting events like that, but it's not really.

If your mother says you're grounded and takes the keys to your car away so that you can't drive, that's using Applied Force to carry out things. People shouldn't be surprised when I say that I use the Electromagnetic Field to go in through the back end and execute order and discipline overriding Conscious Mind. How else are you going to manage 7 billion people on the planet?

This is where we come back to the Ethical Implications of what I'm doing. Some people will refuse to acknowledge that I'm Pa/IR (Father) or the Virgin Mary. I don't care how much proof you have. Some people just won't. However, this comes back to Jurisdiction.

While you live on Planet Earth, it's House Rules. It doesn't matter if I have your approval or not. We go by whom the Planet has bequeathed and entrusted. Hopefully, people would realize that if the Planet trusts me to wield such power that I must be a really good person if it trusts me that much.

Like I said, the Planet is plugged into everyone's Subconscious Minds and knows everything you've done your entire life. All your memories are stored on your mental hard drive like a Credit Report.

That's why I'm a Pure Virgin. (Hopefullly I won't have to remain a real Virgin for the rest of my life.) However, as of 2/7/2006, I'm an honest to God Virgin. Untouched. That's what makes me unique. I'm pretty sure I'm the only Virgin Prince on the Planet and most certainly the only one my level of Psychic Abilities.

That's why if any of the Religious Denominations try to do a smear campaign, they're utter hypocrites because I adhere to the Old Christian and Catholic Ideals of being a Pure Virgin and saving yourself until marriage.

How many of the people, especially Religious Figures, have ever done that? That's why I dare people to challenge me on that issue. I dare them to try finding a woman on this Planet whom I've ever had sex with.

Zero. Nada. No one. No one wanted me.
  1. That's why I'm the Ugly Duckling that transforms into a Swan.
  2. That's why you have 'Swan Lake." SL = Sunny Leone :o)
  3. L.A./K-E = Los Angeles Brittney Skye (K-E/11-5/Brittney's B-Day)
  4. Brittney's got a tattoo of C/HA-IN with a C/Re-Scent M.O./On on it
  5. C/HA-IN = Dominant(C) God(I) to the 2nd/Gemini Power(HA/81/9x9/IxI/II) Final(I/9+/N/14=W/23)
It says that Anthony Pellicano bugged Sylverster Stallone (SS/Gemini Superman/Bliss) and Keith Carradine(KC/Non-Clark Kent).

I have a cousin Keith:
  1. K-E/I-TH = Brittney Skye(K-E/11-5) God(I) Female(T/20/XX) Superman(H)
  2. The wife Ritchie is born 4/15 for Tax Day (IR/S)
  3. I said 12/29/2005 that their daughter is Isabelle born 3/1\ (C/K = Clark Kent)
I once asked, "What if God is a Stalker?"

If God can hear and see everything that's going on, wouldn't that make him a snoop or a Creepy Stalker? That's why you have to wonder just what is your definition of Stalking. Why would the Planet grant me that power. There had to be a reason.

It's also to gain compliance because people behave better when they know they're being watched. I said people used to believe in God and would behave better because they thought God was watching.

However, as time passed and Science started to explain the world, it never explained how it's possible for God to exist and watch everyone. That's why you'll always find me explaining how the Electromagnetic Field creates an electrical field and how everyone's mind, which is electrical is swimming in it and acting like remote control cameras mounted on all living things.

