This really isn't a Journal Entry about anything. I've just been thinking about
Jessica Jaymes a lot, and I think she's really beautiful and extremely sexy. Subconscious Jessica helped me cope with getting over
celticblissy. Same with Subconscious Brittney Skye and Subconscious Sunny Leone keeping me company. It was hard losing Bliss.
The reason why I post stuff like this is because I know that centuries from now people are going to wonder what was going through my mind and what I was thinking. I'm just like anyone else. I was just a normal human being. I have feelings and urges like anyone else.
My job may be where I can affect the Electromagnetic Field and cause changes around the Planet, but I'm just like any other preson who has desires, urges, insecurities, and problems. I have so many problems in the financial realm, it's not even funny. However, I still have to do my job.
People may condemn my actions, but they don't realize it's a very lonely life. You can't really associate with anyone. Anyone you tell about your job doesn't believe you. Do you know I still get nagged by my mom? I'm 30 years old managing the Forces of the Planet, and I get nagged by my own mother.
Some of my family members think I'm a bum or a deadbeat. My business associate wonders what I do all the time because I'm so distracted. It's just like in "Spider-Man" and "Spider-Man 2" where Peter Parker can't hold down a job and no one understands why he's late all the time.
People get mad at him because they thnk that Peter is absentminded and lazy. They don't realize that someone's about to get hurt or die and he has to put on his Spider-Man constume and rescue them. It's an emergency. However, you won't get any sympathy from people because you can't tell them your identity.
I can tell people my identity, but they wouldn't believe it anyway. That's why I am the way that I am where I'm detached from society and spend most of my time in my head. On top of that, I have to dodge Psychiatrists and people that will try to lock me up.
That's why I keep saying that people whine and complain about petty things. They think they've got problems yet they take a lot of things for granted like their own sanity. They don't have to worry about people questioning if they're sane or not. It's an uphill battle for me proving to everyone that there's nothing wrong with me.
Tha'ts why even normal love relationships are out of the question. So I pretty much spend my time just having Telepathic Sexual Relations with Adult Stars. Sometimes I worry that this may be the reason why you see all these Celebs and Adult Stars in one-night stand relationships and can't find anyone.
It's the same with me. No one really understands my job or what it is that I do. So I can't ever really get close to anyone. Even my friends distanced themselves from me. I miss my best friend Scott most of all. I can't even call him or talk to him because thing about Psychic Phenomenon would be hanging over us.
Han Solo Getting Entombed in "Empire Strikes Back"
That's why I have to wait until I can really prove to Scott that I was telling the Truth about Psychic Phenomenon. That's why you see how Han Solo is Scott, and I'm Princess Leia. H/An = Pisces(H) Indefinite(An). SO/LO = Significant Other(SO) Sunny Leone(L/50+O/15=65=5x13). Sol/O = Sun(Sol-Spanish) Sun(O).
I said S(cott) (Bo)one = S(unny) (Le)one. Han Solo gets frozen in Cloud City in "Empire Strikes Back." That's was Scott as Han Solo being frozen. Our friendship was technically put on hold or where he's been separated from me. That's why you see Princess Leia (me) come to rescue him in "
Return of the Jedi."
Billie Dee Williams is Lando Calrissian:
- C-AL/RI-SS/I-An = Dominant(C) IR(AL) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Gemini Superman(SS) God(I) Indefinite(An)
- CA-L/RI/SS/I-An = California(CA) Bad(L/Non-7) 5/29(Rhode Island/RI) Gemini Superman(SS) God(I) Indefinite(An)
- LAN/D-O = Loca Area Network(LAN) IR/S (D-0/4-15/Tax Day)
- L.A.-N/D-O = Los Angeles(L.A.) Nature(N) IR/S(D-O/4-15)
Wedge Antilles in Red One
You see how they have to fly the Millenium Falcon into the heart of the Death Star with Wedge Antilles (
Denis Lawson):
- Initials WA = Washington State
- I said I'm an A/SS = God(A) Gemini Superman(SS)
- That's how you get a Wedgie
- Wedge = Golf Club
- Go/LF = IR(Go-Spanish) Washington(LF/Non-Florida)
That's why that scene with the Millenium Falcon and Red 1 penetrating the Death Star is one of my favorite scenes. It's really exciting. We're being chased by TIE Fighters and and after we take out the main reactor, then when it blows up, the Millenium Falcon and Red 1 have to hightail their ass out of there before they get blown up.
