You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Twenty-Three

Aug 22, 2012 23:50

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Caraphernelia-Pierce The Veil
A/N: At the End


Chapter Twenty-Three

Slowly, the blonde boy opened his eyes. He looked at his surroundings. He was in his own bed in his own bedroom. That was good.

Fuck, his head hurt though. Last night had been eventful, a bit too eventful for Alex's liking. First, there was the thing with Jack, then his little meeting with Josh, and then...well, honestly, he couldn't remember much that happened after that. He guessed someone had brought him home considering he was in his room, but in memory he had no recollection of getting there. But still, the two things that he could remember were brutal. They were about as painful and stress-bringing as his hangover.

He'd made out with Jack. Okay, that was....different. He thought back, he didn't regret it. It was true that the younger boy was a brilliant kisser. He did feel kinda guilty about slightly cheating on Kellin though and was gonna have to make sure it didn't happen again. It's not like he did it with the intention of actually cheating on his boyfriend though, technically, he did it to help him. If Alex hadn't made out with Jack then the younger boy would have found out about Alex's little habit, and Kellin had told Alex not to tell anyone. So there.

He decided that he wouldn't tell Kellin though, just in case. And anyway, if he found out he could blame it on the alcohol, and his consequent horniness. He'd understand...probably.

The English boy thought about what happened after he left Jack. Josh. Alex shook his head, he was really starting to doubt if Josh was even his friend any more, what with all these threats and shit. The blonde was just happy that he'd at least promised he wouldn't tell Jack, he was safe for the moment.

But this line of thinking made a wave of guilt wrack through him. What was he doing? Was this whole popularity thing getting out of control? He thought about it. Well, it was certainly different than he had originally thought, but not by much, if he was honest. Some things you just have to change for, and Alex really hadn't changed too much, just a little. So he figured he was fine.

A surge of pain went through his head, he opened the drawer on his bedside table and grabbed the headache tablets, he then grabbed the water bottle that he kept near his bed at night and swallowed them. He should probably just take it easy today. It was a Saturday so its not like he had much planned anyway.

The English boy lay in his bed for a while idly playing with his hair as he waited for the tablets to kick in. His thoughts drifted toward a certain lanky dark haired boy. He smiled slightly. He wasn't thinking of how things were now, confusing and weird, or the night before, new, slightly exciting, but how things were when they just started being friends, before this whole popularity gig.


Alex could remember the first time he and Jack went to their first concert together. It had been some local band....Twin Atlantic? Probably. The blonde couldn't really remember, the boys weren't really there for the band, more the experience. They waited in line the whole day, even though they didn't need to, no one else really came until the last half hour or so. He remembered it being freezing cold.

“Jaaaack, it's freezing. Why did you make us come six hours early?” He asked, whining and actually kinda annoyed.

The other boy had just looked at him with his eyes all wide and like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “Duhhh Lexy, so we could be the first in and get to the front. We have to get to the front, it's just like, a thing. A rule. It has to happen.”

Alex had huffed, “Yeah, sure, I get that, but really Jack? Six hours early? It's a local band, it's not like there are masses of people coming to get to the front before us. And it's freeeezingg.”

Jack had just laughed at the blonde's whining and grabbed his arm, pulling his body close to him tightly.

Alex huffed and leaned into Jack and his warmth knowing that he wasn't going to say anything more, anything like, 'Oh, that's okay Alex, we can go home' or 'you're right, this is stupid, we'll come back later' but, for some reason, that was all right with the blonde.

Six hours later, when they actually got in to the venue, Jack 's eyes lit up and he grabbed Alex's hand rushing the two boys to the front. Alex just laughed and went along without protest. The concert was great, the band was pretty good, and Jack and Alex had a great time. He figured that maybe, just maybe, it had been worth the wait.


“Jack, it's three in the morning, where are we going?” The blonde asked half asleep and with a laugh, but not really bothering to persuade the younger boy into taking him home. He had learned by now that if Jack came up to his bedroom window at weird hours of the night, it was better to just go along with his crazy ideas.

“Shh, Lexy, you'll see.” He said, with a hint of finality in his voice, making Alex aware that he wasn't gonna answer any more questions.

The blonde just rolled his eyes fondly, “Okay, Jacky.”

