Quick to Judge?

Mar 18, 2002 02:38

Well,Im back!...So lets get started here...First off,when I rode in Lynchburg Fri.,I ended up drawing a rank,little bull named>" Smoke Rings",and missed the wistle by,about a second,and Sat.,in PA,I drew a bull named "4-X,MoJo",and placed 7th,since he didnt buck to hot!My friend JR,bucked off both nights,but he is riding on a busted foot,that causes him to blow his spur hold,from the pain...But he'll be back to his normal winning self soon!...Besides that,I guess nothing much has happened...So here I am,listening to Mexican Canteena,music,burning some time writing this entry...The music reminds me of the time I went to Texas,for a week,just to see,Helen Groves,"the 68year old daughter" of Mr.King,who started the King ranch,in southern Texas,in the late 18hundreds...The old cowboys that used to work for her,back when she lived near me,tells me that she wakes up,3 million bucks,richer every morning,since she happens to own about a 3rd of the oil wells in the country.And she also has about 11,000,000 achers,total,being 10 million of it,in Australia...But anyhow.....lets see here?...What to talk about...Oh yeah...I was talking to a friend>"David",earlyer on tonight,and we got to discussing how people are quick to judge,and say things that hurt others before they think on it...This topic intrest me since its been happening to me lately...For instance,someone that I know wrote me facelessly,and told me that I was a bad bull rider,and I was ugly...Hahaa...That was my first thought toward that,but then I got to thinking about it for a while...And it makes me wonder what causes people to do that...The best reason that I could come up with,is the average person,is jealous of anyone who does something different,or doesnt seem to care what anyone else thinks about it.It seems that people are so eat up with their selves,that they cant stand it when someone is getting more attention than they are...Ever have someone hate ya for something you do,or simply the way you look?...Well,I get it all the time for being a bull rider.And I think that is it mostly because I love life,and I take advantage of my resorces.I know that I always seem down,about a few minor inconveniences in life,but ultimatly,I love my life,and the things that Im not afraid to do in it...Though the most untruthfull,related,thing ever said to me,was...that Im a bad person,and I dont really care about people...If you have read anything that I write,then you should know that this is untrue.And just to note you on my writings,...I am exactly like I write,and no different...Anyhow,I found this to be insulting,and intirely proposterous...I know that no one is perfect,and by no means am I trying to convince you that I am anywere close.Nor did I say I was Brad Pitt..But I know in my heart that I would help anyone in need,anywhere,anytime...And looks,alligations,and so forth,can never rival the heart... It sort of gets to me,that I was acused of being self centered,in that way...You know,...I guess the saddest thing of all,is the people/person that acused me of this,are the ones I love most...Im not going to say who they are,since its irrelivant to the focus,but I just wanted to open your eyes on this useing examples,and what have ya...I guess the reason that I wrote this mostly,is so the next time you look at someone judgementally,or even see it happening 3rd person,you will think about this,and wonder what that person has been through,and what their good qualities are...Im not trying to be,Rev.Josh here,I just have had these things happen to me,and it really sux.Not everyone talks about things as openly as I do,and bottle it up inside.And a mentally torn down person,is a dangerous person,to them selves,and sometimes to others.Its no joke folks...embarrasment,and feeling inferior,is the #1 cause of suisides,and terrerism............... If you dont believe me,then just look at that young man,who was no more than a house painter,that was constantly beat down,and told that his dream of becoming an artist,was stupid....Who was that young man???????None other than,......"Adolf Hitler"himself.......So,anyhow...Im gonna stop while Im ahead here...I'll be back,with another topic next time...I promise!... Later...JOSH
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