In the script. George Lucas was originally going to have the Millenium Falcon destroyed. However, due to popular demand, the fans didn't want that to happen. So the script was rewritten. That's why Han Solo has that one look at the Millenium Falcon.
HAN SOLO: Why does it feel like this is going to be the last time I'm ever going to see that old girl again?
That was a residual trace in the script where the Millenium Falcon was to be destroyed. That would be me. I'm really hoping I make it out of the Death Star in time and not get killed off or destroyed.
- R(e)d 1 = R(o)d 1 when E(Sun) = O(Circle/Sun).
- Ant/Ill-ES = Indefinite Female(An/T) Sick(Ill) Washington(ES/Non-SE/NW)
- Notice the word "Ant" in ANTilles. I said 11/16/2005 that Bliss is the Ant/I-Christ
- I said 11/11/2005 that Bliss and Isabella merged. That's how you get Subconscious Isabella as Red 1 and Subconscious Bliss as the Pilot Wedge Antilles flanking me as the Millenium Falcon
- Isabella Valentine's Physical Body is Red One.
- I said Subconscious Isabella was helping me during the last two years. She knew I was innocent even though her Conscious Mind was captured and taken over by Charlie
- When you align Isabella's Journal with mine between February 2004 - November 2005, you'll see how all of Isabella's Dreams, people she was dating, and events run parallel to what I was posting in my Journal
- Isabella is an X-Wing because she's Cross-Eyed and doesn't see straight
A-Wings are the fastest, but have really weak cannons
- B-Wings were introduced "Return of the Jedi" at the end because they're Gemini Wings.
- The Y-Wing is slow, but can disable ships using I/On Cannons.
I have Ion Cannons that I use to disable other people's Subconscious Minds that are like Starships.. I just keep pounding them with those Blue Laser Rays that short circuit people's thinking and their shields. Then you can storm the ship and take over.
Han Solo Wins the Millenium Falcon in a Bet
That's why people don't realize how I'm fighting for my life:
- Millenium Falcon = Initials MF = Non-FM = AM (Radio) = Non-Ma = Non-Mother = Father
- I said I'm Pa/IR for Gemini and the Father
- Han Solo won the Millienium Falcon from Lando Calrisian in a Bet
- BE/T = Jesus Christ(BE/25) Female(T/20/XX)
- I said Bliss is CHRISTine and a Female Jesus Christ
- Lando's Initials are LC = 12/3 = Brendan Fraser's B-Day
- Brendan Fraser was a 35 year old Virgin in "Blast from the Past"
- I"m the Virgin Mary
- I said that Scott is my best friend, and I love him like a brother
- That's why the Millenium Falcon represents how Scott as Han Solo (HS/High School or Gemini Superman) won me
I said 1/4/2006 that the Mind is like a House or a Car. That includes a Vehicle or a Spaceship:
- I said 2/5/2006 that I "beamed" Scott's Subconscious over to me
- I said that my physical body is like the U.S.S. Enterprise-E, which is a SOVEREIGN-Class Starship
- F-Al/Con = Bad(F/6/Non-9/Non-I) Scam(Con)
- That's how you get Scott Evil as the son of Dr. Evil.
- EV/Il = Gemini Sun (E5/V5) Definite(Il-The/Italian)
I said that Davis plays opposite of me:
- Darth Vader had the Voice of James Earl Jones (who's Black)
- David Prowse was the person inside
- I said 2/6/2006 that Davi(S) = Davi(D)
- Prowse starts with P. I said P = Aquariuan Male for Davis
- P/Ro-WS/E = Aquarian Male(P) Gemini(Ro/Non-OR/Non-5) Northeast/Pennsylvania(WS/Non-SW) Sun(E)
It was set up that way so when the Black Community comes gunning after me trying to accuse me of being a Racist, that's not true. The Planet intentionally cast certain actors with various names so it's quite clear. So if they want to support Darth Vader, that's.