They got into the Lebanese boy's car and drove off to only-Jack-knew-where. Alex flicked through the radio channels until he realised that it was all shit, and put on a Foo Fighters cd that he found. He smiled when he saw that it was actually his and Jack had stolen it.

After a while they reached a field, it was pretty much in the middle of the woods and the blonde was kind of worried.

“Um, Jay? Why are we in a field in the middle of nowhere at three in the morning?” He asked, biting his lip nervously.

The other boy just shrugged.

“Come on,” He said, using his head to gesture to the back of the car.

When the English boy followed him he saw that in the back there was a mattress, some pillows, and a few blankets. He scrunched his forehead in confusion but didn't say anything when he was handed the blankets and pillows.

He followed his mattress carried companion into practically the middle of the field. As Alex followed he suddenly wondered why he could see the other boy in brilliant detail even though it was three in the morning. He glanced upwards and saw that it was a complete full moon.

He finally reached Jack in the middle where he had set down the mattress and dumped his belongings on top of it. He stared at the dark haired boy as he lay down on the mattress crossing his arms behind his head.

The boy looked up at him and smiled, simply patting the space next to him to indicate that Alex should be lying down there with him. The blonde returned the smile and did what was expected of him, because he really couldn't ignore that look on Jack's face, his eyes were all big and he just looked so happy to be there, it was just too cute.

What followed was a moment of silence filled only with the sounds of rustling blankets and bodies as the two boys got comfortable. Alex lay on his back staring up at the stars and the giant white orb that was the moon. After a short while he looked to his right and saw that Jack was staring at him, not in a creepy way, simply in an interested and fascinated way, kind of like how Alex had been looking at the night sky. The blonde decided it was time to try and speak again.

He cleared his throat, but when he spoke it still sounded scratchy and sleepy, “Jack?”

The boy barely even registered the quiet voice, just smiled slightly and continued to watch Alex, “Mm?”

“Why did you bring me out here?” The English boy asked, not in a demanding or angry way, simply curious.

The other boy bit his lip shyly and shrugged, “I don't know. I was lying in bed and I couldn't sleep so I walked over to my window. I saw the sky, littered with all these stars and the moon, completely full and beautiful, and realised that I couldn't waste this and I just wanted to be in a better place to see it.”

Alex cocked his head to the side. It was true, that night the sky was one of the most beautiful things that he'd ever seen. His eyebrows wrinkled in slight confusion though, “Okay. I get it, but....why did you bring me? I mean, you could have just come out here by yourself, you know.”

Jack looked sheepish and looked away from Alex, “Um...well, I...I wanted to out here with you. I mean like, when saw the sky, I just, I thought, um, I thought of you, and I figured that maybe you'd find it as interesting as I did...I don't know, it's stupid...” He sort of mumbled the end bit like he was embarrassed.

The blonde smiled, he felt a warmth in his stomach. He was so glad that he had Jack as a friend. He was more than anyone could ask for really. “Jack. Thanks. The sky is beautiful. I'm glad you brought me. I like being out here with you.”

Jack smiled back and the two just lay there smiling at each other for a while. Without knowing who really initiated it, or maybe it was a bit of both of them, they were cuddled into each other and looking up at the sky, happy with what they saw up there, and happy with each other's company.


Alex was sitting cross legged on Jack's bed in said boy's basement bedroom. The Lebanese boy's guitar was resting next to him and he had his notebook open on his lap. He quickly wrote something down, shook his head and crossed it out again. He sighed in frustration and flipped back a few pages.
He lifted his head and looked at Jack playing Super Smash Brothers on the couch.

“What do you think sounds better: 'he woke up this morning and put on his shoes' or 'he woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes' ?”

The younger boy didn't even turn his head to look at Alex when he answered, “Dude, I don't know, just put a shit tonne of swears in it, make it hard rock.”

Alex's had made a total 'what?' face. “But, Jacky. It's not a hard rock song.”

Jack's concentration never wavered as he said, “Well, duh. There aren't any swears in it yet.”

The blonde just rolled his eyes fondly and smiled. He watched his best friend as he continued to play his game, his face all scrunched up with his tongue poking out from between his lips in concentration.