That includes insects and every living creature.
  1. You had Linda Hamilton who was in "Terminator."
  2. Her initials are 12/8 for my mom.
  3. I said Isabella Valentine uses pictures of Sunny Leone
  4. I said Sunny Leone looks like my mom back in 1961
  5. Linda Hamilton is chased by a "Terminator Robot" that has been sent to kill her
  6. That was Subconscious Charlie
  7. I was trying to rescue her
  8. That paranoia and fear that you see with Linda Hamilton is Isabella who thought she was being stalked by me ("Terminator")
  9. In "Terminator 2" you see them going up against a smarter robot played by Robert Patrick
  10. Notice P and PA for Pennsylvania. I said Davis is from Pennsylvania
  11. That's why in "Wayne's World," you see Robert Patrick reprise his role as a cop that pulls Wayne over
That's why you see that sad scene at the end where he sacrifices himself and voluntarily submits himself to be destroyed and melted down so that his technology won't be abused. That's like me. I have Technology that can be abused if it falls into the wrong hands. That's why I'm like the "Terminator" volunteering to be eliminated for the prosperity of human kind:
  1. Arnold's Initials are AS = 33 on the Periodic Table
  2. 33 = 3 x 11 = C x K = Clark Kent
  3. He's Austrian
  4. AU = (1)(21) = 11 x 11 = Washington State inducted 11/11.
  5. Au/St.-RI/A = Washington State(AU) Saint(St.) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) God(A/1)
I said Mike Myers is born 5/25 like Bliss
  1. That's why Wayne's World's "Psycho Hose Beast" with Lara Flynn Boyle is her interpretation of me as a Stalker
  2. Initials LFB = Washington(LF/Non-FL) Gemini(B/2). I'm the Gemini from Washington
  3. I'm the Psycho Hose Beast :P
  4. Davis is Psycho. P/S-y/C-Ho = Aquarian Male(P) Superman(S) Male(Y) Dominant(C) Slut(Ho
  5. Hose = He with OS in it = Gemini(He/Helium/2) with Operating System(OS) in it
  6. Be-AS/T = Jesus Christ(BE/25) as Female(T/20/XX)
Notice Mike Myers does COMEDY. It's funny: F u NN-y = Bad(F/6/Non-9) in Union with(U) 2/14(NN) Male(Y). That's why Davis is F u NN-y. You're not supposed to take him seriously because he's a bonehead :o).

People think I make this stuff up, but the Planet Earth, which I keep saying is alive, is establishing dominance to make sure that it's QUITE CLEAR who's who because you know that the Black Community is going to try and chew my ass out.

Same with all the women. They're going to scoff at my claims that I'm a Fe-Male and the real Virgin Mary because they have to acknowledge a guy, which would embarrass all the Lesbians and Man-Haters.

It's a slap in the face to the Lesbian Community that's been hating on all the men. It makes them look like hypocrites blasting men when their Number One representative Lesbian is a Guy.

Same with the Black Community being forced to stop picking on White People, They've been pushing White People claiming discrimination and the "Unfair Plight of the Black Man" when they don't reven realize that they were just paying early for the fuck-ups of one Black Person enslaving a Jesus Christ Figure.

That's why they had to pay for all that crap of one individual. That's why everybody's even. Whites can stop complaining about Blacks and Blacks can stop complaining about Whites. Like I said, if they really want to be ticked, Blacks and Whites should be pissed at the Asians.

It's Asians who are the guilty ones. African-Americans and Caucasians have been pissed at each other when they shoudln't be. All th while the Asians snuck by without getting into trouble.

That's why you see China pirating and stealing software:
  1. I'm 1/8 Chinese
  2. H = 8th Letter
  3. 8 x 1/8 = 1 for God
  4. 7/8 x 8 = 7 for God
I said the that there's a Planetary Software Program in effect. You could argue that it's Pirated Software. I obtained a copy of it and edited it.

That's how you get the Macross (Mother Cross/X) in Robotech. It's about this special Ship that the scientists rebuild and convert over. I'm the Macross. I've been doing repairs, studying the Technology, and reprogramming it for Human Use.

That's why you have the arms, which are the Daedalus and the Prometheus.