That's why Emperor PA/lpatine starts PA for Pennsylvania. You see how Palpatine starts out as Anakin Skywalker's friend and then gets darker taking control with Darth Vader as his right hand man.
Someone Peed in Madonna's Mouth When She was Giving a Blow Job
Regardless of how you look at it, PA/Father/God always turns out bad:
- Why do you think P = Pee for Urine?
- U/RI-NE = Old Sun(U/V in Old Alphabeti) 5/29(RI/Rhode Island) Northeast(NE)
- UR in E = Old IR(U = Old Sun, I = God/Sun) in Sun(E)
In "Private Parts" by Howard Stern, he talks about how this one music artist used to brag about how Madonna gave him a blow job and he peed in her mouth:
- I said that I'm the Virgin Mary
- Madonna = Virgin Mary
- When you swallow or ingest the Seeds of Information, that's Knowledge
- When people are feeding you BAD INFORMATION, that's like giving a guy a blow job and he's PEEING in your mouth and drinking it
- Urine is WA/St.-E
People may think I get upset about the way Davis had me set up all the bank accounts in my name and where I had to shoulder $45,000 worth of debt that ballooned up into $80,000, but that's because I was naive back then and "swallowed" what he told me.
In his mind, he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. He always likes to remind me on the phone, "Well, you know, you always had the power. I'd always ask you." I think it's a cop-out, but I let it go because just as he uses that with me, I turn aroudn and use the same Philospohy with how he's not entitled to any jurisdiction or influence when it comes to the Electromagnetic Field and managing over the Planet.
The Planet knew that Davis would try to be catty and play mind games with me.
True Definition of Con Artist
That's why the Planet gave an underlying meaning to the term "Con Artist." C/On = Dominant(C) Activated(On).
It's for all those SMARTASS sneaky people that like to play mind games with people sidestepping blame and saying it wasn't their fault. If you persuade someone to do something or lure/bait them into it, it means you have to be dominant.
The only way you can be dominant is if you're the one on top and getting your way. That's why the Planet knew that you'd get really persuasive people that know how to manipulate others. It's also a blanket statement for people who aren't even aware they're doing it.
For example, I'll be the first to tell you that I don't think Davis meant intentionally. It's just that it's his belief or the way he sees it. That's his perspective. So if you want to get to the real truth of who was dominant and who was submissive, Davis was the one who got his way.
This is to rob sneaky conniving people of the excuse of:
- "Oh, I didn't know."
- "It was an accident."
- "I didn't mean for it to happen"
The fact of the matter is that you were DOMINANT. That's the Truth. In order to get your way, even if you use the most persuasive, suggestive means that do not use any Physical Force, you had to be assertive.
The reason why I was paired up with Davis is so that I could examine the sneaky behavior of people and be able to assess from a Psychological Perspective what we're looking at. That's why Davis is partially innocent because he was the guinea pig.
Somebody Had to Play the Villain
Somebody had to play the role of the villiain or bad guy. Same with Isabella, Bliss, and Charlie. You can't even fully blame them. They were cast in roles that they had to play:
- Conscious Scott had to play the role of siccing my mom on me trying to get me corralled into Psychiatric Evaluation and being put on meds. I know that Subconscious Scott didn't want to do it, but he had a job to perform
- I said 1/26/2006 how Scott Norwood returned to Buffalo greeted by 30,000 fans even though they lost 19 - 20. That was Subconscious Scott who had to play out his role of doing the things he had to do as was written in the "script."
- Subconscious Bliss didn't want to leave my side, but she had to follow the "script" and play a villain. I said 1/20/2006 that Bliss is Joey as Dr. Drake Remoray on that soap opera on "Friends." It's a humorous scene, but it's where Subconscious Bliss really didn't want to go or be cut out of the scene.
That's why you can't really be too harsh on those people.
I said 2/4/2006 that they've already been forced to pay for their Sins early so that no one else will try to take it upon thesmelves to punish them.