The two friends had been in bar. Yeah, they were only seventeen and technically not old enough to
“legally” be in there, but Jack's cousin worked there and occasionally would let them in for the night.

This was one of those nights and they'd been drinking for about an hour, so they weren't too drunk, or Alex wasn't at least. Jack had gone to the bathroom and Alex was just leaning against the bar waiting for him.

While he was waiting some girl with really big hair and really big boobs to match had walked over to him. He given her a creeped-out look when she came up to him giving him the eyes that people in bars give other people in bars when they want to sleep with said person.

She'd walked up to Alex in what was, in her mind, a sexy walk, and said to him, in what was, again in her mind, supposed to be a sexy voice, “Hey, sweetie, I see that you're all alone. What about you and I hang out for a while, yeah?”

The blonde boy had opened his mouth to politely say something along the lines of, “No thank you big boobed lady. I'm good, but I'm sure there are other whores around here if you look hard enough,” but before he could open his mouth he felt someone put their arm around his middle and speak.

“Sorry bitch, but he's mine. Please fuck off now.”

The lady looked at Jack with pure indignation on her face and then stormed off when Jack kissed Alex.

The rest of the night the younger boy had pretended to be Alex's boyfriend, shooting glares at any guy or girl that gave him a second glance, holding his hand, and giving him little kisses every now and again.

That had been the first night that they kissed.

It didn't mean anything though, Jack hadn't even remembered that night when they woke up the next day, he was so hungover.

But Alex could remember, being considerably less drunk than the lanky boy, and it was still the first kiss.


The day that Alex had told Jack that he wanted to become popular Jack had seemed so sad. The blonde had seen it but he brushed it off too wrapped up in his own thoughts.

He remembered how the dark haired boy had asked about why he was weird with drugs and Alex had told him. Even though he'd never told anyone before, he'd always been too scared to tell anyone because he knew if he did, he'd break down and have trouble stopping the tears.

But he'd told Jack because for some crazy reason, even though he'd only known the Lebanese boy for a short while, he really trusted that big nosed, loud kid.

And he'd come through for Alex, been a shoulder to cry on. Literally. He'd just sat with Alex and let him do what he had to, murmuring random words every so often that were supposed to calm him down. And surprisingly, they did. But probably only because they were being murmured by Jack.

And the next morning when the blonde was all popularly dressed he'd looked at Jack and noticed again, that his face was slightly pained. But there was something else too. Jack's face had the kind of look of a character in a film that knows that something bad is going to happen. The character that no one believes, and later everyone finds out he was right. That character had predicted Armageddon, how the guy was gonna end up with the wrong girl, how the killer was actually the person that everyone initially loved.

And for a moment, it scared Alex. But then Jack's face had gone back to normal and the blonde decided not to worry about it.


Alex bit his lip. Okay, so he kinda really missed hanging out with Jack. But he couldn't do it any more. Or...maybe he could, if he was careful.

Alex shook his head, no he wasn't going to go behind another person's back and do whatever the fuck he wanted. He would do what he told Kellin he would.

But, that didn't mean he couldn't speak to the person who had the locker next to him, right? It's not like Kellin would know, and it wouldn't be going behind his back. He's just politely chatting to the people around him.

That's what he would do then, talk to Jack whenever he went to his locker. The English boy smiled. He couldn't wait for school on Monday.


A/N: Sorry this is so late in the day, it's like quarter to twelve right now and I want to sleep but I had to finish writing this so I could get it posted for you. I usually already have them written, but yeah, slightly slacking. Oh well!

So this is pretty much a lot like the last chapter, sorry, but I really need fillers because I really dont want to rush this. But you get more fluffy Jalex moments so you really shouldn't complain(; Anyway, here's Alex's thoughts the next day. Please comment with your thoughts because my last chapter didn't get many and that's not too encouraging. And to anyone who has commented, I love you! Okay, enjoy!

Ps. On Friday I'm gonna be on a nine hour flight and travelling all day so I won't be able to post the next chapter. I might post tomorrow if I can write the chapter. If I hadn't slacked and written it already I could post it, but I did, so if I can find time between packing and all the other shit I have to do then you guys get a chapter. If not, than chapter on Saturday!

jalex, jack barakat, all time low, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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