On "Star Trek: Voyager," the experimental Dreadnaught-Class Starship. It's a special Starship that breaks apart into 3 different ships:
  1. Prometheus = P/Ro-M.E. T-He u S
  2. P/Ro-M.E. T-He u S = Gemini Leo Female(P) Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-5) Mother Earth(M.E.) Female(T/20/XX) Gemini(He/Helium/2) in Union with(U) Superman(S)
  3. Prometheus is the one who gave Fire to the Humas. I'm Prometheus teaching Humans in my Journal how to make F/IR-E
Then you've got the Akira-Class Starship:
  1. Akira = AK/IR-A
  2. AK/IR-A = White/Justice(AK) God(IR) God(A)
I know all my "Star Trek" Universe Starships. That's why as a ship, I'm the original Constitution-Class Starship. I wrote the Constitution and basis of Laws as the U.S.S. Enterprise. I'm a business person. So I'm an Enterprise. I graduate to the Sovereign-Class Starship Enterpirse-E.

That's why Enterprise-B in "Star Trek: Generations" is so BUTT-UGLY. It's so big and clunky. That's why it was Alan Ruck as the Captain:
  1. AL/An = IR(AL) Indefinite(An)
  2. R u CK = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) in Union with(U) Clark Kent)
  3. That's why he was Cameron on "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"
  4. FERRIS: He's so uptight if you shoved a Coal up his butt, pull it out a week later and it would be Diamond
  5. The Diamond is the Superman Shield.
  6. That's why Californai is shaped like an Ass
  7. I'm the C/O-AL shoved up CA/M.E./Ro-N's ass that turned into a Diamond :o)
  8. That's how you get Camerona Diaz. Di/A(Z) = Di/A(SS) when Aquarius(Z) = Gemini Superman(SS)
  9. That's why in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle," they really should've been anal-yzing Cameron and not Hellen Zaas :o).
ADMIRAL KIRK: How about using a Tractor Beam?
CAPTAIN: It won't be installed until Tuesday

Do you want to know why it was Tuesday? That's why the Enterprise-B wasn't ready. You have to wait till Tuesday (Me/Rod) :o).
  1. T u ES/Da-Y = Female(T/20/XX) in Union with(U) Washington(ES/Non-SE/NW/Northwest) Giving(Da-Spanish) Male(Y)
  2. I'm Tuesday
  3. Tuesday is the 3rd Day
  4. 3rd = T-H/IR-D = Female(T/20/XX) Superman(H) God(IR) Leo Female(D)
  5. "On the T-H/IR-D Da-Y, He rose again in fulfillment of the Scriptures."
  6. Script u Re = Movie Script in Union with(U) Rabbit(Re-75/Periodic Table)
That's why I'm not kidding when I say I can make a lot of Religious Figures look really silly :o). It's almost worth getting assassinated just to see the looks on their faces :o).

That's why "Generations" is where Captain Kirk dies. I said I'm Captain Kirk. He always said he'd die alone:
  1. AL/One = IR(AL) God(One/1)
  2. I'm going to die AL/One
  3. When I died I was AL/One, and I rose again on the T-H/IR-D Da-Y
  4. I'm the T-H/IR-D Da-Y, which is the Female(T) Superman(H) IR Leo Female Giving(Da) Male(Y)
No one ever thought to put punctuation and think of the words they were saying in the Scriptures were Acronyms :o).

Patrick Stewart and William Shatner have to tagteam to stop Soren from blowing up a Star. I'm the St./AR. They discover there's a Pre-Warp Society residing in that Solar System. That's why on another level, the Patrick Stewart and Captain Kirk duo represents me and Davis. Davis like Kirk because he's 11/Aquarius/K and I'm PA/trick Stewart. As I said, not all of Davis is bad. The story is written by Gene Roddenberry. G.E./NE has NE for Northeast and Davis is from Pennsylvania. So it's a story told with Davis seen in a good light.

That'snot a bad thing though. The point I'd like to make is that you have to pay attention to who's telling the story. You'll always hear variations of the story, but it all depends on who's telling it. That's why when it comes to Davis, I'm sure that if he writes a book, he'll have his own interpretation of my relationship with him and any points that he feels that I missed or overlooked and the Black Community will believe his story over mine, which is fine.