It's also for those individual's peace of mind as well. It's a message to Isabella, Bliss, Charlie, and Scott not to punish themselves with guilt over what's done. It had to happen. That's why Scott had to do penance and take care of Kristin, the ex-girlfriend, who was stricken with illness just before he wanted to break up with her. Scott had to shoulder having me stay at his place unable to pay for rent because I was financially crippled.
I said Davis already went to jail because he got scammed by Vincent Lee who who was the one who was double or triple charging people's credit cards. Davis was the one who went to jail for it, and he didn't even know about it. He was too busy running COFO in San Diego.
His going to jail was early penance for the shit he pulled on me and doesn't think he's guilty for. That's why people shouldn't be chewing out Davis or hating on him. He's done his time already.
Only Black People and Gays Drive Purple Cars
Plus, you see he's not all bad. There are some places where you see that Davis is good. That's how you get
Bosom Buddies":
- I'm Tom Hanks. TH = Female(T/20/XX) Superman(H)
- Davis is Peter Scolari. I said P = Aquarian Male.
- That's why you see how Tom Hanks' Career really took of while Peter Scolari's acting career is mediocre
- I'm Isabelo, which is a male variation of Isabella and a rare name
- Davis is born 2/14 for Valentine's Day and the Goddess of Love
Personally, I think an amusing punishment for Davis is where you have all the Gay Guys fantasizing about Davis as the new "God of Love." He's a 6'2", well-built, strapping, Black Male.
There's a grim satisfaction knowing that Davis would have to live with the fact that all these Gay Men are thinking about sucking his cock or fucking him in the ass :o).
Why do you think they say that only Gay Men and Black People drive Purple Cars :o). I said P = Aquarian Male.
That's how you get the song "Purple People Eater" by Sheb Wooley:
- Notice the Initials are SW for Southwest/Los Angeles
- S-He/B Woo/Le-y = Superman(S) Gemini(He/Helium/2) Gemini(B/2) Court(Woo) Definite(Le-The/French) Male(Y)
- I said Davis is from Pennsylvania. PA = Father = Fr. = France = Le/The/French
- That's how you get a Woo/Le-Y by wooing Davis :o)
- That's why when you "choke the Chicken," the head turns Purple :)
The Purple People Eater has One Big "I"
Busta Rhymes is Busta Gemini Hymen
The Planet embedded a lot of perverted jokes in Children's Rhymes :o)
- That's how you get Busta Rhymes.
- Rhyme(S) = Rhyme(N) when S/Superman = N/Nature
- Hymen: A fold of muscous membrane often found at the orifice of the vagina in virgins
- R/Hymen = Gemini(R/18/2x9/2xI/II) Hymen
- I said 1/21/2006 that I'm the Virgin Mary
- Busta Rhymes = Bust a Gemini Hymen
- I said 2/6/2006 about Busta Rhymes' Bodyguard getting killed
- In the news, it says that Busta will be questioned as a Witness
That's why Davis says it's his favorite music artist. That's why in
"Light Your Ass on Fire" by Busta Rhymes, he mentions Thelma, which is my mom.
It doesn't matter who Busta Rhymes was referring to as Thelma. That "Thelma" in Busta Rhymes' life was planted there referring to Thelma, my mom.
The Subconscious Overrules the Conscious Mind
That's why when people try to front an attitude with me claiming I don't know shit or why they do things, I beg to differ. I don't care what you think or why you think you're doing things. You go by the Subconscious Mind who knows what the Movie Script is.
That's why Jessica Jaymes' Initials are JMFJ tattooed on the back of her neck along with an orange star on her foot. She was asking me how I knew it was her father even though she hadn't said anything. Her Subconscious Mind had Jessica put there.
Jessica even has on her web page about Jesus and her Hot Rod. I'm the Hot Rod. There are a lot of things symbolic that are there. That's why she posts about Geminis and reading books about Subconscious Minds. Her Subconscious has been laying things out for her.
You may do things thinking it's because of this or that, but it's usually because you're being baited. It's the same thing with Computers that store data. Imagine if all the magnetic filings on the Computer had their own personalities and were living entities. The Computer is storing information and doesn't care what reasons the magnetic filings use to rationalize why they're storing that information as long as it gets done.
I said 4/2/2005 about RobynZ/Gwendolen/Constance who was fronting a bitchy ass attitude with me about names:
You are utterly insane. You've lost it. Every single thought in your head is completely *gone*. People keep telling you that you need to see a psychiatrist, don't they? You probably just smile or laugh, knowing that you are right and they are wrong. Has it ever occurred to you THAT YOU ARE SICK? NATURALLY if you are how you are, you're going to deny your faults, but for the sake of all that's good, get some blasted help, you blubbering imbecile! All of the points you raised in your journal? Those are god damned coincidences, and you're absolutely DIGGING for them. You can't LOOK for coincidences then claim they're there in the name of your confounded powers. Get a life! There is no gain in looking up a name, a name that I chose simply to RP, a name that holds NO BEARING on ME or WHO I AM, and then think there's ANY CONCRETE RELEVANCE TO *ANYTHING*.
- I said 11/29/2005 about Constance Cummings born in Seattle and almost 80 years ago
- I said 12/17/2005 about the movie "Odd Couple" where they even refer to Gwendolyn/Robin making fun of RobynZ
People just find it hard to believe that a Planet can be alive and that it can lay out or plan things centuries or thousands of years ahead of time.
However, they're not thinking Mathematically. If you a Computer Programmer that weighs roughly 150 lbs. takes 6 months to program a software program, you'd use a Fractional Proportion where you set the Mass of the Planet equal to the Mass of the Computer Programmer weighing 150 lbs. and when compared to 6 months calculate the UNKNOWN Time (X Variable).
( x / Mass of the Planet.) = ( 6 months / 150 lbs. )
For those of you where Math isn't your strong point:
- X = Time for the Planet to Program a Software Program (Unknown Variable)
- Y = Mass of the Planet (Look it up online. It's one BIG-ASS NUMBER)
- A = Time for the Computer Programmer to Program Software (6 months)
- B = Mass of the Computer Programmer (150 lbs.)
EQUATION: ( x / y ) = ( a / b )
The time it takes is going to come up to one HUGE ASS NUMBER. When you translate it into years, centuries, or millenium, it's still going to be a large number. That's why when you talk about 100 years, that's like a millisecond to Planet or Sun that's been floating for 4.55 billion years.
If you had that much brain power the size of a Planet, wouldn't it make sense that it would take you longer to think and do things, but that you'd do it on a magnificent or grandiose scale?
That's why I keep trying to drill into people's heads that we're like Fruit Flies that only live for 4 hours if the Planet were to manifest itself in Human Form. We're barely alive for that long. That's why it can calculate stuff that far ahead.
That's why we're literally in a video game or a movie. If you want to understand "God," think like a Computer Programmer.
I'm sorry for any of you who are terrible at Math and don't get what I'm saying, but I just don't have the time to sit here and review elementary concepts with people. I just don't have the time. There's so much data I have to cover.
Like the Millenium Falcon, I'd Prefer Not to Get Destroyed
That's why on another level, it would be humankind's folly to murder to me or have me assassinated or killed off. I have so much work to do translating information. It's my hope that Humankind would protect me from being destroyed or exterminated and let me do my job.
Once I'm dead and gone, you're on your own. That's why I'm really hoping that some good people out there will able to protect me. I'm the most valuable commodity on the Planet. That's why you see an article about Paris Hilton's Diaries being worth $20 million. That would be my Journal. If you could put a price tag on my Journal, it would be in the millions or even billions because it's got all the answers that have plagued human kind for centuries. It explains everything and why things happened and even backs it up with proof through historical dates
That's why I posted a couple days earlier about the "Incredibles" CD. On the 2nd DVD, Brad Bird talks about the Fantastical and the Mundane of how you've got a Superhero who can do all these fantastic things, but he's bogged down by mundae or small things. You see the same theme in "Spider-Man 2" where Peter Parker has these amazing abilities, but he's broke and penniless and nobody understands his responsibilities and how he can do things others can't in order to save lives.