However, as I said, that's why the Planet made it where people were born on very specific dates and certain celebrities and actors were in certain movies during specific years. There are cerrtain dates in history that all follow a pattern. So even if Davis tries to write his own book, people can check for themselves on what really happened.

That's why even the Comic Strips talk about what happened. I said 2/6/2006 about White Queen. There are numerous characters that hint as to what happened behind the scenes that only I know about. Davis can try and gloss things over but this is where the Subconscious Mind overrules the Conscious Mind.

People can claim to have done things for certain reasons, but there Subconscious Mind usually had an ulterior motive. Davis always made it clear he doesn't believe in the Psychic Realm or my Psychic Abiltieis. So he's been just acting on impulse or wherever his Subconscious leads him like most people do.

So just know that whatever story he chooses to write when he recounts events may be his perception, but it was under the influence of his Subconscious Mind that was angling for something and in certain cases I was manipulating his Subconscious over the last couple months to do things for me.

Just before Kirk dies, he says, "It's been fun." It's a parting message to People of Earth because the Age of Capricorn is drawing to an end and I'm like the outgoing Administration. You don't need a Father anymore.

My assignment is to do a Shutdown Procedure and close it off so that people can move forward and not be held back anymore. That's why the Berlin Wall betwen East and West Germany went down on 11/11 which is when Washington State was inducted into the Union.

Former Hollywood Sleuth Faces Bug Charges
By Jesse Hiestand, Reuters

Aside from Stallone and Carradine, Pellicano tapped the phones of writer Anita Busch and screenwriter James Orr.

LOS ANGELES (Feb. 7) - Hollywood sleuth Anthony Pellicano was charged Monday with wiretapping and conspiracy for allegedly leading a scheme to bug the phones of more than a dozen people, including actors Sylvester Stallone and Keith Carradine.

The 110-count indictment against Pellicano, three associates and three former clients also alleges racketeering and wire fraud for the illegal access of dozens of people's criminal and driving records.

What remains unanswered is whether the lawyers who hired the Pellicano Investigative Agency were aware of the wiretapping and other tricks that, prosecutors allege, gave them a tactical advantage in court. Authorities now hope the threat of long prison terms will persuade the defendants to speak -- even if Pellicano maintains his silence.

"We'll do the investigation and see what the facts show," acting U.S. Attorney George Cardona said in announcing the case at the agency's Los Angeles offices. "These charges allege a disturbing pattern of criminal conduct in which money flowed freely to sworn law enforcement officers to violate their oath and uphold the law to provide the means for Pellicano and his associates to violate the rights of others."

One law firm, Greenberg Glusker Fields Claman Machtinger & Kinsella, acknowledged Monday that attorney Bert Fields and others used Pellicano on at least two of the cases referenced in the indictment, adding that "if Mr. Pellicano engaged in any illegal activity, he did so without their or the firm's knowledge or authorization."

Other law firms that used Pellicano declined comment or could not be reached.

Greenberg Glusker's cases included disputes in which producers Aaron Russo and, separately, Bo Zenga allegedly were subjected to wiretapping. Zenga unsuccessfully sued Fields' client Brad Grey, now chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures, over producing credits and fees on the feature film "Scary Movie."

Prosecutors said they have evidence that at least 15 people -- including Stallone, Carradine, Herbalife co-founder Mark Hughes, journalist Anita Busch and screenwriter James Orr -- also had their lines tapped and recorded by computers secretly installed in roadside switch boxes and phone company facilities.

Pellicano's attorney, Steven Gruel, could not be reached for comment.

Pellicano has steadfastly refused to cooperate with authorities, making it all the more difficult for the FBI and prosecutors to prove that he was instructed to target certain individuals.

Experts say it is not against the law to associate with criminals or unknowingly use information that was gathered illegally.

"If you know there's criminal activity, you can't pretend you don't know," former federal prosecutor and Loyola Law School professor Laurie Levinson said. "But if they went to Pellicano and said, 'We need this information and don't particularly need to know the details of how you get it,' they may not be the best citizens, but that doesn't make them criminally liable."