The last two years have been spent broke and starving and it didn't help that I lost my friends had a business associate who fucked up my finances badly and where you're practically homeless. Because of that fiasco that Davis pulled I had to live my aunt. That's how you get Spider-Man living with his Aunt May (A/un-T Ma-Y).
Do you know that because of that crap that Davis pulled, he even borrowed $3,000 from my aunt. When my cousin Brian found out about it, he was so furious with me and yelled at me calling me a burden to my aunt and kicked me out of the house.
That's why if the Black Community tries to chew my ass out about being Racist, I have a whole SHITLOAD of crap I can show them on the bullshit that Davis pulled and it's even traceable by financial records with the banks.
Any financial advisor that examines my bank statements and aligns them with the dates will see some unusual movements of money when it came to credit cards. If it was just me, people could discredit me and say that I'm just making that story up and trying to pin it on a Black Man.
Why My Mom was Brought into This Financial Mess
However, my mom got entangled in that financial mess. People can say whatever they want about me, but they'll find it difficult to find dirt on my mom and be able to explain why a 64 year old Washington State retired Remedial English teacher with a Bachelors Degree in Social Work and Psychology and a Masters Degree in Education would wire transfer money over $15,000 to a Black Male whom she doesn't know living in California.
My mom is a Lecter at a Church and an active member of the Church Choir. If anyone tried to interrogate my mother and gain a Psychological Profile on me and or my mom would find that she's extremely lucid and a respected member of the Filipino Community and with an impeccable track record with her School. She has high standards.
You can tell a lot about a person by their parents. If you talk to my mom, you'll understand where my Analytical and Problem-Solving Abilities are derived from. As I said, I came from a Middle Income Family.
However, the reason why I had to go through this BULLSHIT of being broke is because people wouldn't listen to me unlses I endured hardship. If I just had these Psychic Abilities and the Power of the Electromagnetic Field handed over to me, you'd get a lot of jealous and bitter people that wouldn't want to listen to me and would fight me on this issue.
They'd complain not understanding what makes me so special and would accuse me of being born with a Silver Spoon in my mouth. So in order to even things out and gain credibility, I had to lose everything including my name and be thrown in a ditch where people spit on me and mistreat me.
Wome Branding Men as Stalkers
It's supposed to show an example of Character and knowing who you are and when an entire Society tries to brand you as something you're not. That's when all those women cam at me forming a Lynch Mob branding me as a Psychotic Stalker believing some dumb ass male, I refused to swallow that BULLSHIT because that's not who I am.
No one gets away with branding me a Liar and embarrassing me in front of my friends calling me a Psychotic Stalker when I told the Truth about what I say. I said there was a Psychic Occurrence and had the Research to back my findings up. It just got ignored.
That's why it's a slap in the face to all the Women that think they can go around branding guys as Psychotic Stalkers when a majority of them haven't even been properly educated on discerning just what Stalker is or isn't. They just throw that term around to any guy they don't like who is persistent.
You have women going around with shitty attitudes acting all high and mighty dressing all hot and sexy and then condemning and spitting on guys who express interest in them. Yes, there are men who are persistent, but it's a Supply and Demand Economics Theory being projected into the Dating World.
When you get a whole bunch of finicky and picky women that don't want to date "losers," "geeks," "nerds," and "ugly people," you're going to get desperation because resources are scarce.
If women took some time to teach personal hygeine or classes to some of these geeky nerds, they could clean up well and be decent. However, social skills aren't taught in schools. I said that if people took time to try teaching people in junior high and high school relationships and how to manage them, you'd have less heartache and grief and a healthier society.
However, people are just thrown into social and dating world and fly by the seat of their pants. Then you've got guys who use the same dating techniques they used in high school. The ones who didn't get any training are the geeks and nerds that are socially inept.
By that time, women's expectations are so high that they get easily turned off because a geeky nerd isn't good at approaching them or knows how to give a good opening line. Geeky nerds are already trained to be submissive and are used to being picked on so they spook easily and lack the confidence in approaching attractive women, which is an immediate turn-off.
That's how you get clingy men. They cling because of that Social Supply and Demand Theory where their Psychological Programming tells them that they're never going to find another girl as beautiful or attractive as the one they're with. So they're hold on tightly to that one or follow them around.
That's how you create a Stalker Mentality and why women get upset. This comes back to poor education. The Schools aren't focusing on this issue.
Churches Should Transform into Universities
If the Churches want to get more people coming, rather than reading Scriptures, they should be using Sunday to teach Psychology.
One thing I said is that if the Catholic Church doesn't want to face extinction once this word gets out, they'd be smart to manage themselves like a business and convert themselves into Universities or like Local School Outposts.
I've gone to Churches. They're empty except on Sundays or when they hold Mass. That's a WASTE of Resources. If the Church was smart and wants to rebound from this, rather than thinkign that the Church is doomed, update the program and curriculum.
Get community volunteers around the town to donate time to teaching classes around the masses:
- SUNDAY: Psychology, Relationship Development
- MONDAY: Business
- TUESDAY: Parenting, Child Development
- WEDNESDAY: History
- FRIDAY: Music
- SATURDAY: Technology
With some proper planning, you could get the Churches filled all day every day. Those buildings are just sitting there empty aside from Mass just collecting Dust. It's easy to get volunteers.
Get interns or young students who want to practice public speaking or develop their resumes. Have it managed by young people that need to build up their resumes.
As I said, the Church is going to be stupid about this:
- First they're going to be in denial
- Then they're going to be afraid of losing their patrons
- Then they're going to try and get me to either shut up or change what I say to conform to them
Any successful business entrepreneur or CEO will tell you that have to keep on updating your product to stay ahead. From a marketing perspective, the Roman Catholic Churches and other Religious Denominations haven't updated their product.
It's outdated. That's they they're having problems. Then you've got these annoying door-to-door kids passing out pamphlets asking if you've found God.
One of them knocked on the door, and I almost had nerve to say, "Yes," and give him a lesson on Electromagnetic Theory.
I especially would get annoyed when I used to have over 700 friends and I'd have to read these Stupid-Ass Bulletins saying, "Christ died for our Sins." You have no idea how that grates on my nerves. I'm so sick of that. A lot of help those people were. Where were those people when I needed help? It was the same people that condemend me and kicked my ass out the door.
That's why you find out who your friends are.
Purple People Eater
By Sheb Wooley
Well I saw the thing comin' out of the sky
It had one long horn and one big eye
I commenced to shakin' and I said, hoo-eee
It looks like a purple people eater to me
/ D - / A7 D / - G / A7 A7D /
It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
One-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin' purple people eater
Sure looks strange to me - One eye?
/ D - / A7 - / D - / A7 D /
Well he came down to earth and he lit in a tree
I said Mr. Purple People Eater, don't eat me
I heard him say in a voice so gruff
I wouldn't eat you 'cause you're so tough
/ Eb - / Bb7 Eb / - Ab / Bb7 Bb7Eb /
{Refrain} - One horn?
/ Eb - / Bb7 - / Eb - / Bb7 Eb /
I said Mr. Purple People Eater, what's your line
He said eatin' purple people and it sure is fine
But that's not the reason that I came to land
I wanna get a job in a rock 'n' roll band
/ E - / B7 E / - A / B7 B7E /
Well bless my soul, rock and roll, flyin' purple people eater
Pigeon-toed, under-growed, flyin' purple people eater
We wear short shorts - friendly little people eater
What a sight to see - Ow!
/ E - / B7 - / E - / B7 E /
And then he swung from the tree and he lit on the ground
And he started to rock, a-really rockin' around
It was a crazy ditty with a swingin' tune
Sing a bop-bop-a-loopa-loppa-lum-bam-boom
Well bless my soul, rock and roll, flyin' purple people eater
Pigeon-toed, under-growed, flyin' purple people eater
I like short shorts - flyin' purple people eater
What a sight to see - Purple people?
And then he went on his way and then what do ya know
I saw him last night on a TV show
He was blowing it out, a-really knockin' em dead
Playin' rock and roll music through the horn in his head
/ F - / C7 F / - Bb / C7 C7F /