The indictment alleges two broad schemes.

One, that Pellicano used Beverly Hills Police Department officer Craig Stevens and former Los Angeles Police Department Sgt. Mark Arneson to illegally access dozens of people's records from the National Crime Information Center and California Department of Motor Vehicles.

Pellicano also is accused of paying Kevin Kachikian of Fountain Valley, Calif., to write software for computers that would, with the help of SBC and Pac Bell field technician Rayford Turner, secretly record telephone conversations.

Pellicano, Arneson and Turner were accused in the racketeering case, while Pellicano and Turner also were charged with wiretapping along with Kachikian and three Pellicano clients. The latter include former Hollywood Records president Robert Pfeifer, who is suspected of hiring Pellicano to wiretap a former girlfriend and has been charged with witness tampering for trying to prevent her from speaking to authorities.

The two RICO (Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) charges filed against Pellicano, Arneson and Turner each carry a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. Pellicano also is charged, along with Arneson, with 31 counts of wire fraud and five counts each of identity theft and computer fraud.

Prosecutors also are seeking the forfeiture of at least $1.9 million that Pellicano, Arneson and Turner collected as a result of the alleged "criminal enterprise."

Pellicano pleaded not guilty Monday to all charges in U.S. District Court and was ordered held without bond. He was arrested on suspicion of these charges Friday, a day before he was set to complete a 30-month prison term for the explosives and weapons found in his office four years ago.

Pellicano's offices were raided during an investigation of threats to Busch, a former editor of The Hollywood Reporter who was working at the time as a reporter for the Los Angeles Times. While Pellicano and Anthony Proctor face state charges for the alleged threat, federal authorities and a grand jury spent three years studying the alleged wiretapping equipment and records also found at Pellicano's Sunset Strip offices.

In addition to Pfeifer, authorities believe they can prove that three other Pellicano clients used the wiretapping. Two were indicted Monday on one count each of wiretapping: Abner Nicherie of Las Vegas allegedly had a business dispute with a man who was wiretapped, while his brother, Daniel Nicherie of Las Vegas, is in custody on charges of defrauding someone who Pellicano had wiretapped.

Another former client, Sandra Carradine, the ex-wife of Keith Carradine, already has pleaded guilty to perjury for lying to a grand jury about having Pellicano wiretap her ex-husband's telephone during their divorce. It is expected that she will testify for the prosecution.

Stevens, the Beverly Hills officer, has separately pleaded guilty to accessing confidential law enforcement databases for Pellicano. He faces up to 35 years in prison when sentenced October 16 and also is expected to help prosecutors.

According to the indictment, the wiretapping scheme dates back to 1995, when Kachikian started to write the "Telesleuth" software that later allowed Pellicano, with Turner's assistance inside the phone company, to eavesdrop on calls.

Turner allegedly was paid at least $36,655 for access to proprietary telephone company information that allowed the wiretapping.

At the same time, it is alleged that Pellicano paid Stevens and Arneson to pull information from the confidential databases.

Arneson, who retired from the LAPD in 2003, allegedly was paid at least $192,365 to retrieve records of 63 people including comedian Kevin Nealon; security expert Gavin de Becker; Keith Carradine and his girlfriend, actress Hayley DuMond; Busch; former New York Times reporter Bernard Weinraub; and both Zenga's attorney, Gregory Dovel, and his wife, former Hollywood Reporter film reporter Zorianna Kit. Others include victims of so-called "Limousine Rapist" John Gordon Jones, who was acquitted in 2001 of drugging and raping women he met at Hollywood nightclubs.

Arneson and Pellicano also are charged with identity theft for allegedly using the identities of Creative Artists Agency managing partners Bryan Lourd and Kevin Huvane and 11 others to commit crimes. CAA officials declined comment Monday.

02/07/06 05:25 ET

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personal, theology, star trek, humor, family, davis, news, technology, religion, jessica, bio, sunny, science

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